Ok I looked it up: DMs Guide (3.5) pg 248,
If living creatures are placed within the bag they can survive for up to 10 minutes, after which time they suffocate.

There you go, 10 minutes of air...

This appears to be a common sack about 2feet by 4 feet in size.

I imagine most characters would be able to get in through an opening of roughly 4ft perimeter (assuming it's 2 ft across and 4 down to the bottom)... I don't remember how to work out the diameter from that but maths nerds eat your heart out razz I reckon medium size characters could get in...

If a bag of holding is turned inside out, the contents spill out, unharmed...

That's how you get out if someone is not intentionally trying to pull you out.

As to Heward's Handy Haversack I forgot to say before, I doubt you could get INTO one of those razz (the bags of holding are pocket sized...).

Remember DM's discretion!!! hehe