Note: All mentions of "accuracy" below use the pre-Aim Modifier numbers -- e.g. the actual dice rolls.

1.] POISON = [ + 5 or over opponent's accuracy with a move that induces poison will result in this status effect.]

Once inflicted with this status, the opponent will lose - 2 Hp each turn. IF inflicted with the much more serious version of poison called Toxic the opponent will suffer the regular 2dmg of poison, but it will gain strength by x2 each time that it takes effect. This status doesn't go away at the end of a battle, and will continue to take off life until one can recover with either an antidoe, Full Heal, Full Restore, Pecha berry, any type of status recovery item, or at a Pokemon Center. Also, if another status is inflicted upon the poison pokemon it will cancel out poision ...this includes all status effects except for ..Infatuation.

2.] SLEEP = [Higher Accuracy roll with a move that induces sleep]

Once inflicted with this status, the opponent will sleep for a maximum of 5 turns, if they are unable to roll an accuracy roll higher than their opponent for all 5 turns. Until that time, the opponent will hit their foe with their attack/sp attack base stat. This means that there will be no inclusion of the accuracy rolls, or even an opponents defense. They will literally take the full brunt of the attack, without any way to defend against it. This goes for all attacks, and if one is poison or any such other status effect it will cancel out sleep, except for Infatuation.

3.] BURN = [If the user rolls a 5, 10, 15, or 20 an opponent will be burnt]

A cunning move that makes it painful for a pokemon to continue to battle, and also seems to lower the confidences level of the pokemon inflicted by this status. Once inflicted with this status damage will be -2hp of a the pokemon, and also the attack stats will be lower by 1 level. The change in attack status is only temporary, and can be removed by usage of berries, potions, or Pokemon Center.

4.] CONFUSION = [ If the user rolls a 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, an opponent will go into confusion]

Confusion is a move that will require a 2d20: one in which to see if the attack goes through, and the other to see if the opponent is hit by the move in question if applicable. If the second roll for confusion is higher than the first roll for the attack, the Pokemon will be affected, and will injury itself in confusion. If at any time the second roll for afflicted Pokemon's confusion is higher the original roll that caused confusion, the Pokemon will snap out of the status. If not the confusion status will continue until 5 terms in which the pokemon will wake up instantly from the status. Dmg for confusion equals the differences in the two dice rolls if confusion is successful.

5.] PARALYZE = [If the user rolls 5 or more above the opponent's roll ...the pokemon will become Paralyzed]

Paralyze is a status that will require 1d20 ..., and for every defensive turn if the opponent rolls an even number they will be Paralyzed, and will not be able to attack that turn. This is a permanent status, and can only be recovered via berry, item, or Pokemon Center

6.] FROZEN = [If the user rolls a 5, 10, 15, or 20 an opponent will be frozen]

Once inflicted with this status, the opponent will be frozen for a maximum of 5 turns, if they are unable to roll an accuracy roll higher than their opponent for all 5 turns. Until that time, the opponent will hit their foe with their attack/sp attack base stats. This means that there will be no inclusion of the accuracy rolls, or even an opponents defense. They will literally take the full brunt of the attack, without any way to defend against it. This goes for all attacks, and if one is poison or any such other stats affliction it will cancel out frozen, except for Infatuation.

7.] FLINCH =[+ 6 or over opponent's accuracy with a move that induces flinch will give out this status.]

A pokemon hits thier opponent so hard that the foe flinches in front of them. Frozen in fear or pain, for one turn the pokemon misses it's chance to strike, and leaves it self open up to another attack. Flinch is a temporary status that for one turn makes an opponent skip thier attack, which gives the user a chance to attack twice. Also, flinch can not take place if another stats is being placed on a pokemon for example, if a pokemon is paralyzed the same turn having enough to flinch ..only the paralysis will take place. Also, if a move using flinch is used to counter-attack, the opponent will not be able to counter-attack during their defensive stance.

8.] INFATUATE = [+5 or over opponent's accuracy with an move that induces Infatuation will give out this status]

An pokemon that is infatuated will not want to harm the one that it loves. You have a 50/50 chance of it doing what you ask of it, and thus with this said if you roll an odd number during your attack turn the pokemon infected with this stats will not attack it's opponent that turn whether the move is successful or not.