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Gazing down at the tiny white female as she examined his skull intently, he wondered just who she was. She had come flying up the secret path and shot past him in a blur, clearly terrified of something. He had known instantly that she couldn't stop in time and so he had lunged forwards, grabbing her ruff in his teeth desperatly just as she hit the edge of the cliff. Pulling her back onto solid ground had been easy, for she had been as light as a feather. She looked like one too, tiny and so white, with a delicate feather-like marking over her shoulders. He had felt massive and clumpsy beside her, but she hadn't seemed to notice his awkwardness. Instead she had smiled shyly at him, trusted him, and followed him when he had chose to lead her away. He had seen the cubs that had been chasing her. Their anger had shown clearly in their faces. Anger that he had captured their prize. It made his blood boil! How could they terrorize such a tiny cub? She had been frantic with fear and it had hurt his heart to see it. He didn't understand how anyone could be so mean to another, especially one as innocent and fragile as this one. He had made a point to return the cubs glares, and had mentally noted them, knowing he would be finding them later to visit retribution on them for their cruel actions.

But for the moment, he had her. Looking back down at the white female he smiled selfconsciously. She would soon grow bored of his company no doubt, and take her leave, for who would want to spend too long with a brute like himself? Bigger than all the other cubs that he knew aside form his own siblings, Hakon was clumpsy, awkward and usually had at least one paw wedged firmly in his mouth. He was terrible at talking, especially to girls, and wouldn't know a witty reply if it bit him on the butt. Sighing under his breath he studied the fragile beauty before him. How long until she figured out that he wasn't worth her time?