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Reply 11: The Intelligent Cogitation: For the Master Debaters
War on "Terror" Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7

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The War on "Terror" is...
  Not what we were told it was.
  A complete lie made to complete a hidden agenda.
  being fought for a good reason.
  other (please post)
  poll whore (I have no opinions)
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Der Freischuetz

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:48 am
We have less freedom than Canada and many countries in the E.U. We do not have more than everyone else in the world.
Americans are still a long way from free, security has nothing to do with it. Greed, ignorance and fear have everything to do with it.

If we have a problem with Theocracies, then why are we living in one?
I don't care if Hitler rose from the grave and started attacking America, people deserve freedom. Or does "inalienable rights" have a loophole in it?

You know perfectly well America didn't go into Iraq to help anyone. WMDs were fabricated as an excuse, when America could be fooled no longer they switched tactics, saying instead that Iraqis aren't evil with big bad weapons, but that they were helpless and oppressed. If that were true, then once Saddam was deposed there would be no more reason for us to be there, ding dong the witch is dead. But oops, we took the cap off of shook up soda, there's a civil war now, which still begs the question of what the Hell do we think we're doing there?
More people are dying now, and thousands of them are our own.
You act like Iraq is the only place in the world with war, torture, and oppresive rulers. It isn't, what about all the others?
I understand people saying we can't leave now, but we don't have the manpower to go through with it, we have to get out.

People are so freaking scared of planes getting hijacked, if anyone cared about Americans dying they'd outlaw cigarettes, not the right to doctor-patient confidentiality. About privacy in exchange for security, it's a load of B.S. We're not any safer now and everything America once stood for is getting hacked to pieces.
If Americans wanted to cure cancer (which only occurs in westernized societies) all they have to do is stop using toxic chems and gasoline, etc., but that's not gonna happen as long as people are making money off of it.

It's not that there is no ideological basis for the war, it's that the war is not being fought for those ideals.

Bashing someone's head in does not make you correct "War does not prove who is right, only who is left"
It's not going to solve anything, just kill a lot of people.

As far as theocracies go, this nation is pretty light, compared to Iran or a few other countries. Yes there are things within our society that could stand to be changed, but really it's not as huge a problem as you make it seem.

If the WMD's were such a big lie, then how come we were able to convince people before we even went to war that they had them? We got intelligence from multiple countries around the world saying that Hussein was up to no good with NBC weaponry. After the Gulf War we were allowed to inspect Iraq and found that it had multiple facilities for producing biological and nuclear weapons, and they were quite advanced to boot. Are you telling me that after that we had no reason to suspect Hussein of producing them still? Also, the Gulf War was "ended" with a cease-fire, not an actual surrender on Iraq's part. Hussein was required to meet certain standards to keep the cease-fire in effect. He didn't. Because of that, the war was essentially back on.

I don't think you know how to fight a war. It takes sacrifice, and lots of it. You think thousands of our own dead is bad? Please. With that kind of mentality there's no way in hell we would've won World War 2. We would've given up when the German counterattack in the winter of '44 happened. We lost tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of men due to that attack. Did we say, "Oh no, we've lost too many we ahve to give up!"? No we didn't, we kept fighting. More manpower is needed, but you know how we're gonna get that? A draft! Sure, the modern highly-mobile force is an effective fighting machine, but it can't occupy countries as well as the large standing army of the Cold War era. We know how to deal with country occupation, we have experience with Germany, Japan, and the Philippines. The losses in this conflict are comparitively light, if not scant as opposed to many war of the past.

Yes there are countries with the same problems of tyrranical dictatorships, namely Sudan and the Darfur region in particular. However, Sudan does not have a connection with the War on Terror or Islamic Extremism. While it'd be a nice gesture to remove al-Bashir from power and give the people a chance to run the government themselves, there isn't much in it for us other than a pat on the back from other countries saying "Thanks for doing something that we'd do ourselves but don't see as being worth it to sacrifice the lives of our citizens for." Islamic Extremism became our problem when they decided to hijack some airplanes and fly them into buildings with the intent of killing innocent civilians. And letting our guard down like we did then is a stupid mistake. It happened at the 1972 Munich Olympics because people thought it was going to be a "peaceful" event. None of the guards were armed, and didn't even have patrols. Look what happened. So much for peace and freedom when you can't ensure the lives of the people who you want it to be there for. So much for freedom and privacy in exchange for security being BS. And you've yet to show me a specific case where someone's rights were violated.

And since when does cancer only occur in Westernized societies? You make it sound as if chemicals and gas are the main cause of cancer, which then sounds like we've only had cancer for as long as we've been using chemicals, but cancer has been around for much longer than that. I recommend you provide some evidence before throwing out such a fact.

And no, who wins a war does essentially prove who's right, because the winner gets to write the history books the way they want to, thus teaching people that they won because they believed in such-and-such, and for that they were right. If Germany and the rest of the Axis powers had won World War 2, we wouldn't have been right for standing against the Third Reich, Hitler would have been the man with the right idea.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:05 am
The war is being fought for more reasons than the bush administration would like to share publicly. True we are trying to severly cripple terrorist organizatons, but we are, in my viewing, also trying to protect our oil demands. It isn'tthe perfect plan. But like a british poet once said, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. We depend on the Middle East for too much oil, so here we are trying to improve relations to the countrys with our "Oils Farms", kinda like the gulf war. We should not Cut and run however. Even if the terms and conditions over there are not ideal, we've gotten ourselfs into this mess, and American Pride Dictates we finish it. The United States of America has a reputaion to maintain, to prove you dont mess with us. We are still sore from 9/11 in our hearts. But all these complications are not entirely bushes fault. No man can see into the future. But again this is nothing new. There will always be terrorism in the Middle East just as there has always been. But we must find a more Equittable system to solve this war, how we come accross I truely dont know. Sorry if my ideas are all over the place.  



PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:23 am
Now, I'm no politicion, but I do know this. If we "cut and run" like some people say we should that will cause a big problem for the US. If we do leave, Iran will come in and take over. At first it may not be bad for us, but it will be harder to win this war. Oh and by the way, for those of you who think Bush is stupid for starting this war, your not intelligent. Bush can't just declare war, he has to run it through the congress.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 6:45 pm
Now, I'm no politicion, but I do know this. If we "cut and run" like some people say we should that will cause a big problem for the US. If we do leave, Iran will come in and take over. At first it may not be bad for us, but it will be harder to win this war. Oh and by the way, for those of you who think Bush is stupid for starting this war, your not intelligent. Bush can't just declare war, he has to run it through the congress.

Tell that to the magazine Military History...  

Der Freischuetz


PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:39 pm
I'm not American, and don't really understand this war. It seems so pointless. How/why did it start in the first place? I'm so confused. It just seems stupid. What is the purpose?!

People were scared. Scared people are very easy to use and manipulate. Bush was able to pass whatever he wanted once 9/11 happened. He pushed bills through that totally by-passed the bill of rights (the main cornerstone of people's rights in the US) so that he and his people could do whatever they wanted. People wanted to do anything to feel safe again. Since the terrorists were from Afghanistan, they started sending secret service and a few hundred troops in. Then they cut back. more and more. There were leads, but the US was partnered with the people they lead to. Oil tycoons, important families in the middle east, etc. So someone in the executive branch decided to take all that fear, all that hate, all that power and drive it into something they could make a difference in; Iraq.

There are many theories for why we went into Iraq, but like George Bush Sr.'s memoir stated, there was no way out. Money and troops started to drain into that place like a whirlpool in the Bermuda Triangle. People died, a lot from my home town, and time passed. People got less scared. They started to wonder why this was happening. They began to ask questions. But it was too late for the most part. The Executive Branch had gained too much power to stop. The Legislative was eating out of their hands. People had stopped caring about the way their country was run. They still don't totally want to see what's happening.

I got most of this information from reading the newspaper and watching a show on PBS at two in the morning. The PBS show said it was the second and last time they were showing the special on what happened in Afghanistan because the government was forcing them to pull it. They had names and dates and information. There was no reason other than personal that we went from Afghanistan to Iraq. There was no reason that we went after Saddam Hussein. A twelve year old can tell like a bad episode of Columbo that the government is lying. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like we'll read the whole truth until it's down in our children's history books.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:47 pm
I'm not a left wing nut or an extremist, just a moderate, but I do believe in ethics and morals. I don't delude myself with pretending the types of people that get elected are mainly good and wholesome. I was pre-law for five years and worked in a DA's office and under a judge. Some people are moral, but most never were or just stop caring eventually. I know what it's like, I stopped caring too after awhile. But I see now that we need to not be totally apathetic and that our politicians are never going to be perfect, I just want them to be competent enough and intelligent enough not to totally screw up. I think Bush Jr. will go down in history as the reason we need to pay attention to who we elect. I'm tired of just sitting by and watching. I doubt most of you will read these two posts or care, but I'm doing this because I want to speak up for what I believe is happening to this country. Never blindly trust anyone you elect to government.  



PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:51 pm
I believe we need to keep terror cells under control, if we pull out of iraq all thats gonna happen is the taliban recuperating. i don't completly agree with this war but i feel we need to keep it going, all these lies going around are clouding the truth that these soilders are trying to save these dying people in iraq. i don't know where this "Blood For Oil" nonsense came from but we are making progress, we are taking out the terror cells we are saving alot of people, we even captured saddam, pulling out of iraq in my oppinion would be the dumbest move for america to do, it will only give the taliban the idea that we are defeated and will also encourage more terror against us.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:18 pm
I believe we need to keep terror cells under control, if we pull out of iraq all thats gonna happen is the taliban recuperating. i don't completly agree with this war but i feel we need to keep it going, all these lies going around are clouding the truth that these soilders are trying to save these dying people in iraq. i don't know where this "Blood For Oil" nonsense came from but we are making progress, we are taking out the terror cells we are saving alot of people, we even captured saddam, pulling out of iraq in my oppinion would be the dumbest move for america to do, it will only give the taliban the idea that we are defeated and will also encourage more terror against us.

Three liberals just had a heart-attack.  



PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:46 pm
we can't win the war on terror cause you can't fight ideas with guns  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 11:11 am
I just got out of the military in july, I can tell you first hand that this war is fought for less then honorable reasons, and the friends I have left in the military are dying because of it. The war is being fought to make the rich richer, by funneling the tax dollars alotted to the military budget, through no bid contracts, for extremely over priced stuff. I was a mechanic in the Army, 108th airborne division. a piece of radiator hose that would cost me 50cents on the street was being charged to our budget as $200. a card for a launcher, which is nothing more then a motherboard in a computer with different chips on it, $175,000. and these are parts that are made to break. think about it. the army has mechanics, welders, and all the parts it would take to make a 25million dollar tank, and we could make it for less then half the cost we pay an outside contractor. civilians who work in iraq make over 130k per year untaxed by the goverment. while the company they work for makes a lot more then that for each employee. its a big money machine, thats why when you see a republican in office we go to war, when there is a democrat, we have peace and a decrease in the national defficet. all this money is going through contracts to major companies who are controlled by a few people, but dont think that the money they get isnt spread through the "family" which include the politicans who get them the contracts. now having said that, the second reason for the war is to spread the power and influence of these people further into the middle east. they have isrel already, if this works they will have iraq and all the afgans.. if we are the ones in controll of the oil. and if you look our soldiers over there are guarding the oil, not the hospitals or schools, we have controll, then why is oil prices going through the roof? why have oil company CEO's seen an increse in there salaries over over 200% since the war started? ask yourself these questions, and then tell me what you think this war is about.  


11: The Intelligent Cogitation: For the Master Debaters

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