Hello! This is my first time posting in this subforum but thats not important. This Thread is about the fighters from the dark, The fast paced action game, one of my fav fighting games...I'm talking about the
DARKSTALKERS!This thread is for those who love,Never heard of, and/or willing to help Darkstalkers make a return! Now if your a fan and are willing to help I bet your asking "What can I do to help?" Well that simple really, All you have to do is watch the video in the following link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIR3ctbSgIg&feature=relatedNow for those who are asking "Who the hell are the 'Darkstalkers'?" Well then read the wikipedia page found here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DarkstalkersOf course for those who think reading is boring, dull, or you don't have the patience to then your more of a gameplay kind of person and of course what site is the best when it comes to videos? I'm talking about Youtube! I have several gameplay videos of the diffrent games:
DarkstalkersNight warriors: darkstalkers revengeDarkstalkers 3Now those videos are just a taste of the series, there are a couple of games after 3 but are remixes with diffrent things in them. I chose Why not to post this because this is such a awesome guild! But this isn't just a support thread, I'd love to here which characters are your fav and such. So please post and help out!