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Welcome to an alternative universe. Welcome to a world set in the Victorian era. In this universe technological discoveries are continuous with the gadgets and gizmos working side by side with horses and carts, should one still wish to own a horse and cart that is. Welcome to Steampunk. Here electricity does not have as key a role as it does to use today, rather everything is powered by steam, as you may have guessed, springs, gears, cogs and good old fashioned quirky genius. Still not getting the idea? Think ‘Round the world in Eighty days’ the new one and Wild Wild West with Will Smith in it and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ( heart ). Now, with that out of the way lets get on with the important stuff shall we, hum?

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The dense fog of a late London afternoon swells and sways through the cobbled streets, in some places it is so thick that the low light from the oil filled street lamps can make it no further than its glass casing, suffocated under the density of the milky white ghostly blanket. A slit dampness is in the air; it will rain later no doubt. The barometer dictates that it will and few people are in doubt that Piccadilly’s buildings will soon be wet again. Inside Burlington House it is warm, but lacking in tenderness as it always is. You are not in the main area, the large open spaces where all the specimens are kept and the public’s lust for knowledge appeased but instead have been brought through to one of the smaller back rooms as you cannot go through the main door to access the larger room just beyond you as you were late, such is life. You can hear the outcries of the bulging wash of society members as they argue among each other, ripping at their fellows work and words in frustration for the meeting has yet to start. This Royal Society meeting is different. As the leaders of scientific knowledge and technological discoveries currently in the world it is their duty to meet whenever something big happens as well as the smaller things, and this is most defiantly an emergency meeting that has been called. A threat has been made, the known world could be in danger; but what does these learned men and women do? They argue amongst each other because they do not have enough information, because the person who called the meeting wishes to wait a little longer for more people to arrive. The record needs to be set straight for everybody; the threat needs to be known.
You open the door and go through only to meet with the back of the crowd.

The reason for the meeting is simple, war has been declaried. But it isn't just any type of war, it is a war that has been declaired on all countries by no county. A war that has not yet been announced to the pubplic; one that has a specific threat of scientific warfare, assassinations of leading minds and leaders, the distuption of all laws, the increase of narcotics, doomsday. How will these mysterious people so this? Easily. They'll just use their new invention. What is it? Like they would say.

Now the question stands, will you try to form a party of people to find out these murderers? Will you ignore it and hope it will go away? Are you even one of them in their mists?

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