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AROMATIC MIST = Con. Type Beautiful = Raises the Sp. Defense +1

The Pokemon releases an alluring aroma that raises the Special Defense of all Pokemon on it’s side.

BABY-DOLL EYES = Con. Type Cute = Lowers opponent’s Attack by 1

The Pokemon stares cutely at its opponent, reducing its attack.

CHARM = Con. Type Cute = - 2 Attack

Charms the foe and sharply reduces its Attack .

CRAFTY SHIELD = Con. Type Clever = defends against Status effects

The user constructs a makeshift shield that protects the user from moves that cause status effects, but is unable to stop damage.

DAZZLING GLEAM = Con. type Beautiful = Special Attack formula

The user emits a power blast of light that damages its opponent

DISARMING VOICE = Con. Type Cute = (Special Attack - Special Defense)

The Pokemon makes such a cute noise that the opponent cannot avoid the damage.

DRAINING KISS = Con. Type Cute = Special Attack Formula, heal ¾ the damage dealt (roll down in the event of fractions)

A kiss you don’t really want, this charming kiss actually sucks the life away whenever it lands.

FAIRY LOCK = Con. Type Clever = prevents escape

This Pokemon calls on the power of the fairies to keep their prey from escaping.

FAIRY WIND = Con. Type Beautiful = Special Attack Formula

The user calls down a fairy wind and strikes their opponent with it.

FLEUR CANNON = Con. Type Unknown = Sp attack first turn + 10. After that, Sp attack formula ((with -2 Sp attack each turn that it's used))

Talk about flower power! Ow, that rhyme wasn't that bad, don't hit me... an intense beam that allows a Pokemon to throw all their strength behind the attack, while gradually draining it.

FLOWER SHIELD = Con. Type Beautiful = Grass Type Def +1

By constructing a defensive barrier out of plant material, this Pokemon raises the defense of all grass-types on the field.

FLORAL HEALING = Con. Type Unknown = Restore up to half the user's max HP.

Natural techniques are often the best for healing. When used normally, it restores up to half a user's max HP. In a grassy terrain, restores up to two-thirds a user's max HP.

GEOMANCY = Con. Type Beautiful = Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, Speed +2 after one turn

This Pokemon pauses for a turn, calling upon the power of the earth to boost their abilities. This Pokemon will not attack for one turn, and the move will come into effect in the next attack turn.

LIGHT OF RUIN = Con. Type Beautiful = Sp. Attack formula + 10, user takes ½ recoil damage
Drawing power from the Eternal Flower, the user fires a powerful beam of light. This also damages the user quite a lot.

MISTY TERRAIN = Con. Type Beautiful = no status effects for five turns.

This Pokemon summons a field of mist that nullifies all Pokemon’s ability to inflict status effects. If Misty Terrain is in effect, Nature Power becomes Moonblast, Secret Power uses the animation of Fairy Wind and may lower its target's Special Attack, and Camouflage causes the user to become Fairy-type. Halves the damage taken from Dragon-type moves.

MOONBLAST = Con. Type Beautiful = Special Attack Formula + 2

Calling upon the power of the lunar light, this Pokemon assaults their opponent with a forceful attack.

MOONLIGHT = Con. Type Beauty = Heals the same amount of lvl.

Restore Hp. The amount varies with the weather. If done at night it restores all Hp, if done during raining days it restore half, and all other times it restores Hp exactly equal to lvl.

NATURE'S MADNESS = Con. Type Unknown = ½ opponent’s Hp.

The signature move of Alola's vicious guardians. Stay away from their wrath, because this move cuts a Pokemon's HP in half, regardless of attack or defense.

PLAY ROUGH = Con. Type Cute = Physical Attack Formula (If +5, reduce opponents ATK by 1)

The opposite of playing nice. The Pokemon fiercely attacks.

SWEET KISS = Con. Type Cute = confusion

An attack that confuses an opponent as the conflicting emotions of wanting to kiss & hit the opponent fights it out within the affected pokemon.