Forum Rules
[Updated 08.31.15]

|| The primary rule is to always follow Gaia TOS.

|| Do not steal any art associated with the shop.

|| All artwork submitted to the shop that is official shop art is considered property of the shop.

|| Tendaji has a lot of information to offer, and even more things to be discovered as our story progresses! So, please read over all of the information before asking questions.

|| If you have thoroughly checked out everything we have to offer and still have questions, feel free to visit the FAQ with further inquiries.

|| Do NOT assume anything regarding rules or procedures in the shop. If something is not stated: ask us first!

|| If you are having concerns, please feel free to contact Suhuba and we will do our best to assist you as quickly as possible!

|| As far as RPing is concerned, quality over quantity is the key, every time. One-liners are still frowned upon; give your partner something to respond to.

|| When RPing (whether a PRP or shop event) each character must have their own gaia post. Characters cannot share posts in order to avoid confusion.

|| No godmoding or powerplaying at any time without your partner's consent. If you do have their consent, please make a note of it at the beginning of your post.

|| Please keep swearing to a minimum in RP. Absolutely no F-bombs (or its variations) in group/official activities such as Meta chapters, class quests, and games.

|| We do check for activity. If you have not posted in over 3 months we reserve the right to retire your character(s) and possibly rehome them. If you have not set up their journal in 1 month after receiving them we also reserve the right to rehome the character if necessary.

|| Have fun and enjoy Tendaji!

Earning More Slots

All owners start with a tentative limit of three characters. Owners who grow their characters will earn more slots depending on the number of growths achieved (so the number of slots will continue to grow with more activity).

In order to earn more slots, an owner must grow their characters.

|| To get 4 total slots you will need to grow once
|| To get to 5 total slots you will need to grow once more
|| To get to 6+ slots, you need to grow twice per additional slot (This means you can grow one character twice, or two characters once)
|| Characters that reach stage 4 will be removed from your character count, opening up their slot for a new character
|| Slots max out at 20

Breeding and Character Slots

We maintain the rule that an owner may not have more than three younglings at a time. This includes breedings and winning/questing younglings.
|| Once a youngling is grown to prentice, you may pursue more younglings (never more than three in play at a time).
|| You do not need to have an open slot to breed a youngling. But you must grow enough characters to compensate for their slot before you can try for more characters (through events or questing).
|| Owners may choose to gift their baby(ies) to other owners. Those owner(s) must have open slots to accept.
|| Feel free to ask questions in the FAQ thread.