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Welcome to the evil Sith Temple Battle Training Room!

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In this training room, you will be selecting a training droid. There are 3 droids to choose from. Once you pick a droid, you must attempt to destroy it before it destroys you. Each of the training droids has a unique difficulty setting.

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This little fella is an old astromech droid I personally fitted with an assassin personality chip. What he lacks in armament, he totally makes up for with attitude. If you pick this droid, please copy and paste this code in your first post, or merely place the word "EASY" in your first post. Roll 3 4-sided dice when you post.

[b][u]EASY[/u][/b][b](4-sided die)1=miss, 2-4=hit 35HP [/b][/align]

If you roll a 1, the droid has either deflected your hit or you are simply a lousy fighter. Either way, you have caused no damage to the droid. If you roll a 2 through 4, you have hit the droid for a total of 35 points of damage.

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This slippery little guy is fitted with a lightsaber and he knows how to use it. I personally programmed this droid to learn from previous battles so that he may anticipate his opponent's next move. I am constantly having to adjust my personal fighting techniques when practicing with this droid. If you pick this droid, please copy and paste this code in your first post, or merely place the word "NORMAL" in your first post. Roll 3 8-sided dice when you post.

[b][u]MEDIUM[/u][/b][b](8-sided die)1-4=miss, 5-8=hit 55HP[/b]

If you roll a 1 through 4, the droid has either deflected your hit or he has flown out of your striking range. Either way, you have caused no damage to the droid. If you roll a 5 through 8, you have hit the droid for a total of 55 points of damage.

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This machine of death and destruction is the best in Sith training droids. He comes armed to the hilt with dual lightsabers, blasters, and the occasional simulated Force ability. In addition to all that, he is also plated with holographic flesh so that he may simulate the appearance of anybody from your long-lost love to your worst enemy. If you pick this droid, please copy and paste this code in your first post, or place the word "HARD" in your first post. Roll 3 12-sided dice when you post.

[b][u]HARD[/u][/b][b](12-sided die)1-9=miss, 10-12=hit 85HP[/b]

If you roll a 1 through 9, the droid has easily deflected your hit and is preparing for a deadly counter-strike. You have caused no damage to the droid. If you roll a 10 through 12, you have hit the droid for a total of 85 points of damage.

Everyone who participates in this training session will start off with 250 points. The droids will also start off with 250 points. Each player is allowed to roll a total of three dice per day. Your chosen droid will attack you as many times as you attack it each day rolling the same dice as you rolled for attacking it.
If you choose to battle a droid of a different difficulty level directly after you have defeated your previous droid, and you have defeated the droid by one or both of the first dice appearing in your post, you may start a new roll for the residual damage and state that you are choosing a new droid in your next post.
You will fight your chosen droid until either you or the droid is destroyed. After either you or the droid is destroyed, you may choose another droid and begin with a fresh 250 points. You may not pick a new droid until the battle with your first chosen droid is complete. If you defeat a droid within the first two shown rolls, and there is another number to take account for, you may choose to change your droid difficulty and use a fresh number of rolls coinciding with the new droid's difficulty level. If you do not specify that you are choosing a new droid, it will be assumed you are using your residual number on a new droid with the same difficulty level as the one which you have defeated.

The player with the largest amount of destroyed droids at the end of the month will win a

Prismatic Arrangements: Rainy User Image

The player who destroys the second most droids at the end of the month will win a

Dazzling Ducklings User Image

The player who destroys the third most droids at the end of the month will win a

Monochromatic Matches User Image

Do not delete posts. If you make a mistake, simply leave the mistaken post up and let me know it was a mistake. If a post is deleted, the player will be disqualified.

No matter what condition you and your chosen droid are in at the beginning of the next month, you start back at 250 points at the first of the month and you must pick a fresh droid.

Current droids destroyed:

Queentintin = 6
Darth Zannah (sachara) = 3
Fred66 = 4
Ultrabord = 7*

Checked up to page 1801

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