Shoya Kikuno...
How does it sound...?

Peronsally i think it sounds good... BUT its not a name i go for.. Shoya anyway...
But.. i need a name.. and want to name him after my hero...

Or... SAI!!! ;A;

As in.. well... I like the name Saito (as in name him after Saito Soma..) but i don't think Saito can be a first name... so.. why not name him Sai instead..?
I have got chaarcter(s?) named Sai.. but really old and none up on toyhouse...

Also.. Sai from Neuro Tentei or whatever the hell the rest of the name is.. XD (such an old anime.. cant remember the full title..) (MInd you though.. in the manga he was originally a she.. ugh.. not against usu girls just that i want him to be a guy.. i picture as him as a guy... >>:;; not a girl.. i like girls to be known as girls from the start.... fussy with girl characters too...)

Well whatever... i will name him Sai.. i like the name...

How does... wait for iiiit....

Sai Kikuno sound?/?

Not as good as Shoya Kikuno but.. it sounds good.. 'v'