this forum is about robots, computers, bio and mechanical ethics.
these are just a few of my thoughts on the subject.
computers:they promise an interesting future; one without humans being the only intelligent things on earth. the creators of the created must be smarter than what they have created, right? wrong. computers are much more logical things, they base their "thought process" on programming. but when we find a way to program them to think freely without the restraint of logic and statistics as the basis of their thought process, they will become sentient. wheather that is a good thing or not; i dont know. it seems rather pointless to "flaw" computers with illogical thought and possibly emotion in an effort to simulate what is by nature imperfect. although, like any other person, i would love to see it happen if only to tell myself it can be done....

what do you see of me in the mirror? asked the cyborg to the man.
I see a reflection of myself. replied the man
cyborg:what makes you say that?
human:thats all you are; an imposter of human intelligence.
cyborg:maybe, but perhaps someday, i will be the reflection and you the imposter.....

feel free to post in response, in agreeance, or good hearted argument.