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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands
[VIKING] High Ho a Merry-o A Viking We Shall Go

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 4:28 pm
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"valka" "Njord" "Villiedir"

The cubs were no longer cubs by growth means but they were still young but they were excited. They were going on their first viking and Valka swatted at her brother and gave him a menacing look. "Don't you embarrass me while we're out there." She hissed. He scoffed at her and swatted at her tail and ignored her look. "Don't get your tail twisted." He teased as he padded past her towards the red form of Villiedir. They were going to be joining her family on this viking so it was up to both of them to make their family proud.

Vil watched as the two dark figures approached and recognized them as Valka and Njord. She wondered how this whole ordeal was going to go. She knew it was going to be interesting to say the least. Family pitted against family so to speak. This was going to be one heck of a Viking. "As soon as my sister and Timeus arrive we can head out." She looked them both over and noticed they were a little larger than the average sized lion in the pride and figured it was likely from their father. She knew he had been an outsider to the pride but that didn't matter. They were strong looking and this pleased her.

Valka approached Vill looking her over in kind. The female was lithe and had a decent build to her. This satisfied her a great deal and she curbed the want to spar with her. They could do that later. "We picked a good day to go on our First Viking it seems."

Fairy Snails

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 6:21 pm
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Timeus was the sort of lion who would not allow his will to bend to just anyone. One of the few was his mate Seema. The two had been together since they were young and so she knew just what to say to get him to get his tired butt out to the rogue lands to take a group of young vikings out to the rogue lands. Taking care of the cubs was her job, he had reminded her which she was quick to retort that they were no longer cubs.

He made his way over to the small group, giving them a quick glance over.

Behind him two more of his daughters followed. Njala and Mikayla. Five total young adults was what he was dealing with. He let out a sigh as Njala and Mikayla joined the other three. “Alright, I have agreed to take you out, please do not make me regret it.” He said in a stern voice. “I expect you to follow my orders while we are out of the pride. If there is even a hunt of insubordination I will drag all your asses back home.”

Njala looked at the other group. She knew her sisters of course, but she did not recognize the other two. One of her eyebrows raised up curiously at the two wondering if they were friends of Vils. “Hey I'm Njala and this is Mikayla.” She said with a grin. “Is this your first time in the rogue lands?”
Mikayla looked away from the others, not wanting to get in trouble with her father. She didn't particularly feel close to either of her sisters. The only reason she even agreed to come was on the off chance that they caught a thrall. Having her own personal thrall was a very appealing thought. She could have it do all the chores that her parents made her do.  

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker


Springtime Noob

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 5:36 am
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Vigge had been off training by himself and had just heard of his father and sisters going out on their First Viking. Well, he wasn’t just going to let them go without them! He had managed to run from the training grounds and find his father, sisters, and a couple more about to go out on their trip.

Huffing a bit from the run he cautiously went up to his father. Sure, he wanted to go, but he wouldn’t go if his father said no. He certainly wouldn’t go against the orders of one of the main authority figures in his life. He had too much respect for them. He tried to address his father as well as he could. “I would like to go on this Viking if you would allow me father.” Short and to the point, there wasn’t anything to gain by beating around the bush on what he wanted.

He nodded to his sisters though in acknowledgement, but had never met the other two. If he didn’t go on this Viking, he would introduce himself to the other two after they were done.

((Sorry for butting in sweatdrop thank you for the okay though!))  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:18 am
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Micah grinned as he bounded up the pass, delighting in his new strength, in the power of his body and the length of his legs. He loved to run. Behind him shouting echoed, the delighted peel of feminine laughter mingled with the baser roar of a male voice. Both voices called out to him playfully, calling him names and demanded he stop cheating. Laughing he pushed himself to greater speed. So what if he had technically jumped the start of their race! The siblings chasing after him flew up the pass, jostling each other and cat-calling taunts. Erika was in front by a nose when they burst out of the narrow pathway just behind Micah. Her slightly larger brother Mikael jostling against her side in an effort to throw her off. The three of them barrelled out into the wide open space, laughing and joking breathlessly.

Upon seeing his father Micah slithered to a stop, attempting to look less like an over grown cub and more like an experienced reaver, straightening and wiping the smile off his maw. But a moment later, the two behind him, having not seen the looming shape of Timeus nor realised Micah had stopped in his tracks, both ploughed into him from behind, sending all three of them sprawling face-down into the ground. After rolling a few feet the three picked themselves up, Micah trying hard to hide his smirk as he shot Erika and Mikael dark looks. Once the pair were suitably chastised he walked over to where his sisters and his father were gathered. “It is a good day to die.” He greeted them all with a wide grin, before catching his twin’s eye, his smirk widening. “Am I late?” While he hadn’t been invited specifically, he didn’t see any reason why his dad wouldn’t let him join them on the viking. After all he wanted to be a Reaver as much as any of them, and had spent most days since he could walk training with other cubs and pestering the pride’s reavers. In fact, he had met Mikael and Erika that way, the three of them sparring together after arguing over his and Mikael’s names. Both cubs considering the other to have stolen his name. Since it turned out that Mikael and Erika were older Micah had given in and the three had become friends. Nowadays they could usually be found rough-housing in the training ground or getting into trouble. Micah preferred when his twin was involved too, after all it was two of them against one of him otherwise.

Mikael pulled himself to his feet. An impressive adolescent, he wouldn’t be too far away from reaching his maturity, as was evident in his solid build and the thick growth of mane running down his neck to his shoulders. Beside him his lean, athletic sister looked far more like a mature lioness, only her slightly lanky body and smaller size giving her away. Glancing over at the group of Micah’s siblings gathered not far away he caught sight of a familiar lioness. “VALKA!” He hollered in greeting, a warm smile breaking out as he set off towards his friend, trotting past Micah in order to bump his brow with familiarity against her shoulder. “I didn’t know you would be here.” In fact, he wasn’t supposed to be there, but Micah had mentioned the Viking and Mikael hoped to persuade his friend’s father into letting both him and his sister tag along. His own father was a very busy lion, and not someone Mikael really wanted to bother. Their parents had enjoyed a fling and sometimes he saw Ulfric, but that was about as far as the relationship went. The big lion certainly wasn’t a daily feature in their lives. And his mother was a priestess, there was little chance of her taking them anywhere.

Turning to Timeus as his sister finally caught up with him he gave the reaver a respectful look. “My sister and I wish to ask to accompany you and yours on the Viking.” Beside him Erika was giving Njord a long look-over. She knew the male was the brother to his friend, but he wasn’t sure of they had ever met formally, and not during a fight in the training grounds when one’s attention was elsewhere, and not on social niceties.

((Thank you for letting me join!!! ))


Allied Recalibrator



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:30 am
"valka" "Njord" "Villiedir"

All three turned to face Timeus as he approached, Njala and Mikayla close behind him. Villi knew the deal already and smiled over towards her sisters and the three gave a nod of their head at his warning of dragging them back to the pride should they act up. "We understand." They said in unison and Njord took the moment to look over towards Njala as she asked them a question. "I'm Njord and this is my sister Valka." He said proudly introducing himself and his sister to the girls. "This is our first Viking, what about you?" He asked her curiously.

Fairy Snails

Valka glanced over towards her brother as he introduced the two of them and she was satisfied with how he had done it. She was about to say something when a familiar voice cut through the air. Gaze turned towards a familiar face as Mikael approached with a sibling and one of Villi's siblings. It seemed there were three different families going out on a viking today. This would prove to be interesting. "Mikael. I see there isn't much we cannot do without running into one another." She said coolly as they neared and he bumped her shoulder in a friendly manner. Bumping him back she grinned, "I wasn't aware you were going to be tagging along either." Her voice held a slight hint of a chuckle to it but you had to listen to catch it. "Is this your sister?" She asked him curiously turning her attention to the female. "I'm Valka, that's my Brother Njord over there." She said motioning over towards him so both knew who he was.


Villi was quite surprised at the number of her own siblings that had shown up to do this viking. With the number of members they had in this group they could overtake a small pride if they wanted. She prayed to the Gods that it went well and they returned with a thrall or two. Or even some treasures to share among the rest of the pride. "It seems the whole family wanted to come along today." She mused to herself really. She knew their father was going to have one hell of a time with this many adolescents tagging along. She could only imagine how this was going to turn out. She just hoped that it would go smoothly and no one would have to be put in their place.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:56 am
Timeus watched as his sons showed up along with two other adolescents. Nine total. Nine young vikings he would have to deal with. His attention went to Viggie. “Of course you can come my son. I want you to get experience so you can become a great viking someday.” It was something he wanted of all his offspring. He had enough disappointments in the past. “If everyone is ready we will begin our trek.”
Njala couldn't help but grin wider as the others showed up. She thought that with the five of them it would be fun. Nine though? They could be an unstoppable group. She looked at Njord. “It is our first viking too! Father and mother talk about the rogue lands all the time.” It would be her first time seeing the areas her parents talked about so much. She would make sure she stayed on her best behavior, as well as keep her siblings in check. They would not ruin this for her!
When the last three showed up, Mikayla lazily looked up and noticed her twin brother. She moved silently from her spot over to where her brother was and stood next to him. “Glad you showed up.” she muttered to him. There was some truth in her usual sarcastic voice. All her siblings annoyed her, but her twin did so less then others. Traveling with him would at least give her someone to talk to.
Timeus looked over the group one final time. He had faith in the small group that they would follow his orders. “Stay close.” he ordered as he led the group onward.

((After everyone post again I am going to jump forward to them being in the rogue lands))



Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker


Springtime Noob

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 5:55 am
Vigge gave his father a small smile as he was allowed in. Inside he was feeling a great amount of joy, but knew that if he showed too much excitement he could mess up their trip by being too energetic. He gave his father a small nod and joined all of his siblings and the other cubs whom he hadn't met yet.

He would try not to be too much trouble.


PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:03 am

Mikael grinned at her as she turned his question back around on him. "Well, it wasn't planned." He admitted to both of her observations with a low chuckle. After a moment he shifted so he could look back at his amused-looking sibling and rolled his eyes. The look she was giving him told him that he would have her teasing to deal with once they got back home. And maybe even on the viking. Erika was not known for her subtlry. "At least this viking will be much more fun with all of us going." Not to mention that with their number, even if they weren't very experienced yet they should still have a successful trip. Personally he was hoping for a thrall or two. Not particularly because he wanted one, but it would be a fine prize to bring back to the pride for their first Viking.

Erika stepped forward as she was addressed and grined, nodding her head. "I'm Erika. I am unfortunatly related to that bag of bones." She nodded at her sibling who mock-growled in return. The pair had a healthy rivalry going. "It's nice to meet you at last." She added, grinning conspiritorily.


As Mikayla walked over Micah turned to meet her, moving to her and away from the chatting threesome of Erika, Mikael and Valka. Dipping his head he lightly nudged her with his shoulder. "As if I would let you go out a-viking without me." He responded, his voice equally low. While Mikayla was generally sarcastic and aloof, her twin was more even tempered. Often a quiet if intense male he was closer to his twin than to his other siblings. He still wasn't sure if they had the rumoured twin psycic thing, but he did seem able to pick up on Mikayla's moods far easier than other family members. Glancing round he nodded to Vigge, Villiedir and Njala in greeting. "Do you have anything specific in mind for this trip?" He asked his twin curiously.

Fairy Snails


Allied Recalibrator



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:54 am
"valka" "Njord" "Villiedir"

Valka, Njord and Villli gave a nod of their heads they were ready to go!

"It seems that this will be a first for all of us then. Hopefully we do Timeus proud." He said quietly towards Njala, while he didn't know the family too well he was still 'friends' with Villi so he didn't want to embarrass their father.

Fairy Snails

Valka couldn't help but smile at his words. Were things ever planned with him? She had to agree, with the number of them they were sure to do their families proud this go of things. "I have to agree, it wouldn't be half as entertaining with just one or two of us." Could you imagine how boring that might be?

She smiled towards Erika and gave a small chuckle and a raise of her brow at the 'at last' comment. So he talked about her eh?. "Well Erika, I hope you've heard nothing but how I've kicked his a** the last few times we sparred." She said giving a wink and a small laugh. As much as she wished it were true, they had actually been fairly evenly matched. She just liked to rile him up. "What all has he said about me? I'm intrigued." She wanted all the dirt. While she wasn't a huge gossiper this was about her, so she wanted to know what Mikael had to say when she wasn't around.


She kept hoping her brother would interact with them a bit more but he seemed to be a little shut in. Frowning she walked over towards him and nudged him with her shoulder. "Why are you so.....contained?" He was definitely not acting himself though she could understand a bit why, but still. She wanted him to be himself, no one would mind. Though too much excitement could be bad for their trip.


PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 11:08 am
Timeus gave the adolescents time to chat before stating that it was time to head out. The travel took a couple days. He did not want to travel too far with an inexperience band. There would certainty be something of interest this far from the border.

It was about midday, they had been traveling at a quick, seedy pace all morning. There was tall grass around them to help keep them hidden. It was here were he saw four lioness drinking from a pond. Keeping his distance, he looked over at the band.

“We are going to capture these lioness and bring them back to the pride as thralls.” he stated quietly, but intensely, wanting to make sure that they were all listening. “We will circle them. Valka and Njala, you will take the lioness furthest away from us. Villedir, Viggie and Erika will fight the largest one. Mikayla and Micha, you will take the second largest. Finally Njord and Mikael will take the lioness closest to us.”

While they did the brunt of the work, Timeus would observe and make sure everything went smoothly.




((I'll add my other two later in the rp. I just wanted to get this rolling while I had time xD Also I need to get the ref for the soon to be thralls. I'll get them colored this month after I reach quota))  

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:20 am

"Valka" "Njord" "Villiedir"

Njord had decided to poke a little fun av Villi half way through their morning trip only to get a clawed paw to the face. With a little grumble he moved back over towards his sister. "She's almost as bad as you." He said glowering back towards Vili, who gave him a wicked grin in return.

"Maybe next time I'll take out your eye instead of smacking you in the face." She wasn't exactly serious but she was tempted to try that sometime now.

Valka rolled her eyes, boys. Suddenly Timeus spoke up and all attention was upon him. Staring at the lionesses that were ahead she felt a surge of excitement and anticipation course through her. "Let's go." she said to Njala. They were all close enough that since they were given their orders they should be able to execute them without further instruction.

Njord gave a small gulp and looked towards Mikael, at least this meant he would get to know his sister's suitor a little better. He had seen the two of them hanging out a great deal, despite the fact she denied there was anything there. He wasn't that dumb. "Let's see what you're made of." He said to him with a sly grin.

Vili was excited, they had been tasked with the largest one. This was a pleasure to her and she beamed on the inside but kept a solemn face. Giving a nod of her head she headed towards her target, this was going to be fun.

Fairy Snails

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 5:35 pm
Vigge half-listened into the conversation that the others were having. As much as he wished it, he hadn't really even made any friends to speak of. Part of it was training, and part of it was, perhaps, being a bit socially anxious when it came to actually talk to other lions, something that wasn't seen as a good thing in their culture, and of course he had wanted to change it, hoping that this raid would make him a bit more brave.

As he was lost in his own thoughts he felt his shoulder get shoved and saw that his sister had done it, with a concerned look on her face. He couldn't blame her, after all this was supposed to be Exciting! He tried not to let his thoughts shown on his face and instead tried to give her a small smile. "I'm just... thinking. Part of the reason I went on this trip was to get to know some others our age but..." He looked at the other lions as they conversed easily. "It's a bit hard to butt into a conversation you know?"

It seemed to satisfy his sister, however the conversation stopped as Timeus gave them their goal of this trip. Vigge nodded, glad that they now knew the plan. He respected his father a great deal, and knew that what Timeus had said was the best way to deal with it. He followed after Villedir and Erika, glad that he had a couple of teammates to deal with the lioness.



Fairy Snails

((sorry for the double notifications!))  


Springtime Noob



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 9:12 am

"Valka" "Njord" "Villiedir"

The three of them got into place and awaited for the next command. Anticipation danced through Valka, this was exciting, never before had she thought she'd be out doing something like this.

Njord was rather uninterested for the most part, but he wanted to hold the title of reaver since he wanted to feel as though he had accomplished something in his life.

Villi looked towards her father and siblings and kept as out of sight as she could, she was a far cry brighter than the rest of them.

[IC] Rogue Lands

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