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[PRP] New Friends [Unyawo x Tilifika]

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Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 4:24 pm
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As a huntress she was awake fairly early to ensure she completed all of her tasks in time. She hadn't decided where she wanted to go as a cub and thus her journey brought her here, age never did feel like a factor. But as time wore on she realized that she hadn't done much with her life and today she wanted to take a moment to think about this, consider what her future could hold, should she find it needed more.

Unyawo took to her paws and carried herself free from the walls of her den, a usually happy place, she made her escape quietly and began towards the ocean. This was the most peaceful place she could imagine. To hear the waves crash, or even move in a slow dance. That was the thing of beauty.

The route she took didn't take long for her to travel and soon she felt the soothing sensation of sand give way between her toes.

I'm not so great with starting, but here we go haha
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 6:02 pm
Tilifika had been born to a goddess who did not want mortal children and cast them out onto mortal parents. She'd been lost though and not given to her blood family. She always wanted that, and it lead her to drift. She'd drifted here on a vision to follow the sand, the sand will take you home. It had, she'd found a home with Aten. They were both older lions, past the teenage stage of love, but for the moment she felt like a teenager.

She walked in the the sand looking for seashells, the task soothed her and she found she could live the rest of her life like this. Her toes squishing into the dry sand and her weight shifting beneath her, it was bliss.

On seeing the white and brown lioness Tili froze. She was still cautious from her days of wandering and wasn't sure what to do. Aten had said that the beach pride was peaceful but she stood cautiously.

"Hello," she greeted timidly.

Greenie EA


Feline Prophet

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 6:52 pm
The voice, though timid, still startled Yawo and she nearly jumped out of her pelt. What a sorry sight of a huntress. She silently gave herself heck for letting her guard down, but again it was home. There was no sense in worrying when she was on these sands. Turning around slowly, as the timid voice reminded her of a worried cub, she put a friendly grin on her face and nodded a greeting in return.

"Enjoying the beach this morning? The tides always call to me. I come here to think, quite a bit actually."

She professed her reasons so quickly. It was a clear mark of trust, even to a lioness she'd never met. It wasn't normal that a cruel lion or lioness was invited to live among them and so there was no need to stress on the matter. "Have you found any little treasures yet?" The pale lioness mused happily.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 6:59 pm

Tili chose not to comment on the other lioness startling, she'd feel pretty embarrassed if someone startled her like that and it was best not to point it out in others.

"I do understand that, the ocean seems to call to you. I like mornings, the ocean always seems happy for the day to start," she admitted sheepishly and breathed a sigh of relief, the lioness did not seem at all like a threat to her. Her ideas almost felt childish but in a way felt right, the ocean did seem happy in the morning.

"A few little cowrie shells, nothing to brag about." She gestured to three little cowrie shells and a snail shell, "It is a great exercise to keep your mind happy and to think searching for them."

"My name is Tili, I am very new here, Aten, an older red guard can vouch for me if you need." She added that last part concerned that the lioness wouldn't trust her.

Greenie EA


Feline Prophet

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 7:14 pm
Rather than see the others comments as childish the pale lioness almost seemed giddy. "Ah, we share the same opinions of her then. The ocean has such a sweet mood in the mornings, as you described, happy." Yawo gave a please grin and dropped her rump to the sand, inviting the other to do the same if she so pleased.

"Nothing to brag about? You're mistaken, no shell is considered that way. All shells are special. Or at least in my opinion." She gazed at each shell with a tender eye. They were such strong, but fragile things. Quiet similar to the balance of life. "I hope you continue to have such luck in finding the shells, perhaps you could make a lovely necklace all your own."

"My name is Unyawo`Olulula, but please call me Yawo. I realize my given name is a mouthful." She mused about this merrily. Even for her to say her full name usually took meeting someone new, just like this scenario. Beyond that she stuck to Yawo or at most Unyawo. It was just a simpler way of life, instead of waiting for someone to say the whole thing out loud.

"Should I have someone vouch for you?"

She wasn't serious, her face was twisted in a partial smile that she had tried to contain. Her Mother had always been a lioness to prank others, but Yawo just couldn't maintain a straight face. "Nah, you seem like a kind gentle lioness. It's extraordinarily unusual for these lands to accept a harsher lion or lioness. Though I'm glad you have a friend to count on."

"How have you found your stay so far? Have you anyone special in your life?"

The lioness teased gently.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 7:27 pm
Greenie EA

Tili sat beside her pleased that she'd found someone to talk about her new favorite subject, the ocean.

"Thank you, perhaps I could make a necklace," she agreed, she'd seen a few lionesses covered in jewelry, all items given up by the sea and they were so pleasing to see she secretly thought they would be wonderful jewelry to wear herself. She wondered if Aten would find that childish, and then dismissed the thought, he was the type to encourage her.

"Yawo it is then," she wrinkled her nose, "It's a hold over from traveling and being a rogue for so long, needing to make sure you're safe. I wouldn't say I have always been gentle." She admitted that frankly, it was nothing but the truth.

"But I feel like my days of having to protect myself are long behind me." She smiled at that.

"I love the ocean, someone special?" She felt a blush come over her like a teenage girl. "Aten, he has been a guard here for a very long time, since the waves that took a lot of lions away. He said he wasn't from around here, from the desert. I've learned a lot of people relocate here. Are you from here?" Tili knew that he had loved the princess, Miani, and that she was lost before they could ever do anything about their love, he also spoke highly of Miani's father a previous king.


Feline Prophet

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 8:03 pm
The lioness seemed to become a touch more comfortable with the situation when she watched her seat herself. It was a welcomed reaction that caused Yawo to grin.

"You ought to, the shells go with your pelt really nicely." Yawo spoke with admiration of the others appearance easily. The pale beige colors were perfect for a majority of the shells. Matched really nicely. "You could also make something a tad smaller to start, you don't need to go so big if you aren't comfortable yet. Do what makes you happy, there is no one to impress here." Smiling she turned her gaze to the ocean briefly before looking back at the lioness.

"I'm glad you are beginning to feel safe here. I hope it becomes home to you as much as it has for many individuals coming in from outside."

The blush that adorned the cheeks of her companion was precious and suggested a new love. That was something so special that Yawo understood entirely. When she had been a younger lioness she had fallen in love, that love had long since been lost. A small twinkle of sadness showed in her eyes, briefly, then dissipated as quickly as it had come.

"Ah, yes I've heard of him. So wonderful that you've found someone special so quickly here. It's such a precious, precious thing." Her words were laced with sore experience, though hard as she tried to remove it. When the subject changed she was quick to grab at it. She felt horribly as Yawo figured she had been ready to discuss such a topic, but alas it wasn't the time.

"I've lived here all my life, my Mother came here with a mate and left a good deal of time after. Since this was the only home I knew I had made the decision to stay. This was where my heart was. I couldn't leave the ocean behind."

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 8:14 pm
Tili's blush only deepend at the compliments of the shells looking nicely with her fur.

Tili had never felt love or a glimmer of it until meeting Aten, they spent a lot of time speaking at night before she agreed to come to the Bahari pride lands to attempt to become an official member. Had her new friend seemed sad? Tili pondered it and as she did Yawo started speaking about something else.

Tilifika picked up on the last words her companion said before she replied. She had not had a home when her family moved on. Tili was left for dead at birth, her brother Tetemeko had been taken by their goddess mother to be with their father but didn't take her. That always stung, her family leaving. She didn't have a home, she'd had a nomadic mother figure, a woman she had called mother she was a shrewd lioness who was very no nonsense. Tili didn't have a home to stay in when the woman left.

"I am sorry that your mother left," Tili said uncomfortably, "this is a lovely home, I can see why you would want to stay."

"I spent a long time searching for a place that felt like home, a seer, " she lied, it was her own vision, "told me to head towards the sand, little did I know that the ocean would be along that sand and with Aten."

Greenie EA


Feline Prophet

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:14 am
The blush that glowed off of her companion was very sweet. Yawo appreciated that and briefly realized that she hadn't truly taken the time to get to know anyone in any way in a long time. Why she had decided to get so personal all of a sudden? Nobody would likely know, not even herself. Apparently the gods saw fit for her to have a friend. Silently she thanked them.

"For me home is where the tide comes in. This will always be home. Twice in my life time I had considered leaving, both for lions. One my Mother and one a love I never thought I'd lose." Her tone changed to a sad bitter for a quick moment before she catches herself. Reminded herself that friendship was an opportunity she didn't want to ruin with such awful thoughts. Perhaps another time, if she really needed it and this really turned out to be friendship. That's what friends did, right? Talked until the moon turned to sun? Shared in their past? The lioness allowed herself a small amount of time to ponder on this before snapping back to reality.

Her eyes returned to Tili in amazement at the mention of how she had found her way here. "Remarkable!" Yawo had very little experience with Seers, the Gods and so forth.The lioness had heard many ideas about both and some she wasn't so impressed with, but a majority saw them as a miracle. "It's impressive that this lead you here and to such happiness! I'd love to know what my future held for me. Perhaps I should seek a Seer myself?" She chuckled softly.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:46 pm
Tili could go on herself about bitter things, but finding someone nice and someone she could trust meant knowing not to speak of them. She smiled at Yawo and listened to her speak of leaving.

"I think that for me it is the same, home is in the sands and where the tide comes in." She looked out at the water and listened for a moment as the waves crashed against land. ""Do you have a mate here?" She thought of this as Yawo spoke of leaving for a lion.

Tili's visions were terrible and left her with headaches for long periods of time, she had no way of knowing when they would come or who they would involve. She wished she could summon them like some seers, but for her it felt as if the world was rocked and her head split open to give her the information.

"Perhaps you'll find a seer to help you. I have seen people get their future told though and they were not happy with the out come. I used to travel with a seer, Tituba, but she could only really tell things every now and then and sometimes the information was useless." This was true, she'd traveled with Titu for a long time before the two split ways. Tituba wanted to track gods and to be angry, and Tili wanted to find the sand.

Greenie EA


Feline Prophet

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:26 pm
"A mate?"

The lioness scoffed harshly at the words that seemed tainted as they left her lips. She was jaded, extremely so, and hadn't the desire to go into many details, which was made clear by her short response. "No. That sort of thing hasn't been a part of my life for many moons." Her eyes rolled away from the lioness. Though she retained some composure, enough to let the lioness know she had done no wrong. One day she may open up to her, should they remain friends, but it would take time.

"To find a seer one day would be incredible! Just to experience such a thing, good or bad." Yawo was sure that not all visions could be positive. Just as not all dreams were filled with sweet things. "Well, I presume not all Seers are gifted equally. I'd imagine it'd be based on amount of use and characteristics of the individual?" She was blowing smoke, the pale lioness hadn't the foggiest about visions and the like, but she certainly tried.

Just as she was about to inquire on how it was to be read their future Yawo was interrupted, by something rather embarrassing actually. Her stomach had growled. "Oh my." She smiled a tad, blush creeping across her cheeks. "It's time to get something to eat, would you like to join me?"

Can probably end with your post?

I'm all for them becoming decent pals by the way~
If you'd like, of course. :3
PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:36 am
Tili suddenly regretted her words, she hadn't meant to hurt the other lioness, but in fact Yawo had asked about love interests firsts. She nodded and looked away also embarrassed for making such a social Faux Pas. How awkward, she was getting to know someone in her new pride and she'd offended them. But as Yawo went on about seers she seemed to think that perhaps the other lioness would still want to talk to her.

Tili didn't think Yawo was blowing smoke, she'd hit her target speaking about seers, they all saw things differently, some only once, some frequently. She'd never met another seer with the brain shattering headaches but it was all together possible there were others out there.

"I think you're right, they're all different, I've only met a few but they've all been very different and had unique things to say."

"Oh - food would be lovely!" She hadn't thought about the gnawing in her stomach until Yawo spoke. "Mine would have been grumbling sooner or later." She stood.


Feline Prophet

[IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands

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