Cirocco had been travelling long and hard. The white wild dog didn't really have a location in mind as he traveled really the issue was that Cirocco could never handle staying still. He was like the wind wanting to be anywhere and everywhere at once.

The white wild dog had pushed himself though and he found himsef travelling towards a pride he had been to before. He never belonged to the pride but it had provided him shelter during his travels before. He had pushed himself too hard and knew that they would have what he needed to heal up. So with throbbing paws Cirocco headed towards Nil'nocere.


The female sensed someone coming as she was out just wandering about. She had collected a few herbs for healing purposes and also a few other things she had ended up putting into her bag. Today felt like any other day really. Her ears listened to any sound of another. Part of her really wished she had some other eyes now. Though she would admit that to no one aloud anyway. Ever. Still that was what she wanted at some point.

As she drew closer to the source of the vibrations she grinned. "Welcome." She said as she padded closer towards the other.


A sigh of relief escaped Cirocco's lips when he saw the lioness turn towards him and greet him. He plopped down on his rear end and his paws felt immediate relief which was then followed by the undeniable feeling of them swelling. He grimiced. "Helllo" he greeted the lioness warmly. He noticed the way that she didn't look directly at him or make eye contact, it became clear that the lioness ahead of him could not see in the traditional scense of the word.

"I am glad to have found you. I am a traveller who has gone to far for my weary feet. I am hoping you have something that might help. I have come here in the past and your pride has always provided such great care." he explained.


"Do you mind if I touch them to feel them?" She asked as she came right up to him. She wanted to feel them with her paws and see if maybe there was something worse off then what she might be able to do. "I just want to see if i can feel if there anything else wrong." She had a few herbs that could make the paws feel somewhat colder but she'd need him to walk a little bit to an area with water and have him dip his paws in there. That extra cooling would be very helpfup for him.


Cirocco smiled warmly. He trusted the lioness completely just based on her home. "Of course my friend" he answered her as he shiffted to lift each paw for her to feel. He winced each time she put pressure on each paw but didn't make a peep. He wasn't affraid to admit he was in pain but he also didn't want to whine and carry on he knew that all in good time this lioness and her pride mates would have him all fixed up.

"I think I must have pushed too hard this time. I just want to see the world and there is only so much time." he told her a chuckle in his voice. It was clear in the way that he spoke that travelling was clearly his passion.

"How bad are they?" he asked once she had some time to take a feel. He wondered how long he might be staying in the pride this time. He always enjoyed his time in Nil but the white wild dog got restless fast.


She could tell that each touch hurt him but at least there had been nothing majorly broken. Just mostly sore. A few herbs that could regulate the blood flow as well as stop the swelling would be good. Getting him to some cool water would also help. Luckily he had come here.

"Well for one, I don't feel anything broken. Not to say that you might not have any such issues but to me I can't feel any major breaks. Your paws are very swollen. I know its going to hurt to walk but we can come up to a small enbankment where you can dip your paws to cool them." Explaining everything so that he knew what was going on. "Then I can apply a few herbs to help with the swelling. I would suggest not pushing yourself so much when exploring. Get plenty of rest and stop being on your feet so much." Giving him a bit of a chastising.


CIrocco couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at the scolding he had recieved. He had received the scolding before but when he got the calling he couldn't help but move and see where the winds took him. "Yes ma'am" he told her with a bow of her head. He would honestly try not to travel so much and he would certainly take a break here for a few days.

"I think I can manage lead the way to the water." he told her softly. "My name is CIrocco." he told her as he raised to his feat wincing once again. He did his best to make conversation as they made their way to the water. If he was talking he was distracted from the pain. "Have you always grown up in the pride?" he asked as they moved.


Some part of her wanted to believe that he would not do it again but she had her suspicions about it. The blind lioness nodded as a response to him. "A break here would be good for you. We can accomodate you." Turning her head towards him to give him a grin. "My name is Eryxa."

She could sense his troubled walk as she led him towards water. This is where he could dip his paws in and even his body if he wished. "I have not. I have only recently join this pride." She offered the information to him. "My mother was a priestess of another pride. So she taught me some things about healing. I have always wanted to continue to be a healer like her."


Cirocco dipped his feet into the cool water and a sigh escaped him. The cool water had an immediate soothing effect. He managed to position himself just so on the shore line laying on his side so that all of his paws could dip into the water without him standing on them.

Now that the pain had subsided a good deal the wild dog was able to focus more attention on his compainion. He hated to have been rude so far but the pain had overshowed any social abilities he might have.

He smiled listening to the female talk about her mother it was immediately clear that she held a great deal of love and respect for the female that had given her life. "Ah well I would have to say that I think your mother would be very proud of the skils you already have." he told her.

Cirocco dropped down his head to the ground as Eryxa went to work on him. Before he knew it his eyelids had grown heavy and began to droop. He didn't want to fall asleep but now that he finally had some relief for his poor feet his whole body relaxed and he drifted off to sleep.


She could tell he was tired. "I am sure she would be very proud of me. I met her on the way here, not knowing here was going to be my home." She grinned at the male. "You can sleep. I'll watch after you and then I can see about your paws again."

It would be like watching a small one except this small one could easily keep up with her. "Rest. We'll be alright here."