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The sun beat down warmly onto the beach, warming the burgundy pelt of a large, muscularly-built lioness as she basked on an enormous, flat boulder. Hana's eyes may have been closed, but her ears were perked forward, intently listening to every sound around her. She could hear a crab scuttling through the sand, hear a small creature rustling in the jungle trees behind her, and she could especially hear the dull, calming crashes of the waves. The patron had been lying on this rock for several minutes, having arrived very early for her meeting. Opening her eyes lazily, she blinked and squinted upward. It's almost sunhigh. Kisara will be arriving soon.

A short purr that was half excitement and half nerves erupted from Hana's throat, quickly stifled with an embarrassed cough. She had only met the Bahari male last night at the Mummer's Ball - she shouldn't be this worked up. But she was; like a taken cub. Shortly after their conversation the night before, Hana had headed to her den to get some sleep. The party held no more interest for her with Kisara gone and she planned on waking early. That morning, she did indeed rise for a dawn patrol, then she returned to the pride's main camp to clean up any remnants of the night's frivolity. She had had enough time to groom herself and wrap the simple gold chain she sometimes wore around her tail before heading to the place she and the handsome blue male had decided to meet.

Now that the time was actually close, Hana found herself feeling rather giddy, and she impatiently awaited Kisara's arrival.

| Lady Kiya |
I don't remember who was supposed to start the next rp, but, I had some time so here it is! Sorry for the long "hiatus" of sorts.