User ImageKumo woke up determined. There had been much on his mind before he had gone to bed that night, and he woke up with the sheer determination the get that accomplished! He stretched, nuzzling his mate gently as he scooted his way out of their little den. Luckily Elly was used to him leaving the den before she woke and the sea-colored female didn't even stir as he pulled his way out of the den.

The sun hadn't even come up yet, but the sky was already lightening overhead, a smudge lighter than the dark night-sky. Most of the stars had also disappeared as well, already swallowed away by the light. He gave a yawn as he started forward with his day, shaking his head as the yawn ended. It would be a long day, now that he had woken early, but it was worth it, he thought.

Kumo made his way towards the woods - its where he normally found his Shaman friend, Neo'ni. The pink dog was a little eccentric, a cheerful dog with a bright coat and a brighter laugh. Kumo needed to find her, though, if he wanted to accomplish his task for the day. She often woke early, prending time with the softly glowing bugs, or listening to the nature about her. She was just like that, a little quirky, but that was what made him fond of her.

It didn't take quite long to find his friend, who was sitting near the lining of the woods and the clearing. She was just inside of the line of trees, fireflies dancing about her and flickering softly every few moments. They illuminated her bright blue eyes and the shock of fur that covered her body. Soon the bugs would vanish with the coming light of the sun, crawling back to wherever they came from, he assumed. He gave a small smile, watching the pink dog for a moment in the dancing lights.

Kumo held a fondness for the pink female, almost like a sibling. They had bonded as soon as she entered the pack, and only grew closer ever since. He was sure that, had he stayed with his birth pack that they would have become friends anyhow, since she had a strong curiosity over the nomadic group. He padded up to the other dog, sitting next to her for a bit. The fireflies hovered around him now, too, and he watched them up close. One landed on his nose for a moment, and he focused on it until Neo'ni spoke.

"Good Morning," Neo'ni said softly to her packmate. She saw the blue-speckled male as a sibling as well, and the pair took easily to one another. She couldn't remember her own siblings or parents very well, but she could feel a connection with Kumo. She didn't feel shy around him almost ever, though she had her moments/ Kumo was just like that, she decided, invoking a nice sense of trust in him. The blue dog smiled at her, returning the soft greeting. "What brings you to me this early in the morning?" She asked, rocking softly on her toes, her voice giving a small hum.
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Kumo gave a soft hum, waiting for a moment to figure out how to word his request of his friend. There weren't many Shamans in the pack, but Neo'ni was his favorite. She would always be his favorite, of course. Nothing could change his fondness of her, he figured. "I would like to formally get married to my mate," He said softly. "I want you to perform the ceremony, if you're agreeable?" He held his breath a little. There was a tiny chance she could say no, but there was a chance nonetheless. That small percentage made him terribly nervous.

Neo'ni, though, gave him a smile, nodding. There was really no question for her, and easy sor4t of air about her. Of course she would perform the ceremony. She heard a small sigh of relief and gave small laugh in response. "Kumo, Kumo," she chimed softly, standing up. "Of course I will. You're practically my brother in all but blood," she told the male.

The bright pink female nuzzled her friend gently before standing up, brushing against his side. He stood up as well. "You can call me that, if you like," he said softly, an offer in return for his request, not that he would deny her if she would as herself. She nodded though, happily.

"Of course, brother," She said happily, her tail wagging to show how estatic she was. She bounced a bit as well, bumping against her brother's side. "That would make me so happy," her voice was a bit higher as well, showing her excitement.

Kumo grinned in response, nuzzling against the pink female. "Well, Little Sis, I'm glad you're happy," He laughed. "I'm happy, too." They pressed against each other for a moment, holding each other up with one another's weight before pulling apart. It was a comfort.

Kumo felt a lot lighter, his smile brighter in the morning light. He glanced towards the mountain, humming as he saw the last of the fireflies disappear. "You should go on patrol now," She told him gently. She needed to start her work soon, too. Kumo gave a small nod.

"I'll see you later, alright?" He nudged her a bit, taking a few paces away. "Come join me for my patrol in a few hours if you like." Kumo's patrol usually passed through her area, and he would visit her sometime during the day. Sometimes she would walk with him.

She gave an affirmative yip, a laugh bubbling up from her again. "Sure thing, bro," she said loudly, startling a few birds as she started off in her own direction. Kumo could only laugh as he made his way towards the mountains to start his patrol. Today was going to be a good day, he decided. It would at least be an interesting one, and he couldn't wait to tell him mate as soon as he got home.

[Words: 1015]