User ImageNessiaing:
Meja moved through the shadows quietly. She found it easy to stay hidden she was beyond small for the standards so she fit well within the shadows cast by landscape of the pride. Meja did her best to stay out of others ways, after all she was nothing but a Thrall she wasn't to be seen or heard.

Today Meja actually didn't have anything to do, no tasks given to her by her master so the tiny cream coloured lioness found herself hiding in and around the tree line of the forrest. She liked the forrested area in the pride, there was many more shadows for her to slip into.

Velveteen Angel:User Image
Diya was preparing for his upcoming viking. As he had no personal thralls of his own, he did a lot of preparation himself. He could have called on the general pride thralls, but that was distasteful. He could not guarantee the quality of their work if he did not enforce their work himself. He moved through the pride, enjoying a moment of respite in his preparations. He had gathered all of the goods he would need on the journey.
He had reached the forested area without realising where his paws had led him and he stopped to peer at the trees. They reminded him a little of his home pride. His home had not been near the ocean, so the smell of the salt was wrong though. He huffed, and found a rock to perch on, turning his gaze back towards the ocean. That pride wasn’t his home anymore.

Meja had found herself a perfect little spot to lay completely hidden in shadows, although with a coat as light as hers it could be difficult to disappear completely if any light came through the thick canopy then she would be easily seen.

She heard someone else moving through the forest line and she shunk back further into the shadows. Meja really had never made friends outside of her family. All she needed growing up was her family, her mother and siblings, that all loved each other dearly and had their own family names for each other. She was really not looking to make any friends either.
Velveteen Angel:
Diya stretched on his rock, resting his head down on his paws and staring at the ocean. He found that the ocean salt stung his nose at times, but that was alright. It was a small price to pay in his new home. Did he miss his old home? A little. Sometimes.
He huffed. “Stupid trees,” he grumbled. Reminding him of times he would much rather have left forgotten. He pushed himself up on the rock, glaring at the bark of the trees. A flash of light caught his attention though. Was someone there?
“Reveal yourself!” he barked at the shadows of the trees.
Meja swallowed hard, she did not recognize the male that was now calling her out but she knew better than to refuse a comand. He spoke as if he was a Reaver and she was but a Thrall.

She moved forward from the shadows, her head tuilted down. "I am sorry I didn't mean to disturb you." she said in a quick apology she hoped against all hope that he would think nothing of her and dismiss her right away. She was kicking herself for leaving her families den if she ahd stayed she would never be in this situation.
Velveteen Angel:
Diya watched as the creature revealed herself. Her pelt was…well, it was rather pretty, but Diya shoved those emotions down because it was very clear that she was a thrall. Her posture alone screamed ‘thrall’. He scowled at her, as she appeared to cower. At least she knew her place.
“What are you doing out here? Don’t you have tasks to attend to?” He said, mostly annoyed at himself for not noticing her to begin with. What if she had been an attacker? He could have been dead. Then he would never bring about a better band of reavers.
Meja swallowed and lifted her head only slightly so that she could look at the lion who spoke to her. "No I have no tasks today, my master is well really my mothers and he doesn't usually have enough for her and all six of us in the litter." she explain quickly. She wasn't a bad thrall there really wasn't anything for her to do today.

"I can leave though now." she added quickly moving to walk around the large dark blue lion, she felt it was pretty obvious that he didn't want her there.
Velveteen Angel:
Diya struggled to understand her quick words, but as she began to walk past him, he stepped in her way, blocking her path. “And who is your master?” Whoever it was had an oversurplus of thralls, and Diya was in the market for one. He could, perhaps, barter for one of them. This one seemed quite obedient and meek, which was the best way a thrall could act in Diya’s opinion.

It would be a lot better if he captured one from outside the pride, but it did not mean that he could not have multiple thralls. For now, he needed someone to tend his dens while he was on Vikings, or even to take with him so that they could carry his supplies rather than bring them himself.
Meja bit back a curse when the male prevented her from going around him. She became even more concerned when he asked for her master's name. She didn't really need to be scare Bousvor wasn't mean, and would know that Meja wouldn't have been doing anything wrong.

"My master is Bousvor." she told the male. She knew there was no way around giving him the name so she might aw well do it right away so perhaps he might allowe her to leave. She cast a look back up towards him again her grey blue eyes studying him. She wish she knew even his name so that she might find out more about him after she made her escape.
Velveteen Angel:
Captain Bousvor? Diya was impressed. Perhaps he should use the thrall as a chance to get in close with the captain. He wasn’t interested in overthrowing the captain, because he had heard that the male ran very good raids, but allies were always welcome.
“I will be paying a visit to your master in the coming moon cycle,” he said, because he wanted to give Bousvor warning of his impending visit. He was also due to leave on a raid tomorrow. “Inform him of such.”
He stepped aside, allowing her to flee now if she so chose.
"Yes sir" Meja whispered before ducking around him again and moving faster than she had ever moved before. She was a little intimidated about telling Bousvor that she had spoken to this male but she was more afraid of him finding out that she hadn't told him. All she could do now was speed home to where she knew she would find her momma and some cuddles.