Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:13 pm
i'm having problems witht eh girl i like. we both lieke achother but we can never be together during teh day. she said not to go looking for her. when i did she got amd at me and told me to leave. and she ahngs out witht eh guys who hate me. we still talk in class. but i can't hug her or stay with her for long. after class i go home.
she's never had a bf b4. i d/k if i should just go ahead and hug her. she told me she's volatile. should i just hug her?
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:18 pm
well,if she doesn't want you to don't.But it kinda sounds to me she doesn't want you around though.But I would be honest with how you are feeling with her,if she truly cares she'll listen.....but that's just me babbling sweatdrop
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:54 pm
it isn't babling winter, it's true.
if u guys like eachother, it's saying she likes u, if she does, she should listen to what u have to say. have u ever asked her why she doesn't want u to go looking for her? it's kinda weird for her to ask u to keep away if she likes u...maybe i'm missing something here, i dunno, but it's sounds rather contradictory to me
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:37 pm
let me get it. here is her msg to me on the day all that happened.
Hi , it's ***** again... PLEASE DON'T IGNORE Me ... I wouldn't like it...
and I don't want you to be mad at me either ... or sad...
ok, I apolagize for getting mad at you today at lunch and after History class but ... sometimes I get really mad sometimes very easily... and...you wouldn't want a girl-friend like that(me) would you?
...and well... I didn't really expect you to come after me at lunch when I was with my
other... friends
your not just an aquaintance... your just another kind of friend that's why I never told you to come with my friends and me... they're not really like you... they're probably wierder.... (not to make fun of them)... AND don't TEll them either... it's not really that but it's just that they're more not playful... but probably undecent than you are or something...just please accept my apology....
ANd thank you for the HoMework though it couldn't help much....
oh, and by the way, I saw you while you were in band practice today.. it was pretty cool I had to get my locker FINALLY...
so, just as long as you don't always look for me , were fine, O>.K.? <(i meant that).
Oh! and tell me abit more about the History test ok? ( I'm taking it tomorrow @(at) lunch)
BYE gotta go study and do Home work again!! PS sad maybe this time I'll respond)...
Sincerely, ******* sry about censoring our names don't wanna start a controversy. last night i sent her a reply saying" i wasn't looking for you. the meeting i went to for link crew was near your area. i saw you when it was done and i wanted to say hi.
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:56 pm
o....k. this is...curious, to say the least. why wouldn't she want u to always look for her? i mean, i understand if she doesnt like...[leechy?] ppl, always stuck and after u. have u asked her why she's like that?
also, why would she get mad easily? do u know if she had some past experience that makes her react like that?
and it sounds to me like she has a bit of a low self-esteem...or she's having contradictory thoughts about u. [referring to the "u wouldn't want a gf like that"]. my other thought is that she might be testing the ground, seeing just how interested u r, just how far u'd go to be with her...i can't really say which one, since i don't know her, but those are the possibilities that jump from the top of my head.
am i to assume that her way of speaking about her other friends is her way of saying she knows they hate u? do u know if they are disaproving of her wanting to be with u? might that be the reason she seems to be hiding u from them?
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:22 pm
no i haven't asked her.yes im sure they are dissapproving of me.
Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:37 am
Hmm,this sounds a bit fishy to me,but to honest with you...I don't think she's being honest with you. I'm in high school and you know how the hormones start to kick in a bit strong and the whole girlfriend/boyfriend thing. And when some of the girls in my school don't like a guy that likes them they do stuff like what the girl at your school. But,the only way to find out if she does like you is to just to be with her,but I have to ask....the friends that she hangs out with don't like you,does she know? or does she not?
Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 8:45 am
umm, if she said not to do it, you probably shouldn't....
Honestly, it more or less sounds like you might want to end it before you get too attached. It really sounds like she's a little too easily influenced by the people around her, heaven knows what they could be telling her. She also sounds like she's too controlling if she won't even let you look for her in the halls or hug her if you guys are dating.
Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:07 am
this situation is very weird. you sure that she never had a bf before? i dont understand why a person who is going out with another try to hide a relationship unless they are embarrased or two timing. sweatdrop
Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 5:26 am
This is so confusing... But you want it from my view? Well, it looks like she likes you, but she is scared you to are not the ones for eachother or something like that. I don't really know, I am new to the whole dating game. But as Meleny said, girls just don't hide relationships unless they are embarrased, two timing, scared, or just plain not caring. Then again there is one thing you should know. Some girls like guys but their head is messed up from reading romantic novels, and watching chick flicks. *Barf...* Anyway, they expect you to chase after them or whatever. Not saying you should, let her think she has lost you and then she comes prancin after you. biggrin Trust me, one thing I can't stand is when a guy plays hard to get. It WILL work.
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 8:05 pm
i asked her and she never knew they hated me then i finally told her the truth. it seems that all the school knows of the rumors about me. that could be influencing her. but then again she is playing hard to get i can tell. so i decided to give the girl (heather a good friend of 3 yrs) big relationship hugs. not just to make lu feel bad but to also make me feel better. i usually get alot of depressing days and when i hug heather i feel great. ( it's too bad heather is taken).
Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:30 pm
lol; that happens. but maybe it's for the best. sometimes a person is better as a friend than gf/bf [taking exmaple from my experience: got 3 guy friends who r GREAT!! but i'd really prefer to leave them as just that, friends, rather than hooking up with them. not only would it be awkeard as hell, but i simply think i need a friend from them, not a bf].
don't u think making her feel bad isn't exactly a good thing?
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:38 pm
yea the situation is weird but not uncommon. maybe she's the kind of girl that gets put off by guys being too lappy-dog. i know i get turned off by guys who are too maleable (believe it or not). it's because a lot of females can't respect a guy they could step all over. so maybe you're emitting that characteristic by being all up on her? what's your reputation, btw? fenera is right, it does seem like she's easily influenced by others. i've seen that done many times where the girlfriends/ boyfriends don't approve of the significant other and eventually alter the feelings of the person in question. sad really. that shouldn't be the case coz it's not fair. if she is this kind of person, then 1. don't waste your time. 2. try her when it's the right time, let her mature a bit. i say, for now, move on. treat her like a friend. she'll be taken aback for a bit, but she'll grow comfortable around you. then maybe her feelings will develop some.
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 11:47 pm
daggblu4 yea the situation is weird but not uncommon. maybe she's the kind of girl that gets put off by guys being too lappy-dog. i know i get turned off by guys who are too maleable (believe it or not). it's because a lot of females can't respect a guy they could step all over. so maybe you're emitting that characteristic by being all up on her? what's your reputation, btw? fenera is right, it does seem like she's easily influenced by others. i've seen that done many times where the girlfriends/ boyfriends don't approve of the significant other and eventually alter the feelings of the person in question. sad really. that shouldn't be the case coz it's not fair. if she is this kind of person, then 1. don't waste your time. 2. try her when it's the right time, let her mature a bit. i say, for now, move on. treat her like a friend. she'll be taken aback for a bit, but she'll grow comfortable around you. then maybe her feelings will develop some. my reputation is horrible. everyone is afraid of me. when i walk near a group of people even people i know. it goes dead silent as if im some kind of dark spirit that sends a chill up your spine. but im glad that there are still some new people who i'v emet who ahven't been brainwashed by the rumors that float around me. but all in all i'm pretty much sad at the school im in.
Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:42 pm
well, people like me are pretty much open to anything and anyone..except a few that emit a bad vibe that has nothing to do w/ their preference in lifestyle (i.e. music, clothes, sex, etc)....but situations like yours depends on where you live. i live in jersey where everywhere is practically a melting pot of something. but i do see how some areas get weirded out by someone too gangster, too 'swell!- ish', too disciplined, too EMO, too whatever...but what is it they see of you? are you happy the way you are? now, this is something you have to really meditate yourself on. self-reflect. and if you really do prefer the way you are but still sad in your environment, then it's your environment. eventually, ...realistically, you're going to have to adapt..or move soemwhere. if you want to adapt, you have to figure out how. it's not like pleasing others..no..be yourself, but ..ahm...say for example, you're too EMO and dark--> attempt to appear approachable, not so sulky most of the time. try nodding at someone in the hallway that looks approachable to you. if you have something a classmate needs, just hand it to them, smile a little and say ' here you go'; then nod slightly and then mind your own business. it takes baby steps. don't be too sudden, and try not to be so discouraged if it doesnt go your way. if you get made fun of, just shrug. someone gets even more weirded out when you acknowledge them? shrug it off. don't worry. eventually, someone will get curious enough about the change and this time will be your chance to show some confidence and respond ' i'm tired of appearing a certain way. i'd be lying if i said i didn't mind it'. then nonchalantly say your good days and walk away calmly.