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Urza had decided it was time to venture out into the cold frozen land that he called his. Soon, he would pass it to his son, but that was for another thought all together. Responsibilities were every heavy at times, even he didn't know what to expect taking on the role of King. However, he had done a fairly good job. Everyone was content, and there had only been one disaster that ended up turning out fairly good. No one was hurt, and he believed they found everyone who was lost.

He was proud with how things had become over the time of his reign, and he knew that his son would do a good job when the time came. He had no doubt about that. He had raised him the way he felt a heir should be raised. He moved slowly out of the caves into the early morning sunlight. His hares next to him as they went. They followed him everywhere. They were like his little guards, he realized.

Sukoya shook his fur as he left the entrance to the cave into the lightly falling snow. The sun was just started to peek up from the might before. The air was cold, yet calming to him. He looked around as if something might pop out at any moment to do something Mischievous. Not that anything ever happened to make him think that something was to happen, but it was better to be prepared than not.

Kolrel is less suspicious about the land outside. She moved out with a grin upon her face. Today was just as good as any other day, she felt. Soon the sun would be shining as much as it could though the grey clouds above. She looked to Sukoya then to Urza.

Baridi'barafu found herself lost in the land before her. Snow covered all over the ground and she had no idea where she was. It was cold, and kinda scary for the moment. Unable to figure out where to go. Even going back the way she came was impossible, she felt she had tried that but she was still in this land of ice. Which way was she suppose to go?

With that she just sat down. All hope to finding anything was long gone. She was drained, and needed something anything. It was crazy. She didn't think this would happen to her, and then it did... She closed her eyes, letting the snow slowly cover her fur.

After wondering for a good while since leaving the center of the pride. Everything seemed to be going okay, and nothing seemed out of place. He moved with his hares beside him, he made sure he wasn't going too fast for them. He was afraid that would happen, though they seemed to be pretty fast little guys. He peeked down at both his friends, then looked in front of him.

Soon he spotted a lioness out in the middle of no where. She seemed tired and was laying down. It was up to him to make sure she was okay, since he was out here, and she didn't look like anyone he had seen yet in the pride. He started moving forward a little faster. "Are you okay, Miss?" he called out as he got closer to her. She looked almost as if she was sleeping, but this was a bad place to sleep.

Urza was hoping he made it in time.

Sukoya spotted the lioness too. His ears peeked up and then down when they got closer. It didn't look good, he noticed. He had yet to see a dead creature because of the snow, and he was hoping this wouldn't be his first time. Though, no words escaped his mouth. Silence he kept, just in case.

Kolrel wasn't as silent however. "HELLO!" She said with a smile. Unlike the two with her, she didn't even think the lioness could be dead. Instead, she was just taking a rest. I mean, who would die out here?

Baridi'barafu's body was numb from the cold, everything about this land was unforgiving, it seemed. Something she wasn't quite use to. A voice, faint to where she thought it was fake, but her eyes popped open in hope that something was there. To her amazement, a lion was before her with two hares. How strange, was the first thing that popped in her mind.

His fur was thick and waving in the air with snow that flew around him. He was a saint that had been sent to her, she just knew it. "He....hello" She said with hesitation. Everything seemed like a dream. Too good to be true in this hell that she had found.

A smile crossed the lions face as he looked at her with relief. She was still alive, and he had come just in time. "Let's get you out of the cold." He said with a nod as he moved to help the lioness up. Everything was going to be okay. She was just who he needed to find. His paws were guided by the goddess, he believed. Every step was meant to find her.

"You'll feel better after" He said with a nod. "Don't say another word. Save your strength." He looked to his companions and then looked to her. "Help me get her to her feet."

With that Sukoya nodded and moved to help the lioness to her feet. There wasn't much they could help with however. But he would help with what he could. "Do you have enough strength to stand." He asked as he looked at the lioness with a kind face. Introductions were not needed here, they needed to get her out of the cold as fast as they could.

"Kolrel, get a pelt." He said as he pointed to Urza's back.

Kolrel nodded and moved towards Urza who was trying to let the lioness put all her weight on him. She snagged his pelt and hopped to the lioness and wrapped it around her as much as she could do, anyways. "You'll be okay!" She said in reassurance. "We have hot springs!" she started telling the lioness everything good about where they were gonna take her.

She nodded as she stood again. All her effort in one push that got her leaning on the lion that was there. She slowly moved with him as they went. She felt very blessed that he was out here when it was. She almost couldn't believe it. A dream, a glorious dream. Everything was to be okay. Yes. All was good now. Her eyes closed as she leaned against him, her whole body shivering.

She was in no condition to stop and question the situation. She was exhausted, she was wanting warmth.

With that, they led her to safety.