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[solo] Unlikely events { Chihiro x Xibos x Suta }

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Chi Sohma

Married Unicorn

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 11:26 pm
Chi - https://res.cloudinary.com/splashofsnow/image/upload/v1532718606/SoA_Cheetah_uncert/dijinniXluhui04adult_zpsf4i6gdxu.png
Xibos - https://res.cloudinary.com/splashofsnow/image/upload/v1531837569/SoA_Cheetah_uncert/ChiBirthday_zps4epcjjvj.png
Suta - https://res.cloudinary.com/splashofsnow/image/upload/v1532718740/SoA_Cheetah_uncert/chini3adult_zps6x5o1v7l.png  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 12:06 am
Athena was told to not give them guides. Instead, they would respect the way of the tree pride and let them venture for themselves. Explore the pride and maybe they would find it not so bad here. Maybe Xibos, The Ash could be swayed. One would hope. The guide that would have taken them around was replaced with an Ambassador, Bahija. It was different, having such a weight of respect was felt around Xibos and Bajiha could feel it. They all needed to come to an agreement soon. Which she felt responsible for nuturing some sort of relationship. She just needed to figure it out. She noticed there was a gazelle jumping and galloping next to the Ash, whom was unbothered and even playful by his side, whereas he was stiff as stone. Taking note of this, she showed them where they would sleep and welcomed them to self tour the pride and that they can ask any of the members for help navigating if they wished. The Ash gave a nod and led the herd of members with the gazelle- out in to the pride. Spreading out to investigate.

The Gazelle jumped alonged in elation and nudged the Ash's shoulder. "The seer has told me of this place. I know it well as if they described me to the tip of my hairs. The Ash gave a nod. Xibos sighed. "Why this pride. It could be a slave that was gone through so much. How could I cope with a mate that has been abused. I wouldn't know how to help...I'd be helpless."

"I haven't heard a story of her abuse... I'm sorry. I am sure she is here somewhere. Right?" She was hopeful but she was young still. Being raised by a seer whom told them stories of these events. Being literately born to be a tool. Yet for some reason the Gazelle was ok with this. They were living for someone else. The weight of their existence was not theirs to hold. It was their master's. Their bonds. The Ash followed along. "Their was many stories of these structure....These rocks...."

"Excuse me, what is this place...?" He moved together with two other cheetahs.

The green cheetah turned around and bowed her head. "This is where we house Gods and shrines. Would you like to be guided through?" Chi smiled under a while veil.

"Yes please!" The gazelle chirped.

The Ash followed along, seemingly unmoved by how the gazelle acted or what they got themselves in to. The shrines all has spots. They were careful to put some gods close and others further apart. Their were priests and priestesses coming in and out of a structure they was beautifully natural swirls. "Here we have the talks of healing, and prayers for the shrines of the gods. Past this we have the waters of healing which cleanses the soul and the body and mind to then further go in to sync with their preferred god. Then we have the places to sleep so that one can meditate for and stay within sacred grounds to replenish their spirits. Here you can find seers, priests, priestesses, and gods in whatever state they wish to take."

The Ash nodded and went to go towards the healing waters. The gazelle was following along and they went their separate ways to experience the healing properties of the baths. It was heated which was only other channel being through the witch doctor's tunnels. The rest of the waters were forever changing with the seasons. Theirs- stayed near boiling. Xibos refreshed himself and went in to the area of simply starring up at the skies in little pockets above. Some parts glow and for some reason the waters made the caves move and shift colors.

His guard was down and he was just absorbing the moment, it took him a good ten minutes before his body sent signals that he wasn't alone and opened his eyes to see Suta. Chills were sent down his spine from the feeling- and the company. It was her, he didn't need the gazelle to know it now. They looked so much alike.

"Ah.... Hi." He had lost the ego during this sentence, he sounded more unsure than anything. Choking up and clearing his throat. Trying to come up with what to say and yet the silence of hers was heavy. Unsettling.

"Ah so- Um. I am Xibos, what is your name?"

Suta turned and looked at him with giant doll eyes before looking back upwards. Watching the stars.

Xibo turned back upwards to watch and gaze upon the stars with her. That unsettling feeling went away then there was peace. It took a lifetime to fill the moment and when he turned again, she was gone. His ears went down and he went back to looking up. The gazelle bounded in to his side and rolled around hooving at him. "I saw her! She's prettier than what the seer said!"

"Did the seer say if anything was ... wrong with her. Or ill mannered?"

The gazelle looked down thoughfully. "No... she seemed skittish but she is genuine in her concerns for others."

"Ok... I just hope I didn't offend her..."

Chi Sohma

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Chi Sohma

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 2:03 pm
There was a feast in their honor- and everyone seemed to take part. This was community, something their pride valued over everything. They began to form and Emi took the center.

"We are joined by the Tree Pride, where Athena and Kairos hail from! This is their leader, The Ash. Please treat them like your fellow members. Try not to make fools of yourselves." She rose to meet their gazes and nodded. "Help them if they ask and only if they ask. Remember Athena and Kairos were from this pride. Act accordingly." Giving them a nod.

Most began to take their fill of the meat pile that was arranged. At such short notice- she really did find everything to make their pride look good. Ami took note of all the effort it took to show them another side of their pride. How frantic her mother was, she could see this was not easy. Why did she want them to like them so much? They don't mean much. The Tree Pride was silent for this long. Why act like they are some big deal. She couldn't understand it. They were more powerful, smarter, and more creative than this pride. At least from what she got when The Ash was speaking. They were out of date with their accusations exactly how one would expect a newly made pride. Thumbling around to try and look stronger than they are. With what Ami knew, their numbers were dwindled, and they weren't very strong and a rather small pride after the Gods wracked havoc on the mortal realm. This pride was nothing short of an old glory days type of pride. She lost much respect for them already and it hadn't even been a whole day of knowing them.

She followed her mother along closely and quietly.

"I like how you did take charge and showed how we really do give members and non members a voice and list what could have happened if we hadn't came when we did. You were smart- but you almost came off insulting. You don't want to sound foolish in front of other prides. They could think you weak and they will push all the buttons you have in order to show that side of you. Don't give them the satisfaction."

"Like you did mother? You looked foolish trying to show them what we were about. We could have had them all killed right then. Their numbers are close to none- why you do act like we must show them so much proper care when they can't do that to their own?"

"THAT is the reason we are different, my heir." As if she made the point! "We are different from them- and mostly everyone we meet from the outside. What, do you think me kicking out all possible heirs to go travel and expirence the world, you thought all that was something random? I made it a tradition because that was the only way I could understand my own pride, is by being around other prides- or other creatures- all the help I recieved all to help my pride when I finally saw my brother making havoc on the pride- I knew I had to do something because I learned that hybrids were just like us. Sometimes can't breed but that's ok. My brother hated hybrids until he had his own. You see- if I never went out of the pride I wouldn't have known all those that made me who I am. How to travel and make myself someone out there to finally come here and give out the information I learned. Put up safety nets for those that aren't heard in the pride. To allow others to take ranks even if they aren't cheetah. So much had changed because of going out there. Just like how I see you helping others and doing things now that I hadn't seen you do before or pay attention to before you left on your own trip."

She thought of Segurue, which was her right paw.
"I learned a lot... maybe my right paw helped me a little more than yours. Your rightpaw- Katapatan is so much more rounded out."

"Because she was raised along side me. She knew what I needed more than I did. Segurue is from the rogue lands. He must've known to protect you from things you had to learn. Maybe when the Tree Pride is no longer aggressive- you can take Katapatan with you and go on another trip outside the pride. Get more experience."
PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 5:25 pm
The Ash looked up at the two cheetahesses and heard them speak to the general group. There were so many different styles that were happening within the pride. They really looked like an odd bunch especially with a hand full of each creature to also establish the numbers. This pride may be more than he thought but that was just a thought. That was until he saw her again. This time the green cheetah whom was in those springs and well, a priestess was right next to Suta. Helping her fix her veil again.

She looked majestic and otherworldly, truly.

"Ah... Hello-"

The gazelle bounded away as the Ash caught that Suta was there. It was really something when the gazelle managed to get a smile out of suta and for some reason, that made the Ash happy. Just a short ten second moment.

They were countinuing to be honored with talks, or wears, trinkets and more to the Ash and he felt overwhelmed with such characters. It was usually quiet in his pride or the humms of the tree songs. This, busy- new york feel- was out of his speed. He had nodded his head, got different foods and drinks from everyone trying to impress him and he tried to get Suta's attention and only seemed to get a blank stare from here- she looked all around him and turned and moved away with Chihiro at her heels. He needed to get to her.

Only reason he didn't come down on this pride and announce war was because of the seer child of a god friend said he would finally find his destined mate, as long as he took this gazelle and the gazelle would know what to do. This meant now, he had to get to know her...right? They were destined. Why was she so blank and dismissive...

After being hounded over with food and things- he asked his helpers to distribute the offerings between themselves. He didn't need them and that he would turn in for the night. When he got there- he immediately went for where he last saw her a few hours ago and now she was no where to be found.

Finally when he gave up, he was reporting back to the den they gave- she bumped in to him and saw what she did and lowered her head.

"Oh- sorry!" He said but she didn't speak back.

"I didn't mean to- wait ... you should probably look at where you're going?" He moved her veil and Chihiro smacked his paw away.

"Don't touch the oracle." She growled.


Suta looked away and lowered herself more and tried to get away. It made Chihiro move to replace her from the Ash's eyes.

"Oracles are the most protected in the pride. No matter what rank you are. The oracles are in a league of their own, The 'Ash'- and they are closest to the Gods... they are Godchildren- god blood runs within them and we must protect them. Especially from foreigners like you."

"I see.... so that is what you are..." He sounded pensive yet didn't look offended.

"As an offering and to show you my apologies if I offended you, please take the gazelle. They are pretty endearing." The Ash offered.

The gazelle looked up at him- then looked back at her. Lowering themselves and speaking softly like a whisper. "Do you really want me to go now? What about you?"

"Well... that is up to you." He petted the gazelle and nudged her that way.

The gazelle bowed to both of them. "Please don't eat me!"

The Ash put a paw against his forehead. Shaking his head.

The green cheetah began to laugh.. "We ....won't be eating you... tonight."

"EKKK!!!!" The gazelle bounded around them and Suta smiled again. He could see it just barely between the veil and how she moved.

"They won't eat you. You are an offering."

The gazelle sighed and bounced until they were in front of Suta and asked them. "I was told that whomever I was given to- should give me my name."

Chihiro looked up. "You went your whole life without a name?"

"Some call me stardust... but no I don't have a name... I am to be named by you." She pointed to Suta. Suta was surprised and tried to shake her head in disagreement for being traded off or offered like this, Suta was too humble. Too shy to accept. But Chihiro brought the gazelle closer.

"Thank you for your offering, The Ash. I hope you begin to love this pride as much as we do..."

Chi Sohma

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Chi Sohma

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 2:47 pm
Chi Sohma
Chihiro continued with a bow til she realized... exactly what this Gazelle would be saying.

"How could you let her live her whole life without a name...?"

"A seer told me that she was not mine to be named... Sometimes I call her stardust...but Gazelle is it."

"I see... a seer told you that? So you knew you would be here..?"


"I see..." She thought, 'no wonder he knew where this pride was...But the tornado wouldn't just let anyone come in to the pride.. The Goddess of Tornadoes wouldn't allow anyone that meant us ill will to come here. This was her blessing...' She looked up and saw the tornado continue to pick up and fall like it naturally did since the blessing.. maybe it was the reason they were spared to some degree of the sky falling around them.. but yet being locked inside the pride. So much so that the tornado would pick up others that tried to leave and throw them across the lands..

"We will see you soon, The Ash."

She turned to Suta and nudged her. Suta followed quietly behind for a while before she stopped and looked back at him. A sense of maybe wanting to learn more about what that seer said... but Chihiro was hurrying her along. Then turned back to their dens and followed her.

The Ash looked on and watched them til they turned the corner and disappeared. He looked beside him- where the gazelle would usually bound against.. It had grown used to the soreness in his arm.

"Already that annoying thing is missed." He turned around and went back to his borrowed den and laid low. This time finally exhausted enough to sleep in a cave,,something he had never done before. This place... maybe is as bad as he thought.
[IC] Deserted...

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