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Characters: Huria, Pepo; Zoza, Swara.
Word Count: 1231

Pepo was an excitable little ball of fur and he had managed to escape Swara's watchful gaze for once. He was so small that he was yet to be of much use to her and for now, she took care of him. And like any other child, he enjoyed testing the limits. Swara never really got mad so he saw no reason not to keep trying. Maybe he would figure it out, or maybe Swara simply had the patience of a Saint.

He was off at a run, tumbling half the way (and not thinking twice about it thanks to the snow around him), paying no attention at all to where he was going or who was around him. As long as it was not Swara, he was safe.

Out of nowhere, a gray and black blur came flying directly at the kitten as he ran, grabbing hold of him and tumbling to a stop- holding him close but careful not to hurt him. Huria was rarely away from her lion companion but did wander occasionally, her Snow Flake rarely had to go far after all.. it was just by chance that she spotted the small hare running. Instinct at first told her to run as well, but there was no danger that she could see.

"Whoa there," she said, releasing the struggling kitten and digging herself out of the little hole she'd made when landing face first in the snow.

"Hey!" Pepo squeaked, shaking the snow off of himself and rubbing his little face before staring, wide-eyed, at his captor, "What was that for?"

"Why are you running, little one?" she asked.

"To get away from Swara," he said, tilting his head at the stranger.

Whatever answer Huria was expecting, this wasn't it. She paused and looked around but still saw no one giving chase.

"Well, I think you've lost her," she said, "Who is Swara?"

"My lion," Pepo answered, plopping down onto the snow and staring up at the elder bunny.

Huria stared. There didn't seem to be any fear or urgency in his voice, he was simply stating fact. She checked her surroundings again, wondering if she had missed a cub somewhere in the snow but still found nothing. Even if it weren't a cub, Huria could never imagine that their king and queen (or any parent) would allow the poor treatment of a hare.. she guessed that meant this was a game. If Swara was not here, either a game a cub had lost or a game a lion didn't know it was playing.

The idea that a thoughtless young hare had been playing a game of tag with a lion cub and allowed it to fall so far behind was horrifying.

"Is Swara a cub?" she asked carefully and relaxed considerably when Pepo shook his head.

"Swara is a big, tall lion," he said, reaching his paws up as high as he could for emphasis, "She's not my mama but she acts like it."

Huria smiled, relieved that Swara was not a lost cub and was, it seemed, a caring companion to the energetic little fellow.

"Why are you trying to run away from your mama, then?" she asked.

The kitten stared for a few seconds and then shook his head, "I dunno."

"You.. don't know?" Huria repeated, staring right back. Pepo shook his head again and Huria signed. Kittens were confusing.

"Well," she continued hesitantly, "I'm glad you're not in any danger. You'll scare someone running around like that! What's your name?"

Pepo made a face at being admonished for having some fun but even as small as he was, he understood the instinct that said a hare running away could be a sign of danger. He didn't have to like her saying it, though.

"Pepo," he said, "Who are you?"

"My name is Huria," she said, "My lion's name is Zoza."

As if on cue, two lions appeared in the distance. One was white and spotted, one looked exactly like the kitten sitting before Huria. The older hare was quick to notice them, and smart enough to guess who it was now approaching with Zoza.

"Oops, I guess I was wrong," she said, looking back at Pepo with a smile, "You've been found."

Pepo blinked and looked off in the distance, pouting at the sight of Swara headed his way.

"Pepo!" Swara called, wearing an expression somewhere between amusement and worry, "You have to stop running off like that. You're one small bunny in this great big world."

Zoza walked around the pair of hares, stopping behind Huria and giving her a gentle nudge of hello. Her tracking skills were improving, it was only by chance that she had come across the worried lioness.. and it was lucky that Huria had found the kitten. Huria's help always made it easier, even if she couldn't actually do anything to help the seer.

"I suppose this is Swara," Huria said, smiling up at Zoza and then looking to the unfamiliar lioness, "He was fast as lightning, I didn't think I would catch him. You're in good paws if you ever need to send him for help."

Pepo huffed and puffed out his cheeks despite the compliment. He'd been found now, the secret game of hide and seek tag foiled by a strange hare tackling him.. and somehow her lion had found his lion and brought her here. It was an all around strange situation but mostly it was just annoying. He lost his little game, and 3 on 1 wasn't fair.

"And I suppose you are Huria," Swara replied, smiling, "Thank you for finding Pepo and keeping him safe. His feet move faster than his brain sometimes."

Huria smiled at Swara, and tapped a hind paw at Zoza's nearby paw. The spotted lioness reached down and put her hare onto her back. Huria dangled comfortably over the lioness.

"I'm glad we could help," Zoza said, "I can't imagine handling a cub on my own and they're so much bigger and easier to keep an eye on. One small hare would be so easy to lose."

Swara chuckled at the glare Pepo shot at all the ladies, reaching down and picking him up by the scruff. He squeaked when he landed on her back, far less comfortable that far up. He clung to her neck and stayed quiet from there.

"It helps that he's a darker color," she said, "It's not so bad. Strangely, I bet it'd be easier if we were both small. Then we'd get into trouble together instead of me spoiling all of his fun."

"I'm sure you don't," Huria said.

Pepo blew a raspberry at the girls but nobody paid him any attention.

"It was nice to meet you both," Zoza said, "Don't hesitate to ask if you need our help again, Swara."

"Thank you," Swara said, then looking over her shoulder to give Pepo a glance, "Let's go play a game closer to home, shall we?"

The dark lioness shook her head when Pepo made a face at her instead of replying, gave Zoza and Huria was last smile, and went back on her way home. When the pair were out of earshot, Huria giggled.

"Do you always know where to look now?" the hare asked, "You're getting better."

"I wouldn't get far without my lucky rabbit," Zoza said with a smile.
