Hey guys! After the feedback we've gotten, and the results of the poll, the mods have been trying to discuss a voting system to make a compromise.

A lot of people have mentioned wanting to be able to just vote for the ones they want to vote for, but there are some aspects of that that we've had a lot of trouble coming to terms with.

So we've done our best to keep those requests in mind in creating an alternative:

The two systems we're considering using are

A) The old system requires everyone who votes to vote for each entry. This means that if you want to vote for one or two entries, you must vote for all of them. The tallying method used to determine the winner with this system has the flexibility of either being the total added points, or the average for each entry.

Pros: Everyone will get the same amount of votes, so no entries will go neglected, and none will be favored to receiving more attention.

Tallying can be done with adding the total scores together, to see what entry has the total max points, or by averaging, to see which entry received the best average score.

Cons: It takes a lot of time because each entry must be read, evaluated, and voted on as defined by the voting card. This could result in less people voting, and a smaller pool of opinions deciding the winners.

B ) A compromise; while we know some members want to be able to just pick and choose, we feel this would lead to people only voting for their friends or the entries they like, which could result in very biased outcomes, and potentially neglected entries (ones receiving few votes, while others receive large numbers of votes). So we propose a slight alternative, creating a minimum of 5-8 votes per person that wants to vote, depending on the total number of entries. This minimizes the time they must spend creating their votes, but still requires them to tend to other entries, and minimizes the risk of an entry being neglected. Individuals will be able to vote for more than the determined minimum number of votes, however, no one may submit less than the minimum fi they want their votes to count.

Pros: Saves time, allows people to vote for the ones they are motivated to vote for, and hopefully works as a compromise.

Cons: Only averaging may be used to determine the winner, as adding the votes up would be unfair if certain entries got far more votes than others. This may also result in some bias with people only voting for their friends and other entries they like, and could result in some entries receiving less votes than others. This will be compensated for to some degree by creating a minimum vote requirement for each entry (ie each entry must receive 3-5 votes before the voting can end and the winner decide)