Bjorn was astounded by how much his litter of cubs had grown. He was incredibly impressed with their drive and passion for the pride they called home. He often wondered where the drive had come from, but then he recall their Mother. The blue lion pondered his fling for a moment. It was wild and seemed set for one specific reason, fun. The fun didn't cease when they had stopped to recover, but instead continued on as he witnessed little lives come to him. Those little paws clumsily dragging awkward sized bodies towards him. They had been so small and fragile, but as he entered the space of one of his daughters he was reminded that they weren't so small and fragile any longer.

"Zjarri?" He said, a grin pulling back his lips and showing a dazzling set of teeth that he prided himself on. "Have you decided what you'd like for your future?" This had always been a touchy subject. Bjorn was not a super successful Reaver. He had his moments and had spoken to some pretty large name individuals, but nothing came of it. Nothing notable at aleast. Zjarri was aware of this and spoke very firmly whenever her Father was around. She had idolized him as a cub, saw him as something great and incredible! Where had that gone. Now a days when she looked at him he would see nothing but disgust and she saw nothing but a failure. It was an unfair world and should he have the chance to go back he'd likely have tried harding know how his daughter thought of him now, but life would never be so forgiving and so, looks or not, he tried to treasure each moment.

"Yes, Father." Curtly spoken, and in one fluid moment she was up and moving. Peering outside she saw that the sun was midway in the sky, had she slept that long? Quickly she caught herself before muttering about how she was becoming a failure like him and instead chose to remove herself from the situation. And for a moment it was quiet, she thought she had been rid of him, but that wasn't the case. It was far from the reality, instead she heard the thumps of his heavy paw prints and a sad sigh. It was moments like these that she wished she didn't feel so strongly, but she did. Instead of continuing at her pace she turned sharply and stared at him. "I have chosen the path of Captain."

There it was! It was out in the open now and she was more than ready to commit. In fact she had intended seeking out a possible Captain to take her for her first Viking. The Viking that would make her a Reaver and eventually she would complete the rites that allowed her to become a Captain. A damn good one at that. Or so she told herself day in and day out. "Are you okay with this? Or were you expecting me to ask permission?" Her lips rolled in an unnecessary snarl and she continued on her way.

"Zjarri, Zjarri wait!" He called out. Moment passed and he spied the slow in pace and then the halt. She was finally listening to him. Something he didn't really expect, yet here she was, stopping. "Why do you react this way? You have to know that I am so proud of where you guys have come? All of you and yours siblings." He was pleading, he knew he was. This was not how he anticipated the day would go, yet somehow he wasn't entirely shocked either. She remained silent and had instead decided to drop her rump instead of turning around. Her posture stayed neat and strong. Bjorn stared hard at her back, not knowing what to say, but knowing enough that if he didn't keep speaking now he would never find another chance. "One day you may see me as a Father worth loving."

The sadness in his voice was slipping through in his words. It was almost pathetic, or so she though. This lion, a male lion called himself a Reaver? She imagined herself in the position and just couldn't see him as part of anything. Not now and potentially not ever, but she had a soft spot for him. As any daughter should. He continued. "I've watched you grow. Watched you start to out perform others. I'm sorry I didn't live up to your expectations, believe me. But I will try and do things differently now."

It was his turn to turn away, shoulders slumped and head hung low. This was his own flesh and blood, never before had he felt so defeated and demoralized. The typically grumpy lion was not prepared to have this type of interaction. It wasn't written into his code and so he didn't quite know how to react. Then his daughter did something he doubly hadn't expected. "I'm sorry Dad." He could barely hear her utter the words. She meant them though, he could hear that much. There was a struggle in her, but she was trying. That was more than he could ask for. Far more than he expected and at that moment he would have shed a tear had he figured he could. If his daugfhter already saw him as weak and unworthy there would be no worth in him shedding a silly tear for the scenario.

It was in this moment the pair of them decided to part ways. There was no reason for them to stay together. It would have solved nothing. Their relationship woudl be strained fro as long as he saw reason to have it that way. He hoped that one day she would see it from his point of view, sure he had been brought here as a cub, raised to be like them and taught to do things that Reavers should, but he just wasn't as willing a participant. Bjorn decided that though he wouldn't seek out a Viking, he would certainly pay attention and attempt to prove himself worthy his daughters love.