Nightmare: Constantly haunted by nightmares, muse A is starting to see things in reality. Horrible images of things that don’t seem to go away. Muse B sees that there is something wrong and offers their help. But Muse A is scared, all the images are starting to tell them to kill Muse B. It’s clear the nightmares are starting to take control.

(Jenny and jack, Where images of the future haunt Jenny. In the timeline this would be after escaping from the labs due to an explosion of psychic energy that also separated Jack and Maxwell. They think Maxwell is dead. But he's not... he has a body of his own. He's probably skulking around somewhere...

they would probably be in their early twenties at this time. hiding easily in plain sight. No one is looking for them and they live a happy life of sorts. trying to be as normal as can be.

Lately though Jenny has been having more troubles than normal sleeping. A few nights already she has woken from a nightmare. A face, most familiar, haunts her dreams and she thinks this to be the future but she knows it cannot come true. She has not told Jack what the dream is, only that it is terrible.

In the dream it is dark and rainy. She was on a sidewalk facing the road. On the opposite side were two people. You could tell they were a couple. They were holding hands and laughing. They were walking and having a good ole time. A hooded figure was walking the opposite direction. The three were coming closer and closer. You could also see that the couple was and older Jenny and Jack. Jenny had the biggest smile ever. But then the hooded figure pulled out a gun and shot at them. It hit Jack. Jenny was kneeling with Jack in her arms. Because of the rain, you couldn't really tell she was crying. The figure came closer, and as Jenny looked up, he shot. If he hadn't had a mask on, you would have seen a smile.)