Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 3:01 pm
I have a tenonusy(spelling) of being to quiet around my friends, if my friends cause trouble I just sit back and do nothing, my friends usually have to start conversations with me and not the other way about, I losing kind of facial expression to emotions and once my friends see me once I'm not quiet they think I'm kind of wierd. I dont know if I should be posting this but is the fact of me being too quiet a problem and am I losing respect by "freeing my emotions".
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 7:49 pm
There's balance to everything.When someone talks to you like asks you a question and wants an answer... but you don't answer that's when you're being too quiet... if it's just casual conversation, them telling you a story or something. And you don't really have a comment or anything to say, I don't think it's being too quiet.
If you don't want to show emotion, don't force it. It's not your friends' problem if you don't show as much emotion as everyone else, it's not your problem either. It's just how you are, don't change just for someone else's sake and not your own.
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 10:04 pm
I agree with fenera. You shouldn't do what you don't want to do. And if they are your real friends, they can't ask you to do something you don't want to do. I don't suggest hiding your feelings ALL THE TIME, but you don't have you be a parading billboard telling and showing to EVERYONE all the time how you feel. And if you don't speak, I'd guess you simply have nothing to say....at least that's why I remain quiet sometimes. Point being, it's not a big deal
Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:37 pm
Feel free to do whatever you want. For a whole year I barely talked. I wouldn't say a word for weeks at a time. My friends didn't really notice, cause their all outspoken anyways. But after a while I felt like talking again. It probably was because I was just depressed then, but maybe your reason is different. Either way, just do what ever makes you happy.
Plus, if your friends don't like you because of something like that, find friends who wil except you for who you are.
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:21 pm
you're not being too quiet, that is just how you are, but if you are approched than it is alright to answer, but if you dont want to be the one to start the conversation than that is kool, it is just who you are