User ImageIn the grand scheme of things, Arwach was still very new to the Stormborn. He hadn't even been here a ful season cycle yet, but already he was seeking out the warlord for a promotion. As soon as his sister had told him about the ranks he could achieve he knew he needed to get as high as he could as quickly as possible in order to keep his pride. What self-respecting lion would let another lion give the orders? It was very apparent from day one that Arwach's goal was to become a captain, and here he was seeking that approval that would give him the title.

Even in his short time, he had gone on many Vikings with a variety of captains. Some he hadn't minded - those had been the more weak-willed ones in his opinion that had let him wander and essentially be on his own on the outings while they traveled - and some he couldn't stand. All he knew was that he had gotten a good feel for what Vikings were all about, had had success on the ones he had been on, and now knew it was his time to shine.

If only he could find the leader! He had no idea what he looked like, nor his name. His sister Sebor had given him his name but he hadn't bothered to remember it, only a description of the lion he was looking for. Pah...this was harder than some of the Vikings he had been on!