hey peoples
okey so heres the deal, this is an avatar competition.
I want to see what outfits you can come up with that are stylish, creative yet cheap! This means no donation items.
The cheaper your outfit costs the better.
so dress yourself up. include a list of everything your wearing and the total cost.
there will be 100 places and it costs 200g to enter.you can enter more then one outfit but each entry costs 200g to enter, pm me and submit your entry here! i will post up your avatar in the entrants section
the winner will win 10k in gold!if you want to donate, 100% of the donation goes to the winner. of course, if i get enough donations for the competition there may be a 2nd and third prize too!
Judging:I will be the only Judge. I will be judging on origionality, creativity and style^^
entrants:Wow, thanks everyone who's entered so far. Im gonna update the entrants as soon as i can. so anyone who has entered and didnt send me a screen cap of their outfit, please do so now! And dont forget the price list too!
I hope your having fun!