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Reply 99: My Horror Novels
a CoLLecTioN oF HoRrOr sToRieS.. Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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HaVe u BeEn ScArEd WhiLe ReaDinG a HoRroR BoOk?
YeAh!! iT ReaLLy ScArEd Me..
 18%  [ 6 ]
KinDa.. BuT iT WaS NoT ReaLLy SoOo.. ScaRy
 45%  [ 15 ]
NaH.. HorrOr sToriEs Don'T WorK WiTh Me...
 36%  [ 12 ]
Total Votes : 33


PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:03 am
i ReAd SoMe HoRroR sToRiEs.. u CaN JuDgE tHeM iF ThEy r sCaRy... burning_eyes exclaim  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:11 am
ThErE WaS a HigH scHoOL sTuDeNt sTuDyiNg FoR an uPcoMinG eXaM. WhiLe ShE WaS ReAdinG HeR BoOk, ShE SaW SoMeoNe aT tHe WiNdOw. He WaS JuGgiNg ouTsiDe. He SmiLed aT HeR aNd She SmiLed BaCk..

aFtEr hE LeFt...

ThE GirL ShiVeReD...

ShE ReaLiZeD DaT...

ThAt GuY CouLdn'T JoG oUtSiDe...

RigHt aT ThE WinDoW.....

CoZ ThE GirL WaS....

iN ThE FouRtH FLoOr ThAt TiMe.....

HoW CouLd He PoSsiBLy JoG.....

iN ThiN aiR???


He WaS FLoaTiNg DaT TyM.... burning_eyes




PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:36 am
a LaDy WaS WoRkiNg FoR a CoMpaNy. ShE WaS DeSigNaTeD oN ThE HigHesT FLoOr (fLoOr 20)
ShE WaS TrYinG To FiNisH a PrOjEcT aNd shE DiDn'T NoTiCeD ThAt iT WaS aLrEaDy eLeVeN iN ThE EvEniNg. aNd ShE WaS tHe oNLy eMpLoYeE LefT iN tHe BuiLdinG(eXcePt FoR ThE GuaRd). iT WaS KiNda CrEePy To UsE ThE sTaiRs So ShE uSeD tHe eLeVaToR..

wHeN ShE WaS oN ThE 17tH fLoOr, ThE eLeVaToR's DoOr oPenEd (dAt MeAnS SoMeoNe WaS To eNtEr ThE eLevAtoR)

BuT NoBoDy enTerEd...

ShE PrEssEd ThE cLoSe BuTToN....

WeN sHe WaS oN ThE 13tH fLoOr...

ThE DoOr oPenEd aGaiN...

ShE WaiTeD BuT NoBoDy eNtErEd....

sHe PrEsSed tHe cLoSe BuTTon oNcE mOrE...

WeN iT WaS aLrEaDy oN ThE 9tH fLoOr...

tHe DoOr oPeNeD aGaiN...

tHe LaDy WaiTeD aGaiN....

NoBoDy enTeReD...

ShE ThouGht ThaT tHe SecUriTy GuaRd WaS pLaYiNg a TriCk WiTh HeR... ShE cLoSeD tHe DoOr aGaiN...

WeN iT WaS aLrEaDy oN ThE 6tH fLoOr....

tHe DoOr oPenEd....


ShE DiDn'T WaiT aNyMoRe...

ThE LaDy TriEd To PrESS tHe cLosE BuTToN...

BuT BeFoRe ShE DiD So....

ShE HeArD a FaMiLiaR SouNd....

iT WaS an aLarM BeLL....

ShE FroZe....

ShE kNeW tHe SouNd....

iT uSuaLLy HeArD DuRiNG RuSh HouRs....

tHe SouNd MeaNs....

ThE eLevAtoR iS aLrEadY FuLLy oCcuPiEd....

(hOw CoMe iT WaS FuLLy oCcuPiEd WeN ShE WaS ThE oNLY oNe iN tHe eLevAtoR... oR WaS ShE??)

WeN sHe WaS aLreaDy oN ThE GrouNd fLoOr...

ShE Ran aS FasT aS ShE CouLd To ThE eXiT W/o eVen LoOkinG BaCk....  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:51 am
its good but whats with all the capital then not capital and capital agian crap?  

The Reason For Your Death


PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:29 am

iT's JusT a sTyLe..

WeLL, iT aLL sTarTeD WeN We NeEd To PuT sTyLeS iN ouR oUtPuT FoR a ProJecT..
aNd i ThouGhT ThaT CaPiTaLiziNg aNg MaKinG LeTTeRs sMaLL WuD Be GrEaT!!

aS i KeEp oN DoiNg DiS..
i GoT uSeD To iT...

WeirD HuH??

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:06 am

iT's JusT a sTyLe..

WeLL, iT aLL sTarTeD WeN We NeEd To PuT sTyLeS iN ouR oUtPuT FoR a ProJecT..
aNd i ThouGhT ThaT CaPiTaLiziNg aNg MaKinG LeTTeRs sMaLL WuD Be GrEaT!!

aS i KeEp oN DoiNg DiS..
i GoT uSeD To iT...

WeirD HuH??


wierd aint the word for it  

The Reason For Your Death


PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:36 am
nice stories, you need to post more biggrin  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:49 am
I like that elevator story, but can you go easy on the capitals?  

Spooky Wasabi Princess

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:00 pm
i was sitting in a balcony and all lights turn off by itself and when i looked down from the terrace my body was lying on the ground bathing with blood i dont know what happen but i still dwell on that same balcony eversince..

a schizophrenic ghost story...

the truth is... he have this great depression over his served aggresion with this girl but she ignore him(because he's nerdy) thats why that schizophrenic nerd jump off the balcony to end his life and his sadness.

(this is a story made by myself nothing here is true all is fictional)

can u rate it 1-5 ?  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:04 pm



PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:42 pm
wahmbulance That's nothing. I made one called rollercoaster,
most of my friends liked it and it scared 2 senseless o.O
It has three chapters. or parts, however you wanna put it.
but it's too long. so here's just chapter one:
A boy named Oddie was doing a project for his music teacher
on an old singer named paul marie. He bought a cd. Oddie
was a smart kid, and he was listening to a song called roller coaster
while staring at the sound wave patterns. Something went really wrong with the waves all of a sudden. He could have sworn he heard a female
shriek.It went back to normal, stunned and scared, oddie turned it
off. He decided that it must have been something wrong with his sterio or a scratch on the cd. Then he realized they were both completely new.
suddenly he remembered that paul was still alive, in the retirement home.
oddie ran down the street. He asked the nurse if he could speak to him.
"Oh, dear, I am really sorry, but he's not with us anymore. really a shame. he wasn't a bad person. but, if you like, you can talk to his best friend and band member." Oddie could feel his stomach tie into an
uncomfortable knot. But he follwed her into his room. "Uh, excuse me, sir,
I was just listening to a song, er-rollercoaster, right? I found a really wierd
shriek in it. and the sound waves were messed up." oddie said.
The old man looked at him and replied, "Yes, lad, the reason it's called
rollercoaster is that it was preformed and recorded first at the carnival.
It's really- energetic." he looked at oddie again. "Some people choose
to think that it was accedental affects, that paul didn't notice. but I, and others, know that it's his wife."
"his wife???"
"yes, she was murdered exactly a year before this song was
performed. he tried to forget about her, but he was always a
bit dead on the inside since that. I think that maybe she had something to do with his death"
"but, it was a long time ago. That's really strange."
"life is strange, lad, I mean he got fed up with living with out her for so long."
"suicide?" oddie asked.
He could feel the knot in his stomach getting bigger.
"aren't you upset about him?"
"sure I am, but I know that he has moved on.
I hope he rests in peace."
Oddie was really scared. He shouldn't have asked that.
but he was too far. he needed to dig deeper.
"Can-can I see his room?"
"sure, right next door to mine."
Oddie ran out and into Paul's old room. He had been here
before. but, the walls, they weren't black, and- the furniture
was all gone...........
He heard the shriek again. Louder. He saw diffrent colours,
and......things, strange things, and-he heard voices, like,
language of the dead or something. It wasn't english, or any other
human language. The door slammed shut.

In case this was misunderstood:
It's a bit like the grudge, because one night
Paul lost his temper with her, he was the murderer.
Niether of them rested in peace, and she haunted him until
he couldn't live with it anymore, so he freed himself by
suicide. Noone knew what paul had done, not even his best friend.
Or at least attempted to free himself, he couldn't rest in peace
because of what happened and niether can his wife,
most of the time a person becomes a ghost when they had an abnormal
death, like murder.  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:46 pm
Sorry about wall of text sweatdrop  



PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 2:57 pm
Okies heres a story...

...One day a man was at his home. It was 11:00 PM and he saw a black dog running down the stairs. "What are you doing here?" he said to the dog. and every night at 11:00 pm he heard rustling upstairs, and he'd check the room but no1 or nothing would be there...then the dog rran down the stairs.He called over his neighbor and let his dogs in the house.The neighbor and him talked about the thing. The mans dogs were growling and in the mans bedroom. Nothing was there besides the men and his dogs.One of the two dogs neck was ripped open-- no exlplanation-- and dropped dead a minute later. His other dog was cornered by thin air- or was it?- and stopped growling a second later. But then they saw the black dog, and the neighbor pointed his pistol at it. The black dog was never seen again, but then on at 11:00 Pm there was rustling in the room above the mans bedroom...

plz rate my story =D well not my story but i read a scary story book  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:42 pm
This is a spin I wrote on a ghost story from my school...

(Note: my school was built and founded over 100 years ago. it used to just be a school for boys, then a girls school was added, and eventually the two were combined and became co-ed)

"This school, as you all know, was originally founded by the Princess. She left a very large endowment for the school, and after her death she said to use the money to help educate the children.

"However, at the time it was founded it was an all boy's boarding school. As time passed, people said this was unfair. Eventually women were becoming more educated, and the will said to educate ALL children, not just specifically male or female.

"One of the committee chairs who ran the high school was completely against having girls attend the school. But the people eventually convinced him, and a new portion of school was built as an all girl's boarding school.

"Soon, many schools began turning from boys or girls schools to co-ed, and the parents decided their children's school ought to keep up with the times and become co-ed as well. This the high school chairman would not allow. But he was an old man by this time, and he had a heart attack one night on the campus grounds. The staff took him to the medical ward, but it was too late and he died there.

"A new committee chair was promoted to his place, and this new man was much younger and much more liberal. He lead the other committee members to make this school co-ed, and even enrolled his daughter.

"As what many of the school officials did, he and his family moved into a house built on the campus. He watched his daughter grow from a young girl into a young woman, attending the elementary school, the intermediate school, then soon the highschool...

"One day in her senior year the girl caught a bad cold. Her father was extremely worried about her and thought maybe she should go to the hospital to see a doctor. One of the nurses from the school's medical ward offered to let her stay there instead. After all, the school's medical equipment and staff rivaled the local hospitals. The father agreed, and the girl went to stay at the medical center.

"At night, the medical staff leaves the students locked into their rooms. There was one large room for girls, and one for boys, just like now...

"The daughter of the chairman was sleeping soundly, when she heard a noise in the hallway and woke up. She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes, then listened again. It sounded like someone was walking up and down the hall. The girl looked around, and saw that everyone else in the girls' room was asleep. Then she looked to the door, and was surprised to see a dim light from out in the hall shining under the door.

"She assumed one of the younger boys must have woken up to use the bathroom and had gotten lost. Being a kind person, she got out of bed and decided to go help him.

"She openned the door and looked up and down the hallway, but the light was gone.

" 'How strange,' she said, taking a step out into the hall, 'I could have sworn that there was someone out here.' She turned to go back into the girls bedroom, and was surprised when she found the door had somehow locked behind her. She knocked, but no one came to answer the door.

"She figured there must be a key somewhere, so she walked over to the reception area and looked around. This time she heard the footsteps again, coming up right behind her...

"She turned around, expecting to see someone, but no one was there...

" 'Hello?' she called out, not recieving an answer...

"The girl, starting to get scared, turned back to the nurse's desk, and in her haste knocked over a stack of paper work.

" 'Oh!' she girl said as she kneeled down and began to pick up the papers.

" '...I knew girls at this school would be nothing but trouble.'

"The voice came from right above her, and she began to look up, expecting to see someone, but suddenly her body surged with pain and she fell onto the floor, letting out a scream.

"The other students woke up hearing the yell, turned on the lights, and rushed out into the halls. A couple of the younger girls found the chairman's daughter passed out on the floor, and they called 911 using the emergency phone.

"Paramedics rushed to the school, but by the time they arrived, they determined the girl was dead.

"It's surprising that no one on staff stays at the medical center at night, even after that incident, but, oh well," I said as I shrugged, "I'm not a boarder here, so it's not like it matters to me right?"

"Yeah but..." my friend Yuki said shivering, "I am... and so's Erica."

I looked over at Erica, her eyes wide in fear, "S-so... that one night I was there... t-that screaming I h-heard..."

I laughed, "During the flu season? That's just one of the boys from Liho dorm running up and down the hall yelling bloody murder trying to scare y-"

"-please don't say bloody murder..." Kim said glancing around, "Especially right now... why did you even have to tell that story?"

I looked out the window, seeing it was almost evening. "Aw c'mon guys... it's not like it's real or anything. Well, since the project's done, I'm heading home. You need a ride Kimi?"

She nodded, getting her backpack. "Thanks guys for having us over."

"No problem," Erica said.

"Anytime," Yuki added.

"Thanks!" I said, openning the door, Kim and I walking out into the cool night air. "My mom should be here in a minute."

Erica and Yuki stood in the doorway to their room, and Kaylin and I leaned against the wall outside, talking and joking while waiting for my mom.

" ...girls at this school..."

I froze and looked at my friends, who were all staring at me.

"...did you guys hear...?" Erica asked. No one said anything

"Ha ha, nice one Mia," Yuki said to me, breaking the awkward silence.

I gulped. "I swear to God that wasn't me..."

My friends and I exchanged worried looks, just as my mom pulled up. Yuki and Erica practically slammed the door to their room and Kim and I jumped in the car.

My mom started to drive, and I don't think I even breathed until we were off campus.

My mom noticed we were being quiet the ride home. "What's the matter girls?" she said, "You look like you've just seen a ghost!"


The original story my friend told me is that there's the ghost of a girl who died at the medical center at my school, and she walks the halls at night. Supposedly she's a friendly ghost. However, he does like to scare the other kids there by screaming bloody murder when he's there XD

Anyways, that's my story, hope you guys like it ^^

Sorry about the huge wall of text sweatdrop  


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