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Welcome one and all to the Ordell Trading Center!

At this facility students can now trade items and pokemon amongst each other! Just follow the rules of the trading system and have fun trading everyone!


● Trading can be done unlimited times between players. Players abusing this unlimited amount will force us to change this amount to a more limited number.
● Players with multiple characters can trade between their own characters once per time skip period
● Players that do trade should keep track of their trades in their profile threads similar to their inventory tracker.
● Both Players must agree to the trade. No pushing others to trade with you or else you will be penalized.
● Trades are to be RPed out in the normal rp threads of the guilds between characters- however players must post here first stating that the trade is happening by filling out this form:

[url=link to profile]Student's name[/url] traded [insert item/pokemon name here] for [url=link to profile]Student's name[/url] [insert item/pokemon name here]

▼Trading Pokemon▼

● In order to trade pokemon they must be the same level [i.e. Charmander Lv. 8 = Ghastly Lv.8]
●For Pokemon that evolve through trading each player invovled in the trade needs to make a note of it in their submission form for their trade.

▼Trading Items▼

● Items that are traded must be the same value/same category [i.e. Berries for Berries, stones for stones, plushes for plushes...etc.]
Pokeballs and other Key Items CANNOT be traded.