Cool4 is questing again. Why? Because she decided to get items to work with other items you have to stop selling off the items you want to use. She wanted to get some things that take more then a day to quest for. And her inventory is getting filled up with too many unnecessary items without any focus as to what to use them for.
Hammi Hat
Pandy Pack
Were tail
Oculus mythica
Chain Wallet
Winged Anklets
Death Whisperer
Kelp O'th' Loch
Padmavati's Lotus
Trick or treat tote
Yama No Tamago
heart Donaters heart
aPpLe PiXiE sTiX ~ 1000 gold
Ike Lawlight ~ 1538 tickets
Cooldude3047 ~ Fresh Grass Skirt, Mythrill Halo
s e 7 e n_x ~ 150 tickets.
Kibby47~2000 gold
-Rayn_Romance- ~ 500 gold.
Miakou ~ 10000
suspended_animation5~ Dander, 10k