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— IMPIBUTHO • the warband —

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:26 pm
IMPIBUTHO - the warband —

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    Nestled deep in the desert, among the sand and hidden by the dunes, stand three erect towers of stone, weathered by the sandstorms that plague this area. This is the Citadel, the home base for the Impibutho, a coalition of all species who have a common goal of forging a new path, a new home for themselves while in service to the one who ensures their survival, the warlord. In the shadow and in the numerous twisting, maze-like corridors of these towers do they train, fight and prepare to ravage the lands around them, taking what they need and giving none back.

    They are survivors, outcasts, exiles and more that have come searching for a new home, freedom and protection in their hard life is something they all want, but only together and with the guidance of their warlord do they hope to achieve that goal. Many join war parties, in search of a greater glory and loot to better not only themselves, but their family, their friends and their warband.

SPECIES: all accepted || COLORS: all accepted || OWNED BY: quaji ▌

MAD MAX: FURY ROAD — main inspiration
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:30 pm
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THE SAND SEA ▌desert
    Known as the Sand Sea, this desert is expansive enough to utterly surround the Citadel. It's dry and windy with towering dunes the can reach up to thirty feet high. It takes two full days of walking through the Sand Sea from the edge of the unknown lands to reach the Citadel. With temperatures soaring close to 113 °F during the midday heat of the summer and the lack of much fresh water to drink from outside of the Citadel and warband controlled oases, few dare to cross it. Those who fail now litter the sands with their skeletons, buried quickly by the great dusters, though they sometimes surface.

    Plant life is extremely scarce in these lands, meaning herds hardly migrate through except during large moves to join the mass migration. At most, there are small patches of short, dry grass which surfaces from time to time, depending on the way the sand blows. Grasses, flowers and the like are typically only seen around water sources in the Sand Sea and are extremely coveted by the pride for not only their beauty but also the medicinal purposes some possess. Knowledge of such uses are rare within the warband.

    Most of the animals in Sand Sea have adapted to kill one another to survive, just as the warband has. This list includes vultures, snakes, scorpions, spiders, rival lion bands, jackals and hyenas. Among the more edible types, the Sand Sea supports a small herd of giraffe who tend to remain far north. Others include numerous kinds of gazelle, meerkats, as well as warthogs.

    The rocky home of the Impibatho. Three spire-like rock formations jut out of the dunes forming a crude semi-circle, with internal caverns carved into the stone by underground rivers first and sandstorms next. Occasionally one such pathway may break out of the side and shed light to the insider or even make a dead end. The two larger ones are connected by a natural bridge located about half way up, that spans both of them. The third, smaller one, has no such bridge and has no ease of access like the others.

    Around the base of them is flat rock, the base of the formations themselves. These formations stack and layer in ways that allow for quite the time jumping from ledge to ledge, with a few going high enough to rival the largest dunes in the Sand Sea. These smaller, layered rock formations also give seating for spectators watching matches in the Pit.

THE PIT ▌arena
    The Pit is an arena located in a depression located between the spires. It has no visible entrance or exit, only a small dip that sinks low enough to allow combatants a way in or out. This fighting arena is used for Rites of Force and practice, as well as general duels and anything other form of combat or show of prowess that one might want spectators for.

THE POOLS ▌water
    The pools is a name given to all the bodies of water within the warband's lands. There are scattered oases that are most permanent fixtures in the landscape, but these are typically guarded by a war party or at least some war pups. The main body of waters are located directly around the Citadel, one is located in a depression right up against one of the pillars that make up the fortress. The other is located on the top of one of the pillars. This harder to reach pool of water is reserved specifically for the warlord and their wives.

    Water is a scarce resource, so even the main pool in the Citadel is guarded by bored war parties who have nothing better to do. Theft or waste of water is a horrendous crime and the worst extends of the crime are punishable by death through public execution or exile. Though depending on the extent of the crime, the punishment should be as little as public embarrassment.

THE UNKNOWN LANDS ▌rogue lands
    Mostly unexplored by the coalition's members, the unknown lands is simply a name they give to the roguelands. New members bring stories from faraway places and can sometimes be the inspiration for war parties to head out.



PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:31 pm
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Pup [cub/pup] › Grunt [adol/adult]

WARLORD ▌the leader
    The warlord is the unanimous leader of the entire warband. They are often times deified by the entire coalition due to their ruthless and often times unforgiving nature, as well as their strength to both earn, keep and defend their position from others who would seek to take it from them. They generally spend their time solving inner-coalition issues, heading their own war party, and anything else befitting their station.

    Warlords are typically male, and normally a lion, due to their bulk.

WIFE ▌the consorts
    A gender-neutral term, the wives are the prized consorts of the warlord and live with them high in the Citadel, away from the grunts and the wretched. They are normally extremely spoiled, with amenities that the masses could only dream of, and generally have the world handed to them. Their only real job is to keep the warlord happy so the rest of the coalition doesn't suffer from them having a bad day. The favorite wives specifically tend to be able to influence the current warlord more than even the champions can. In that respect, the wives are extremely important to the coalition and are typically feared in many respects.

CHAMPION ▌the captains
    These individuals have proven themselves over and over again in the eyes of a warlord and have thus been given permission to form their own war party and to venture into the rogue lands in search of more wretched, recruits, loot and glory. As the leader of a war party, they are responsible for all the actions of the war dogs under them.

WAR DOG ▌the warriors
RANK LEVEL: Above Average
    This is a species-neutral term used for any individual who has passed their Rite of Force. As direct servants of the warlord, they may now join a war party and head in the roguelands in search of loot and glory. However, during the breaks in-between ventures, they are oftentimes bored. To cure this boredom, most spend their time around the Pit or picking on war pups or wretched.

WAR PUP ▌the trainees
    This is a species-neutral term for any adult who is currently in training to become a war dog and has not yet completed their Rite of Force. All war pups are chosen by a warlord, for one or more of a variety of possible reasons and brought to be trained to hopefully become a war dog. They tend to spend most of their time either in or around the Pit, watching or fighting other war pups to better themselves before taking on their Trial.


PAST KEEPER ▌the lorekeepers
    Past keepers are the historians and the teachers. They ensure legends and legacies are passed on to the next generation and that those who came before are not forgotten. While most of their lore is stored in their head through stories, many opt to dye or tattoo their fur. Some even scar their pelt, so that it can be kept for future generations after they pass on. However the art of past keeping is a dying one. In the desert, knowledge of the past over the present isn't something many invest their time in anymore.

SCRAPPER ▌the crafters
    Either brave or foolish, scrappers are the coalition's scavengers, thieves, and do not typically venture far from the citadel, but rather stay in the general surroundings. Their task is to bring back anything that may have some worth, some ability to be re-purposed by the coalition. Acting as the coalition's artisans, they tend to amass large caches of stored goods and trade amongst other scrappers for things they need or just downright want in their collection.

GRUNT ▌the masses
    This is the default rank. Grunts generally do anything that needs doing around the citadel and that isn't already tasked to the wretched or any of the other ranks. It's a very generic and open-ended rank, as grunts can also take up hobbies within the coalition, offering specialized services that don't warrant a specific and recognized rank.

PUP ▌the young
RANK LEVEL: Low - High
    This is a species-neutral term for any child born within the coalition who does not have a wretched parent. They are taught respect to the warlord and their champions, but anyone else...well, they're taught not to take any s**t from them. The spend their time play-fighting, watching Pit fights and the like. Some even take lessons from past keepers to learn a little bit. Their importance to the coalition all depends on their parents.

WRETCHED ▌the slaves
    Slaves, thralls, whatever you want to call them. They do all the manual labor or otherwise undesired work that the majority of the pride doesn't want to do. This can range from hunting, caring for cubs, dusting out dens and more. These creatures are generally treated poorly and are the most common ones to die from various complications that occur in their day to day life. All wretched are owned by the warlord, but serve the entire coalition.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:34 pm
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    The coalition has no one-species tendencies and openly accepts all species, including hybrids, who would seek entrance into the coalition, so long as they can prove their worth of course by some means and show they can contribute to the continued survival of the warband. While lions are typically viewed as the strongest and most capable of species, that is not always the case. Talk of 'who's best' is something that generally shows up near the Pit after a particularly bad loss. This talk can also lead to more duels.

    There are no official ideals on what color is preferred, though most agree that sandy and otherwise 'natural' colors provide some advantage in the desert, but do not offer the same perks in all situations. To diversify and to be able to plunder more areas, some war parties look for specific colors to suit their needs. This has lead to an influx of more brightly colored members.

    For the most part, males are typically seen as the top dogs due to their traditionally domineering nature and typically larger stature. That said, females of any species are not locked from obtaining any rank or performing any duties their male-counterparts can do as the coalition prides itself on strength and unity.

    Most members are thinner than common drifters, but also more muscular. Their fur is normally thin, ragged and unkept with some exceptions, sharp, but short claws, filed from walking on stone. If a member joins not already looking like the others, it's likely only a matter of time until they do as they adjust to life in the Sand Sea.

    Those of older blood may have more defined builds: larger; wider paws, leaner builds and smaller eyes.

    It is not uncommon to see war dogs and the like decorated in war paint. A white foundation is the base for everything. This is made of ground bone powder, usually mixed with a minimal amount of water to create a sort of paste. Once that sets, then comes the actual paint. The color is typically black, but can also be anywhere between burnt orange and dark brown. Typically patterns in which the color is applied is meant to invoke some amount of fear and intimidation into the wearer's enemies, so skulls and blood are commonly seen.

    War paints are exclusively made by past keepers, but can be applied by anyone.

    Those who claim to be seers are undoubtedly met with a large amount of skepticism and often-times, mocking as well. There is no official rank or title held by seers within the coalition, but most end up becoming past keepers or the like, as they are sometimes seen as mystics with the methods they employ to continue documenting the history of the warband.

    Those seeking to join the warband may do so by offering something in exchange for protection and daily necessities, typically part of a kill to prove themselves an able hunter, something useful to show their worth as a scrapper, etc. Those who specifically gather the attention of the warlord may find themselves in the position to become a war pup right after joining. When joining, those seeking entrance, those who decide to back down after they've entered the Citadel may find themselves forcefully taken as a wretched.

    Taking a mate in the Impibutho is nothing overly exciting or special. There is no fancy ceremony or the like. Most view taking a mate more as an agreement than anything, but some manage to find love amongst the sand. The sexuality of both [or multiple] partners is not something they discuss or generally care about as the coalition care more about performance in battle and the ability to aid the warband than anything else.

    It should be noted that breeding to a wretched, no matter if it's the sire or dam, will always produce wretched children. There is no exception to this.

    Due to the nature of the coalition, slavery is a common occurrence. Slaves within the warband are referred to as the wretched and have been forcefully taken from their home by a war party, or in some cases they are deserters or those who thought they wanted to join until they finally got there. Slavery is an openly accepted fact of life that the warband embraces. However, slavery is not permanent and can be escaped by luring another to take their place. See: Rite of Exchange.



    Great dusters are horrible events that plague the coalition. With high winds and low visibility it is easy to become disoriented if caught out in the open. It's not unheard of for war parties to go missing or end up buried in the sand after a particularly bad one. During one of these sandstorms, the warband seeks shelter within the inner corridors of the Citadel to protect themselves from the fine sand particles that are thrown around. Afterwards, the grunts and wretched sweep them, knocking the sand back to the ground.

    The warband is the official term given to the coalition instead of pride, pack, etc. It simply refers to the group as a whole and gives everyone a sense of belonging to one group.

    War parties are a sort of secondary family unit headed by a champion and typically consist of minimally three other war dogs. There is currently no maximum on how many war dogs can be in a war party. Along with the war dogs and their champion, it's typical for a war party to have a few wretched who are brought along as pack mules. The job of a war party in the coalition is to venture beyond the desert and into the roguelands in search of loot, be it exotic prey animals, new wretched, recruits or anything else they feel worth their time.

    The warband has no real care for the lion gods, but they respect their strength, viewing them as avatars, embodiments of their appropriate domains, closer to spirits or physical ideas than true deities. The gods however will find little worship in this place as most care little, though a few specific ones may receive minimal offerings or the scarce prayer from the wretched or a war party looking to earn whatever kind of meager luck they can get before leaving.

    A general term for those who inhabit the roguelands and owe no loyalty to anyone besides themselves are referred to as drifters by the warband. They are always viewed with caution and a good amount of disdain as loyalty is a key factor in life in the warband and most drifters have none. Besides that, most drifters a war party comes across end up wretched.



    The Rite of Supremacy is often times the most feared of all rites. This is the fight between the current warlord and their would-be challenger. While most challengers have a reason for invoking this rite, not all do, some just seek power and prestige. This rite takes place at the top of the Citadel and is a one vs. one duel, often times to the death.

    Currently this rite is not available to invoke.

    The Rite of Force is one that all war pups must go through in order become a war dog and join a war party. They must challenge a war dog, typically not one they've been practicing with or a family member, to a one vs. one duel in the Pit. Fighting in the Pit ensures that there will be no cheating or throwing the fight thanks to the watchful eyes of their peers. Multiple attempts are allowed.

    War dog rolls x2, d20s and adds +5 to their total.
    War pup rolls x2, d20s.

    Higher number win.

    The Rite of Exchange is the only method in which wretched may free themselves from slavery and still remain in the warband. In this rite, they will venture into the roguelands with a war party, who is only there to ensure the wretched does not: a. run or b. die. While in the roguelands, they must capture and return another who is meant to take their place as wretched in the coalition.



    The coalition honors strength above all else. In their harsh world, this is how they survive and thus those who are strong and willing to use that strength to continue the lives of those who aren't are more honored than others (ie. war dogs socially out rank past keepers). Training, honing combat skills and the like are all generally accepted pass-times that a majority of the coalition enjoys and participates in.

    Living among the dunes, the sand and rock is hard and scarce. Loyalty is something hard to find, but hard to break once gotten. It is the thing that ties the entire coalition together, with their loyalty to eachother and to their warlord. Betrayal of any kind if not looked upon kindly as it is considered rotten and something that needs to be removed before it infects others.

    Life begins hard, with gasping breaths and cries for love. All children born in the coalition are raised almost exclusively by their parents and extended family, with the addition of wretched. There are some exceptions, such as cubnapped children, orphans, single parents, etc., in which they might be able to enlist more aid in raising them. While cubs are important and cares for, there is not special ceremony for them, no 'welcome to the world' event more-so than just existing. Life is hard and it gets harder from there.

    Most obviously wish to go out in a blaze of glory, as it is taught to war pups as soon as possible that dying in service to their warlord is the largest honor any member of the coalition can achieve. In the event that does not happen and they live to a ripe old age, they must either retire and become a grunt again, or leave on their death walk, to face any demons they have left before passing away in the dune.



PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:35 pm

    I, personally, do not have the time nor the energy to run this entirely on my own. I can certainly provide members to bolster the ranks, help with breedings (in the way of staff-crediting some breedings), occasional customs for giveaways, etc. I can help with meta ideas, as well as the execution of said ideas. However I will need a partner in crime to make this a reality. If I can not find a suitable co-owner for this pride, I will likely just make it an unofficial group that will lack a proper cert, but one that will have a number of forms due to ranks and such which will likely be done through google docs for logging roleplays as well as their type of roleplay.

    I have a cert symbol and background for this pride already so those are non-issues.


    Due to the nature that is an I/T phase, the Impibutho is open for joining. During this phase, all ranks, excluding warlord, are open, though wife is restricted. If you would like to apply for wife, you may, but please provide a back-up rank in case you are denied your first choice. If I feel any one rank is getting too much attention and shouldn't be (ie. champion), I may close certain ones temporarily.

    Once you've picked our your rank, just fill out the following form and post it in this thread. You'll be quoted on approval.

[align=center][size=11]— [b][color=#7d706b]I WANT IN[/color][/b] —[/size][/align]
[size=11][b]NAME[/b] ▌
[b]RANK[/b] ▌
[b]HISTORY[/b] ▌

[b]JOINING INFO[/b] ▌[/size]



Have a question? Post it here or PM it to this account!

Q Are you looking for a co-owner?
A Yes! Actually I am. Feel free to send over a PM to this account if you're interested. I am mainly looking for someone to help make sure roleplay keeps active and giveaways are fairly frequent. Help with META events and longterm plots is also appreciated.

Q I have an idea! Where do I send it?
A Send a PM to this account. Any ideas will be looked over and if I like them, they'll either be added right away or put up to see what the public opinion is. If you'd rather not have it publicly posted or remain anonymous, please let me know in your PM.

Q I don't have an SoA but I want to join!
A "You may only play one of the shop species if you have bought and own one. You may not create OCs as any regular or familiar species in the shop unless you have bought a character on these lines. The only free characters you can create and play are African animals that currently do not have lines within the shop (meaning we do not sell them as pets)." - Taken from the shop front page. Since the warband accepts all species, you could put in a rhino, a warthog, or something else in. Prey animals will need an extremely good reason that they're not being eaten though.

Q Are the Impibutho evil?
A Short answer is no. The Impibutho are survivalists who will take whatever they need to make sure they, their family and the coalition survive. Due to the extreme bonds of loyalty they forge, most members will go to any length to make sure those goals are met, in a lot of cases even if they die in the process. Thanks to this, they're mostly morally grey in that if they need to capture someone to ensure their family eats tonight, they will.

Q Can they be involved with my [group], either as an ally or enemy?
A Absolutely! Enemies are always welcome as the coalition's way of life is something not everyone can agree upon and so there's always going to be that conflict with some other groups out there. As for allies, there would need to be a valid reasoning behind the warband not simply taking what they need, such as the other group being a larger threat than it's worth, a strong familial bond or something else. If you'd like to discuss anything, feel free to PM this account.

Q Can I use the Impibutho in my character's backstory?
A Sure! You're definitely more than welcome to use the coalition as a whole in any of your characters' histories and may even use specific members, be they PC [with permission] or NPC. If you have any questions, feel free to PM this account.

Q I want my character to be the warlord!
A Slow down there partner! Warlord will be open for other people to grab in the future, but to maintain some sort of stability, being able to OOCly invoke the Rite of Supremacy is disabled. If you have an absolutely amazing plot though that you think might change my mind, you're welcome to send a PM to this account and see what I think.

Q How do war dogs become champions?
A ICly, they need to win the favor of the warlord to be granted this honor. Usually through combat means. OOCly...I'm not sure. I'm considering winning enough duels with a combination of bringing back enough stuff and wretched for the coalition, but there aren't any exacts in place yet.. For the I/T phase of this group, champions are actually open for application so I guess that's not really an issue for now.

Q Are wives slaves and what if a wife is a grunt or wretched?
A Some might think they are, but they're not. Most are actually grunts or otherwise low ranking individuals in the coalition. They can be wretched, yes, they can also be any other rank though too. If a wife was wretched before being chosen by the warlord, they no longer have their previous duties, but they still maintain their former rank. Meaning, if they lose their wife-status through the changing of a warlord or they just grow bored of them and kicks them out, they're bumped back down to their normal rank.

Think of wife more like a title that temporarily absolves the individual from all former duties as long as they have it.

Q If I breed my wretched with the warlord, what would their children be?
A All children born with at least one wretched parent are automatically wretched themselves, regardless of the other parent's ranking. There is no exception to this, but they can earn their way out through the Rite of Exchange. Though that freedom only applies to them and not to anyone else.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:42 pm



PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:43 pm
Pride Form!

Pack/Pride Name: Impibutho
Current IC Owner(s): Bronach (Quaji)
Current OOC Owner(s): (owners with a regular ranked member)
Default ranks: Pup [cub/pup] › Grunt [adol/adult] OR Wretched [all stages; if one parent is Wretched]
Current Pride/Pack Members, and Rankings of Each:
___Bronach - Warlord - Quaji

Links to at least five current RPs:
Brief Description of your Pride/Pack:
Nestled deep in the desert, among the sand and hidden by the dunes, stands the home of the Impibutho. A pride of all species, devoted to bettering their lives by any means necessary. They are a pride of survivors, outcasts, exiles and more that have come searching for a new home, freedom and protection in their hard life is something they all want, but only together and with the guidance of their warlord do they hope to achieve that goal. Many join war parties, in search of a greater glory and loot to better not only themselves, but their family, their friends and their warband.
Familiar Rules: All allowed, but prey-based familiars need OOC permission.
Cert Background Large Image: (Cert colors are now ultimately up to the cert maker, but please try to make it rectangular in shape.)
Pride Symbol for Cert: User Image
Any Extra Information: Extra space for a war party.
Pride/Pack History:
Their history is one that has long been forgotten. None alive know how they came to the Citadel or who the first warlord was. Any ounce of the truth has been twisted into fictitious tales of grandeur to sate the appetite of the pride's pups.

As far as recent history goes...that's a different story.

Before Bronach, things were chaotic. Warlords came and went just as the wind did. Hardly any stayed, but warlord Liwanu, a pale yellow male, burly in size and strong with his paw, proved himself capable as he earned the spot and successfully defended the position for nearly two years.

A year ago Bronach came to them, broken, starved and Wretched. He was treated horrendously, as are most of the wretched amongst the warband, but he persevered and rose above them, earning his freedom by filling his vacancy with that of his own flesh and blood: his sister.

It did not take long for his name and cruelty to spread throughout the warband. For this, he was brought in as a war pup, but quickly surpassed expectations as he defeated his opponent one his first try, earning him the rank of war dog. Despite his sister's wretched status, he utterly protected her from harm, scarring anyone who dared raise a paw against her. It took another four months for him for him to become a champion and during that time, he began to notice something strange...

It was the way the warlord looked to his wives. He was cruel, even to them. They were captive, though none were wretched. It was not long until his sister had been chosen to be a wife and seeing her beaten was the final straw. With a roar enough to garner the attention of most of the warband, Bronach challenged him to a Rite of Supremacy. It was a contest, sure, and one that ended in blood as Liwanu fell from the peak of the Citadel to his death, crumpled before the spectators.

That was six months ago. Since then Bronach has proven himself capable, even leading his own warparty which include two children of the avatar of Destruction. Having set up trade routes with the Grand Bazaar, they not openly trade their goods further than ever before, making the warband richer than they had ever been in the past. Though he still has yet to take a wife or produce cubs with anyone else in the warband. Still, none question him.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:44 pm
8/8 - This is open for posting now.  



PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:44 pm


NAME ▌Ala'koikoi x
RANK ▌Scrapper
PERSONALITY ▌Reclusive, wary and watchful, with a streak of calculating and cruel. She's ruthlessly intelligent, and very much out for herself.
HISTORY ▌Born a sibling of the heir to the Mizimu'Tungika, Ala'koikoi was raised to be sacrificed upon her sibling's ascension, but the pride fell and that day never came. After an initial period of confusion, she's since been enjoying her freedom. As a Scrapper, she's less interested in shiny stuff and more interested in useful stuff, and is something of an amateur herbalist/alchemist. Do her concoctions work? Some of them. Sometimes. Maybe.

JOINING INFO ▌She offered a tonic to temporarily increase energy. It did work, but as the main ingredient was something she found in a jungle, nowhere near the Impibutho, she hasn't been able to replicate the results.


NAME Jarapatta x
RANK ▌Past Keeper
PERSONALITY ▌A natural observer, Jarapatta is intensely curious about everything, be it history or geography or the best ways to kill someone. A bit eccentric, prone to drifting thoughts, but very intelligent.
HISTORY ▌Born a Grunt, Jara was fascinated by the Past Keepers and their warpaint and marked pelts, and preferred following along after them over idolizing the warparties. She eventually learned and took the rank herself, though she has thus far opted not to mark her own pelt, leaving it pristine and white (save for when she mixes war paint).


+filling out Holcan's warparty a little more.


NAME Jen'shan x
RANK ▌War Dog
PERSONALITY ▌Loud, crass, loves to throw her weight around, 'bull in a china shop' type.
HISTORY ▌Originally a Pridelander, Jen never really fit in in the large, peaceful pride. Eventually, she grew bored with it and sought a more exciting life elsewhere. It may be a much harder life, but it beats dying of boredom.

JOINING INFO ▌The pelt of a hyena she killed while travelling the rogue lands. She makes it sound like it was a glorious battle, but in reality the hyena was half-starved and had attacked her out of desperation in an attempt to steal her dinner. But no one needs to know that.


NAME Ahlaq sim Sungus x
RANK ▌War Dog
PERSONALITY ▌Not that he was ever pleasant to start with, bitterness has turned Ahlaq cruel. After losing everything, he's bent on taking it out on the world. He is petty and controlling, and is only happy when someone else is suffering.
HISTORY ▌Born to the Burkuteshti of the Jahy Sarlarin, Ahlaq was elevated to leadership upon the death of his father. He might have exterminated their ancient enemies once and for all, if a combination of disease and humans hadn't decimated his pride and made the land uninhabitable.

JOINING INFO ▌Offered up the pelt of one of his slain enemies...and a pretty Wretched, for good measure.


NAME Tiisha x
RANK ▌Wretched
PERSONALITY ▌pretty blank atm.
HISTORY ▌Born into the Jini-msemi. While on her pilgrimage, she was captured by Ahlaq, who had heard of the Impibutho and wanted to secure his place with a choice prize.

JOINING INFO ▌Wretched, poor girl.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:00 pm

NAME ▌Pence sim Sungus
RANK ▌War Dog
PERSONALITY ▌He's never been a nice or cuddly lion, but he's a good bit calmer than his brother. His milder attitude hides a sense of smug superiority, and a thirst for blood, but most of the time he comes off as quietly judging, more tactician than brute.
HISTORY ▌He was passed over for a leadership role by his mother due to his more 'placid' nature, but has spent his time trying to advise/back his brother instead. The failure of the pride rankled him, but less over the loss of his home and tradition, and more because it means he's going to have to start over, and keep his brother from doing something stupid.

JOINING INFO ▌He'd probably jokingly say he brought himself, and his brother. Realistically, he'd bring a bundle of horns from various prey animals he's killed.




Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:40 pm
heart heart  
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