First Day Procedures

Greetings! Listed below you will find a Step-by-Step guide on how to complete your membership to Akumu Academy.

Step #1 - Pokemon Assignment

Provided you have already completed the Class Exam [Link], each student must taken one (1) of the provided Pokemon Assignment Exams associated with their class in order to receive their Starter Pokemon. Upon completion of their exam, students will be given a selection of three (3) Pokemon to choose from based on their results and the type which they selected. Please PM your exam to either Lunarsun or ShinyChibiSuicuneRiku.

Step #2 - Battle Tutorial

This is where students will get their first taste of combat within Akumu Academy, as well as learn our Battle System. Participation is mandatory no matter how well you think you understand the basics of battle. Students are not allowed to create a Profile until they have completed and found victory in their first battle.

Step #3 - Student Registration

Once your Starter Pokemon has been given and their first battle completed, students will be allowed to make their Profile. Please keep in mind that several centuries have passed between previous incarnations of Akumu and this one. Additionally events as seen in the games/TV series are ancient history.

Step #4 - PokeLot Acquisition

Once you've completed registration you may go and obtain a PokeLot. This will act as your character's "home" during their stay at a Akumu, as well as the location any Pokemon they are not carrying with them will be stored. Keep in mind that unlike in the games space is limited, and each type of PokeLot comes with its positive and negative aspects.

Step #5 - Going to Class

At last you are now a full member of Akumu Academy! Congratulations! Now get to class, it is doubtful your Professor will appreciate any tardiness on your first day!