Sabia`Deimos had heard of her companions recent struggle and triumph. It appears the story went as told, she was approached by the green lioness and then the fight started. The red lioness was in a mix of shock and admiration, this was obviously a great victory for the little lioness. Something that would surely gain some attention. Not that it was necessary at this early step in her career path, but either way. She began her slow attempt at finding the blue lioness, there was no way she could have gotten far. The thought wiggled in her head as she wandered past the area where it had obviously happened. There were stains of blood over distrubed dirt on a well used path.

"Had to be them." She mused softly. Moments after speaking her paws carried her away, not sure where the other slept she began just looking about almost blindly. Perhaps she should have asked such an important question earlier on in their relationship, not that she had disclosed where her own den was. This just wasn't an ideal way to find each other, should they need too. Meanwhile, Zjarri was halfway home, her den housed some necessary items to help her out. This was where she needed to be, she could handle the superficial wounds to her chest and even some on her face. "My eye." Her voice was low and mournful.

Suddenly Sabia spotted her. "What's blue, red and glum?" Laughing softly at her own joke she decided to call out. "Zjarri!" At the call of her name the blue lioness turned around, not so gracefully, given her condition and simply stared briefly. Sure she was happily victorious, but she had paid a price, a very painful price. One that woudl outlast this battle and many more to come. "I hear you've got some celebrating to do?" The red lioness spoke lightly and even appeared to have a bounce to her step.

"Celebrating?" She grumbled softly. "You did hear the outcome didn't you?" Surely the lioness had to be aware of her current issue. "Yes. Of course I have. You won and she lost. What more is there to know?" Sabia`Deimos, who hadn't known much loss in her life, was unaware of what it was like to lose something even similar to sight. There wasn't much in comparison and so it came as a shock that someone else would care when they had won the battle. Certainly the battle had to mean more than that? "I've lost sight in one eye, Sabia, do you understand how much this can complicate things?"

The blue lioness was truly feeling sorry for herself by this point and had chosen not to even glance up at the other. Sabia, whom was not sympathetic in the slightest couldn't understand the way this lioness was thinking. She had just pulled a victory out of no where, against a lioness she had no business beating and yet here she stood, whining about a wound, that yes would effect her for the rest of her life, but hadn't ended her life. It took everything for the red lioness not to react aggressively and punish her partner for behaving this way. "You have no idea what position you've granted yourself Zjarri."

The blue lioness glanced up with her good eye - it was at this point the pair of them began sitting. It was fortunate, for the blue lioness, that they were close enough to her home that they had some time alone. Not a soul surrounding, meant they could get as deep and personal, as they needed too. Judging by the look on the blue lioness' face she was in need of some 'deep and personal'. Sabia was on the edge of growling out numerous degrading words, but fought with herself internally about the matter and how to handle it. Parenthood. This is what she was sorely reminded of. "What do you mean Sabia, speak yer' damned mind!" Aggression. Yet Sabia could only look upon the other with little emotion, it was her way of getting through this herself without maiming the whiney youngster.

"Isn't this pride supposed to have honor in their wounds? Diginity about scars and more?" The red lioness was recalling some of the way others had spoken, surely this was true - if it wasn't well oh well. "Well, yes. Yes we are. BUt my eye Sabia, I have lost sight in one eye. Can I even stil function to the same caliper?" She was honestly afraid, worried and suddenly stifled. This was all brought on by the fact that perhaps she was down a functioning eye. None of that mattered in the long run, she would have an entire band with her - there would be no need to feel weak. "You do realize that, yes, you will be Captain and that Captains do not work alone?" Her words rang true to Zjarri`fol, that was the money statement.

"Yes, you're right. I wouldn't work alone, but I'd have to leave my faith into others like you and that green lioness." The blue lioness shuddered at the thought and was fully prepared to feel the wrath of her companion, but instead she was greeted with a sympathetic stare through that bone mask. "Don't stare at me like that." She grumbled sorely and began towards her den. "When you've decided to celebrate your wounds, not lick them, come and see me or anyone for that matter. You are a winner Zjarri, a champion, when you realize that it will empower you past this moment of childish foolishness."

With those last harsh words Sabia turned her back on the other and left sight. Zjarri continued her path to the den and did just what the other had figured. THough it was just cleaning, preening and attempting to get herself back to ground one, unbeknownst to the other Zjarri did take the statement seriously and to heart. She was right, this was just her first time and being young she didn't know how to react, all of that would change with time, but for now she had to get herself ready to be back in the ring.