Here are some simple rules to live by in New York City:

1) Follow all gaia TOS; you will be warned only once and I will report and throw you out of town if this happens.

2) Please keep all threads on topic. There will be 2 chatterboxes, one for other CSI related shows and another for all other conversation. This way we can keep all talk focused on our friends at the NYC crime lab. Off topic posts will be moved to the appropriate place or deleted if I see fit.

3) There will be a recycle bin and an archive for all thredas. The recycle bin is for posts that don't belong or I see fit to make a choice to delete. The archive is for all charecter threads. We will only be going 50 pages per charecter thread, and each charecter thread will have a name. You will be able to see all archived threads there and come up with new names.

4) All ship threads will have 2 sections. (a ship is a relationship) The first thread will be for all other CSI related ships. (Example: GSR and Snickers) The other will be realted to all CSI NY ships. (Example: Smacked and kinkapoodles) IF any thread for these are not PG 13, I will have the right to delete it and give your name to a mod.

5) Any images found within icons, banners or wallpaper that are inappropriate and will be warned once. If after once, it will be deleted and your name will be given to a mod.

These are all the rules to live here in NYC. I will be making lofts as well so you are able to stay and chat with friends around town. There will be a suggestion thread so you can tell me how to make NYC a better place to live.
