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Like Mount Olympus of the ancient Greeks, Gods' Haven rests atop the highest mountain in the land, hidden from mortal eyes by the clouds that shroud it. The haven itself is a magnificent city of snow and ice, unlike anything in the mortal realm. Gods are welcome within the borders at any time, although the slow, stifling monotony of the place often drives them to seek more interesting life in the mortal shadows below.

Gods' Haven is inaccessible to any living mortal; they'll die before reaching the summit if they try. However, all souls pass through the Haven before they enter the gates to the afterlife. Mortals can linger briefly in the Haven before they cross over to the other side, but inevitably the call of Mkodi pulls them all through Heaven's gate. When a god dies, even their soul is pulled back to the Haven before they are reborn. Some may linger in the Haven for a while in this bodiless form, though they all eventually complete the rebirth process once it has begun. Though all gods return to the Haven during rebirth, some may forget its existence during the process and not return until their new life expires.

In the midst of all this are the golden gates of heaven themselves. No god has ever been able to pass through them, but mortal souls will move through when they expire. Once a mortal passes through, however, they never return and none in this world know what is on the other side - except perhaps the gatekeeper, Death himself, and Mkodi, creator of all.

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The gods' haven has two functions: it is a private roleplaying forum reserved only for god characters and it holds all of the information pertaining solely to gods. Anything you need to know about gods can be found here.

Please don't post a roleplay in this forum unless you own a god or a recently deceased mortal. No live mortal characters can post here. You should also keep in mind that deceased mortals can not remain in the Haven forever, eventually they must pass through the gate and if we see anyone taking advantage of this we may give you a gentle poke.

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