116 purple daisies (2 gold each)
22 white carnations (2 gold each)
8 sun flowers(2 gold each)
40 white daisies (2 gold each)
5 old cans(1 gold each)
3 old boots (1 gold each)
32 yellow daffadils (s gold each)
45 blue daffadils (2 gold each)
76 blue daisies (2 gold each)
28 blue carnations (2 gold each)
39 old crumpled newspapers (2 gold each)
41 pink daffadils (1 gold each)
9 red flys (1 gold each)
10 blue beetles (1 gold each)
16 crickets (1 gold each)
20 red beetles (1 gold each)
19 yellow butterflies (1 gold each)
16 blue dragonflies (1 gold each)
18 grasshoppers (1 gold each)
9 fireflies (1 gold each)
9 red butterflies (1 gold each)
10 red dragonflies (1 gold each)
15 green dragonflies (1 gold each)
9 brown beetles (1 gold each)
11 blue butterflies (1 gold each)
2 house flies (1 gold each)
12 cicadas (1 gold each)
18 blue construction papers (2 gold each)
18 zerox paper blues (2 gold each)
12 crumpled newsprints (2 gold each)
5 dirty crumpled newspapers(2 gold each)
3 crumpled paper bags (2 gold each)
1 single pink carnation-redbouquet (2 gold each)
1 single pink daffadil-yellow bouquet (2 gold each)
1 single purple daisie-black bouquet (2 gold each)
1 old newspaper combover (5 gold each)

ALSO IF YOU ARE INTERSTED IN ANY OF MY INVENTORY JUST PM ME TELLING WHAT YOU WANT AND I'LL GIVE YOU THE PRICE!! dramallama by the way what you can see for my inventory is just SOME of the stuff i couldnt show all pm me and i will show you more