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You read Mongoosey's shenanigan's in shadowrun

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Distinct Raider

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:42 am

This thread will contain explicit swear words and sexual references it is recommended that either you are of 18 or over. Alternitavely you can carry on reading and not really care. Thou has been warned

This will also demonstrate the Play by chat that some of this guilds members have tried to start but it has never picked up. Sadly I do not keep the chat logs due to how much I would have to cut out.

The Gm: TheFinish, Nice guy always willing to run something. Works on the loosely plotted way of Gm'ing due to the knowledge that if you intricately plot something the players will do something else altogether and you will become frustrated by how much you will have to do on the fly.

The players:
Mongoosey: Me! A Oni named Kanabo/Kanaba (There seems to be mix up here of what people call me) your typical adept thug. Notable features: Built like a house, large revolver, Tetsubo and being big and red.

Sarcasmagos: Playing an elf hacker nick named crash. Notable features: Cyber eyes, Yakuza wanted list, Compulsion to hack high security systems.

Drustos: Playing an Dwarf Shaman named Urs. Notable features: Mentor spirit, ALWAYS smoking or recently has smoked and goggles.

Jso18: Playing an Human magician named Gabriel. Notable features: Mentor spirit, College educated, Amnesia and orgasm spell. (He has yet to use the last one but I hope it will be hilarious.)

Now that you have been introduced I will post what we have posted in mission 1.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:49 am
Shadowrun Mission one! "The package"
Page one!
Seattle's winter winds strike at you as you make your way to the Gulag. It's being an unusually cold winter, even for the city, and people are expecting snow any day now. For the moment though, you go inside the Gulag, a notorious strip club managed by the Vory v Zakone.

The place is deserted now, being just around noon, with only a couple of off-duty dancers milling about. You notice varied races inside, most notably the troll bouncers and elven dancers, but nothing out of the ordinary. You are ushered inside a small, well lit room by one of the bouncers and ordered to wait, Mr. Vasily will be with you shortly.

Crash took a seat in one of the chairs in the room, feeling slightly jittery as she normally did before doing a job. The situation was exacerbated slightly by the fact she didn't know. "Hi," she said to the others after sizing them up a glance. "I'm Crash and I guess we'll be working together tonight,"

Kanabo walked in possibly the last to arrive, Tetsubo slung over his shoulder, removing it from his shoulder and placing it against a nearby wall before sitting down. He would glance about the room cautiously and observe certain details before speaking.

In japanese, "My name is Kanabo I will be your combat specialist when s**t hits the fan I am your man."

Gabriel closed the magazine he was reading when he noticed the newcomer. He took a moment to analyze her aura and then he introduced himself:

"Greetings, I'm Gabriel, I'm here too for the same reason, as you may expect".
(I think the reason why the posts here are like this was because me and Jso posted at the same time and couldn't be bothered to edit it accordingly. Or as we have all observed is that the forum we post on sometimes messes around with post orders.)

Crash glanced at Kanabo for a moment before responding in reasonable Japanese. "You speak English? No offense or anything but I'm fairly sure not everyone here understands you,"

Kanabo cleared his throat before responding in quite learned english, "I speak english very well. It was to my knowing that the two most well known languages are english and japanese".

"Zat is very goot" you hear, as a door opens on the other side of the room and a man enters, sharply dressed in a striped grey suit, wearing a black tie and sunglasses "For my japanese is very....rusty, as you vould say". He calmly sits down before starting "I am Mr. Vasily. You have veen called here because ve are in need of skilled help and you vere recommended very thoroughly. My associates an I need you to recover a package that vas recently stolen from one of our couriers. Ze people who attacked said courier vere ze Halloweeners, because zey were after our BTLs." he takes another breath before continuing "Problem is, ze package does not contain BTLs, but something much more important. Ve need you to retrieve it, and only retrieve it. Ve have a picture of a man named Rat, who vas ze artificer of ze zeft." he continues, as a picture of a black skinned ork appears in your Image Links "He frecuents a diner named Clancy's, here in Downtown. Find him, and find out vat he knows, by any means necessary. Track ze package and bring it back here. Ve vill pay 2,000 nuyen for the package, unopened, plus 500 bonus. If it is opened, you vill only get 1000 nuyen and no bonus, and I won't be happy. Any questions?" he finishes.

"Does this 'Rat' have to be alive at the end of this or would you prefer him inhumed?" Asked Kanabo.

Mr. Vasily raises an eyebrow before he smiles "Your choice of language is strange Mr. Kanabo. Ve don't care either vay, ve vill deal with him later on if you do not" he says "But, seeing as how you don't have any more questions, I vill take my leave. Godspeed, gentlemen" he finishes, standing up and leaving. You are escorted out by the same bouncer, into the cold streets. Suddenly, snowflakes start to come down.

Clancy's isn't far away, relatively speaking, and you arrive at the squat grey building sooner than expected. The estblishment is modelled after retro diners from the fifties (1950s, not 2050s). It's warm and cozy inside, and there's quite a few people here, you count two orks in business suits in one of the tables, a couple of college students in another and an assortment of people all around. Clancy, a dwarf, is sitting behind the counter sipping from a cup of coffee. two waitresses are walking around taking orders.
(A floor map of a diner is posted here.)

Finding an open seat at the bottom right, Crash took a seat with Kanabo close behind. "Don't see him," She subvocalized to his comm link. "Looks like we may be waiting a bit," she finished before waiting for a waitress to come.

"So what will you be ordering?" Asked Kanabo picking up a menu and begun staring as he decided on what to have.  


Distinct Raider

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Distinct Raider

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:56 am
Page two!
"Coffee," Crash responded. "Best way to warm up in weather like this if you ask me,"

A waitress swiftly approaches you, somewhat pretty but not a head turner. "What will you have?" she asks, holding up an actual notepad and pencil.
(I don't know why he pointed out she had the notepad. Maybe to make us gasp in surprise she wasn't using a touch scribble pad style thing. Though I do like the addition of it for some odd reason.)

"I'll just have a cup of coffee,"

She scribbles down something in her notepad before turning to Kanabo "And you sugar?"

Kanabo rubbed his hands together before saying, "I'll have a large coffee, bacon, eggs, hash browns, baked beans, sausages, mushrooms and some pancakes Thank you."

"Big eater eh?" she smiles, before asking "Anything for the quiet guy?", obviously referring to Gabriel.

"Just a cup of coffee, please" Gabriel replied as he closed the book he was reading.

"Sure thing" she says, before striding off. A few minutes later, you all have cups of steaming coffee in your hands, though Kanabo's food hasn't arrived. You notice an increase of activity in the college guys' table, before one stands and walks up to you.

"Hey baby, why don't you join us?" he says, addressing Crash and completely ignoring the others "We could show a good time, omae"

"Yea no," Crash responded flatly. "I have more important things to do than entertain some kids,"

"Like what, sitting here with Mr. Freakazoid and some dumb booklover? C'mon girl, you know you want it" he says, grabbing Crash's arm.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:04 am
Page three!
Kanabo was drinking his coffee as the college boy decided to hassle crash and he saw this boy was not going to give it up. He stood up and pulled him off crash with noticeable ease.
"Leave her alone."
(Go collargrabbing!)

"Oh yeah?" he replied "And who's gonna make me, some ghetto a*****e like you? Why don't you go stop some traffic?". You notice his friends have made no move towards you, either waiting for this to escalate or afraid of the Oni.
(Hellboy movie reference for all those who didn't notice.)

"Yes I will stop you and if you wish to bother my friend further you aren't going to be leaving with a bone intact in your body." Replied Kanabo resolutely.
(Threats of violence always work. Right kids?)

he student, now seeing that Kanabo could probably end his a** in a flash, visibly swallowed "Yo man sorry, didn't know she was your gal. We'll just leave, right guys?" he said, turning to his friends, who nodded. As they leave, you notice Clancy is chuckling and so are the two business orks. Clearly the punks aren't really liked.
(Not my gorram woman.)

Kanabo's food arrives and Morgan (the waitress) refills your mugs. Time passes slowly until it's dark outisde. Only you, Morgan and Clancy remain, when you hear and see a motorcycle pulling up outside the diner. The men driving it are wearing bright orange jackets with black stripes down the arms. They calmly go inside and sit in a booth, waiting. You notice one of them is Rat.

Kanabo had nearly finished his meal and begun devouring his pancakes in a rush knowing something may go down soon.
(A slight movie reference that whenever the main characters are in a diner they never get to finish their meal due to being interrupted. I was not going to let this happen to Kanabo.)

Gabriel used his Gift to astrally perceive the pair, noticing that Rat and his friend were both nervous and that they were both mundane. Gabriel also noticed that Rat had cyber eye, a datajack and cyber arm while his friend was unupgraded except for a datajack. Gabriel whispered all of this information to his comrades.

(It would be worth a mention here that Jso's lack of posting is mostly due to lack of things to contribute and having to walk the dog. Things like that. Drustos doesn't appear till the second mission due to being missing for this session.)

"Give me a second," Crash subvocalized as she began accessing Rat's comm-link. "I'll see what this guy really knows in a sec,"

Crash gets to work quickly, hacking her way into Rat's commlink. Although his Firewall picks up something strange, it isn't enough to activate an alarm. Swiftly, our hacker finds a list of transactions during the last week. None of them are important, but one catches your eye. A package titled "V.Drop" was recently sold to someone named Rick in the Puyallup barrens.

Just then, a Lone Star squad car parks outside the diner and two human cops walk in. They approach Rat and sit next to him, starting a conversation.

"Don't think he has it," Crash said explaining what she found in his comm link. "You want to finish eating so we can head out?" She said to Kanbo with a slight chuckle.

Kanabo stabbed his remaining pancakes and swallowed them in one go. He then left his part of the bill with 10% tip.
(Cus I'm just nice like that.)  


Distinct Raider

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Distinct Raider

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:11 am
Page four! Only four more to go!


Just then, you can hear Rat speak loudly.

"What the hell man?! We already paid you this month! Nightmare says we ain't paying nuthin else!"

"Oh yeah, well why don't you tell your little whore that if she doesn't pay up, we'll make sure she stays down this time"

"Like hell you pig" replies Rat, as he and his friend stand up. However, so do the cops.

"Give us the money or we'll ******** paint the wall with your little brains, Rat" answers the cop, his hand that of his partner going for their guns.
(Yay! Gang violence versus Cop violence! Who will win? Only way to find out! Fight!)

(My lack of posting here denotes when I disappeared for dinner. Didn't matter much anyways information gathering isn't Kanabo's strong point.)

"I think that's our cue to leave," Crash said as she rose and made for the exit, trying to act as inconspicuously as possible.

"Indeed" Gabriel replied as he followed Crash.

As you start to leave, neither cops nor gangers spare you a glance. Ouside, it's bitterly cold, but at least it's stopped snowing. Puyallup isn't that far, you could easily take a bus down there, though the area is considered dangerous. Thankfully the address was in Puyallup City, which is a bit less dangerous. There's a bus stop right in front of Clancy's.
(Lucky them. Also worthy to note that I am currently the only person in the party with their own set of wheels. We intend to rectify that soon.)

Standing next to the bus stop, Crash exhaled, pulling her coat tighter. "Well all in all this is going rather well," she said, drumming one of her feet as she waited for a bus.

"Be careful with your words, Fate is always listening and she loves to completely ruin your life just for s**t and giggles" Gabriel replied to pass the time as he waited for the bus.
(Gotta love character interaction. Usually we use character interaction as a way to pass time if the gm is called away for a while.)

"You make Fate sound like a real vindictive b***h,"
(Ze comma! Zey do notheeng!)

The bus arrives shortly, but not fast enough in your freezing opinion. As it starts to move out, you hear a quick succession of gunshots from the diner. Gabriel reacts quickly enough to dodge a stray bullet that got through the bus' window. As you speed off, you see Rat jump through one of the diner's windows only to sprint after landing. Shortly thereafter, one of the cops comes out holding his left arm and quickly takes the patrol car radio. Afterwards, you round the corner and see nothing more.

"See? Told ya so." Gabriel commented.
(Smug git.)

"You'd have been shot if fate was really trying to screw you over," Crash responded. "Besides, not like we needed to follow him or anything,"  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:19 am
Page five! Of eight! Huzzah!

The ride is made colder by the broken bus window, but you arrive at Puyallup City without further trouble. The "city" isn't really such, merely an area that Lone Star still dares to patro. The address turns out to be an apartment building nine storeys high. The front door is locked, but there's a set of buzzers next to it. Unfortunately, there's two Richard's listed, 5th B and 8th A, and the list from Rat has no apartment number.

Sighing to herself, Crash began the slow work of probing the building's security. "This could take a while," she said fiddling with several AR prompts. "Not like we're in a rush though," Two hours later she finally exited with a grin. "We got a door in the back not covered by security. Sooo how are we going to figure out which guy's our mark?"

While Crash was busy probing the building's security system, Gabriel astrally projected to explore the apartments:
At the 5th B he found a dwarf couple having sex in one bedroom and two children sleeping in the other but at the 8th floor he perceived 4 men sitting around a table playing, noticing too the faint outline of guns in one bedroom. Satisfied, he returned to his body and explained his discovery to his comrades.
(Dwarf sex D : So that's what's causing Gabriel's amnesia.)

"So what's the plan guys?" Crash asked. "We have four guys with guns and no idea who our mark is,"

(I live and filled with pizza!)
Kanabo nodded and said, "Alright then, I guess we can't just kill them all right?"
He pulled out his revolver unloaded the normal bullets and loaded it with Gel rounds before continuing.
"Could always ask..."
(Wonder why no one else just ask at the door.)

"Might as well. Gabe here can do the asking. I'll stick with sifting through their comms if they don't feel like talking. That a plan?"

"I could ask the service of the spirits to aid us in our task. That's my idea, if you don't have one better" Gabriel commented.
(Not like he gave us a chance to respond.)
"Actually, let me try" Gabriel said before focusing on the mana surrounding him to summon a watcher spirit, managing to successfully summon it, a translucent dog-like creature that was eager to receive an order.

"Go and eavesdrop the men at the 8th A floor for as much time as you can, then come back to report" Gabriel instructed.

The watcher vanishes for a bit and then you're seeing through it, into the apartment. You can now see clearly, for the Watcher is manifesting, although since he is outside, he hasn't been detected yet. What you hear is this:

"You gonna call that or what?" asks the man with his back to the entrance door.
"Nah, I fold" replies the man whose back is to the ******** Rick, you ain't got no balls!" answers the man to Rick's left.
"Hey man, I spent all my ******** money on BTLs, I can't lose the rest playing you ******** then resume idle chatter, and the watcher returns to you after having explored the apartment, which looks something like this:
[A picture of an apartment floor plan is posted here]
(Jargon notice: BTL = Better than life a type of drug in shadowrun.)

"Right well lets get to it then, I've been standing out here in the cold for too long." Stated Kanabo readying his revolver and putting his Tetsubo on his back.

"Works for me," Crash said fishing out her pistol.
(Wooo get ready for das action.)  


Distinct Raider

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Distinct Raider

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:27 am
Page six of eight! Hoorah?

The trio makes their way up to 8th A (using the stairs, elevator is out of order) and finally arrive at the door. You can hear laughter and occasional curses from inside.

Kanabo nodding at the other two got his left hand ready and with all his might with a closed fist looked like he back handed the door off its hinges. The door went flying into the room and two loud cracks were heard as two people dropped to the floor bleeding from their skulls.
(Makes the kool-aid man noise)
[As another side not we state all of our actions and rolls in a chat I rolled extremely high and that was the result.]

Following the door in, Crash snapped a quick shot off at the remaining guy who wasn't Rick. With no small help to her smartlink, she tagged him in the side.

Kanabo would step in spotting rick immediately slugging him in the head with his hand cannon's gel rounds. Rick went flying back into the Tv electrocuting himself in the process.
[The reason why I went again was because Thefinish counted the door smashing as a surprise round.]
(I wonder why rick didn't die from being electrocuted? Oh well.)

Uttering a vehement incantation, Gabriel channeled the mana to raw, destructive magical power, instantly frying the poor man to ashes.
(Lightning bolt!)
[Combat ends there.]

"Well that was easy," Crash said surveying the carnage before moving up to Rick. "Wakey, wakey, Rick," She said trying to shake him to awakeness.

"Huh......whu? Whossere?" he asks groggily, before his eyes focus "A ******** elf b***h! Get your hands offa me you whore! I'll ******** kill you!"
(Forgot to mention meta humanism in the warning. Oops.)

"Yea, try that and you'll end up like your buddies currently under the door or that pile of ash over there," she said pointing at Gabriel's work. "Now we know you got a package from a certain Rat rather recently, so why don't you give us that and we'll be on our way,"
(Like I said threats of violence always ******** meta trash! I won't...won't....." he tires to say, as he sees his comrades and Kanabo "Packages are in my fridge...." he finishes.

"Let me check it, you please try to keep an eye on him" Gabriel said to Kanaba as he walked to the fridge to examine it.
(How self sacrificing of him.)  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:35 am
Page seven of eight! The struggle is nearly over my dear. Shhhhhhh...

Gabriel finds two metal boxes inside the fridge, unopened.

"Now I hope you aren't trying to deter us from the package we want because if not I'm going to break your limbs one by one until you tell us."
[As another note the quality of my writing lessens as the session goes on due to it becoming the hours of AM after midnight.]

"Dude, I swear, that's what Rat sold me. ******** could've told me the items were hot"
(Of course they were hot! It was a damned plot item!)

Gabriel saw that there were 2 metal boxes inside the fridge, he spend a moment to astrally examine these, noticing that that the box had imprints from Rat's Aura, Rick's Aura and another one he couldn't recognize. Then he grabbed both boxes and walked back to Kanaba.

"There are two boxes, one of these must be our package, what do we do with him?" Gabriel asked, glancing to Rick.

Kanabo shot Richard in the head without even glancing at him colouring the wall a nice shade of red and pink.
"Leave no witnesses I'd say rather not have the halloweeners after us because they spotted my ugly red mug."
(You know when I told you I was a nice guy? Yeah... About that... I lied. What ya gonna do?)

"Ugh, what a mess. Well, I hope for us that no-one important will miss him. We have what we wanted, but before leaving I would like to investigate the other room" Gabriel said as he walked to the other room.
(It's not looting if you do it unintentionally. It's also not armed robbery.)

The other room is kind of like a war room. There's two Remington Roomsweepers sitting on one of the beds, ammo boxes next to them. The other bed has two Ak-97s and two Ares Alphas. There's also a box with grenades, and a giant tactic battle map showing insertion points into one of the Ork neighbourhoods of Puyallup. Then the penny drops, and you realise these people were probably Humanis Policlub goons, planning to assault and slaughter as many metahumans as they could.
(See we're the good guys!)

"Interesting" Gabriel commented. He considered taking one of the weapons but refrained to do so, he instead explained what he found there.

"I'll take that to my mother of meta-humans friend. He'll find that very valuable." Said Kanabo as he took the map down and placed it in his bag also placing both boxes in his bag.
"We should leave now. I can deliver the boxes quickly but you're going to have to take the bus unless you don't mind riding shotgun on a really fast motor cycle in this weather."
[Mother of metahumans is some sort of Meta human commune gang thing. Not even sure if it is a gang at all.]

"We have to leave, of course, but first give me a few seconds to clean this apartment of possible forensic leads" Gabriel said before focusing his magical energies into the Sterilize spell. It worked but he couldn't completely control the magical backlash, suffering 1 point of stun damage. He shook his head to shrug off the dizziness, then he erased the astral signatures.

"Done, let's move out"  


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Distinct Raider

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:41 am
Page Eight! FINALLY!

[Page eight consists of the conclusion of the mission and me and thefinish posting about me meeting a contact. I waited until he was back after everyone left so I could finish that small piece of business before going to sleep.]

You each go your own way, waiting till the next day to deliver the package. Again, you go to the Gulag, where the Troll bouncer (who you now learn is named Mickey), escorts you to the same plain room as before. This time however Mr. Vasily is waiting. Once you present the boxes, he smiles widely.

"Vell done vell done my friends." he says afer inspecting the boxes "Not only did you recover ze package, you recovered half ze courier's load. Goot, goot. As promised, I've transferred 2,000 nuyen to this account" he says, and a number gets saved on your commlinks "And I've taken the liberty to deposit 750 nuyen extra in each of your personal accounts. Let us hope ve can make business in another time da? Have a nice day." he finishes, as Mickey once again escorts you outside.
(Not sure if he's trying to make val sound russian or german 0~0)

"Well I have some private business to attend to, you know how to contact me" said Kanabo as he left. He would mount his motorcycle and ride it to meet his dear old friend in the MoM.

You arrive at a beautiful house in Bellevue, a white picket fence sorrounding a middle sized garden adorned with flowers. An old Ork, dressed in the attire of the Pueblo ribes, sits in a reclining chair on the porch. Wayra Antiman, long standing supporter of the Mothers of Metahumans movement stands up and approaches you.

"Kanabo old friend, it's been such a long time" he says, embracing you "So, what brings you here?"
(As I said a person who lives in such a place and wears robes does not a gang member make.)

"Dire news I'm afraid" responded Kanabo holding up the rolled up map, "Although this may not be news to you a group planned to strike against meta human centres. Luckily we may have accidentally wiped them out during a mission of ours but to be on the safe side I decided to come straight to you about it so you can raise the alert."
Kanabo would approach the ork embracing him before handing him the map then continuing,
"They were also quite well equipped I saw at the least three ak's two ares and enough grenades and ammunition to go around. I hope this helps save our brothers lives in other areas."

Wayra pensively looks at the map before looking at you. "You have my thanks Kanabo. I will make sure our leaders know of this and.....act accordingly. Now, would you like to join me for some tea? The day is dreadfully cold."

"I would love some tea Wayra" replied Kanabo.

End of mission one!

If you enjoyed this post saying so and I will update later with what we are currently doing in mission two, Otherwise vote in the poll and let this thread die.  
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