Nothing is actually free.

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                                            「「 Gweniveire Jones
                                                    THE [STUBBORN GAMA] 」」↘↘


                                                the nature of my birth

                                                    years Twenty-six

                                                    gender Female

                                                    class Mod

                                                    nicknames Gwen

                                                    preference Asexual

                                                    markings ANYTHING EXTRA

                                                where my loyalties lie

                                                    alliance Myself or anyone who isn't arcadia

                                                    likes FIVE minimum

                                                    dislikes FIVE minimum

                                                    relationships self explanatory, you may edit later

                                                life has made me stronger

                                                    skills LIST OR PARAGRAPH

                                                    modifications IF ANY. REFERENCE MODS POST

                                                    personality TWO PARAGRAPHS

                                                    history TWO PARAGRAPHS

                                                    extra IF ANY


                                                    { ☆ }
                                                    {( username )}