Thank you again to Darth Daddicus and his wonderful crew, floralsnow tipped your hand when she told me Darth Daddicus asked her to join...and when I Pmed the new members - I saw it was made up of the crew! What a kind and generous thing to do! Honestly tho'..I don't care about the million gold (I'd just blow it LOL) What I care about is the Guild. When we started the're were just three of us and we built it up, but we're still pretty small, and unfortunately we have very few active members. What I really need is active Rpers..if any of you love to RP and would love to start your own RP, please join. If any of you have never tried it and would like to get your feet wet...give us a try! We're down to one RP and there are only two of us posting at the moment! So please think it over...and give credit where it's due - your wonderful Captain and crew!