User Image It was dry. Tawa was used to the heat and water being scarce, but he wasn't used to all the plants around him being dead or in the process of dying. The few plants that did survive in the desert were constantly green because they were made to withstand the long stretches without water. Here, though, it was clear that the vegetation needed either constant rains or a source of water from which to drink.

He figured it was normal for this time of the year, though. There were wet and dry seasons and he figured this was the dry. Even though he had lived in the rogue lands not far from this pride for quite some time and he thought the rainy season had been a bit short, he didn't want to make assumptions. He was still getting to know this place, after all.

Currently stretched out under a tree - trees were a favorite discovery of his upon leaving the Firekin, they offered such wonderful shade - and swatting his tail to keep the flies off, Tawa kept his head held high to keep an eye out for anyone passing by. Umthunzi had told him there would be curious lionesses that would want to come to meet him now that he had beaten the former Inselelo.