Being a Seer was weird. Hateya had known what she was for a bit now mostly thanks to the fact that her father was one as well. As far as they were aware there was no god blood in the family and that they'd both just been born lucky as it were. Arkani's visions usually revolved around decisions he'd have to make as a leader and Hateya hoped that her own visions would some day prove to be useful. She definitely could see the future - so far her visions had only shown her things that would come to pass in the coming days - but they weren't very helpful up until now.

Although the vision she'd had...was it helpful? Or a warning?

It hadn't been a pleasant vision, that was for sure. Hobbits fleeing the pride's lands, an invading pride taking over and destroying the fruitful land, their allies turning their backs on them, and at the center of it all was Hateya herself. An adult, standing beside the invading leader with a look of resolution on her face. Not happiness, not sorrow, but some sort of expression that suggested she wanted this to happen. That she'd meant for the pride to dissolve into chaos. The strange lion that lead the charge had leaned down to speak into her ear to be heard over the roars and cries for help.

"Well done, Hateya."

At that point the vision had ended, sending the adolescent reeling. It had felt so real and the fact that all her visions prior to this one had come true made her burst into tears, her breathing erratic as she tried to get to her feet. It couldn't be true, could it? She wasn't going to lead some invading pride to destroy her home and be content with it? Her parents weren't in the den, nor were her siblings, and it seemed she was completely and utterly alone. Hateya collapsed back to the ground, her fear and sorrow overwhelming her, making her unable to seek help.

"Please," she whispered, curling in on herself. "Please, help me. That can't be true. I can't be the one to destroy this place."

A sudden sensation of peace settled over her, though her tears continued to fall. Another vision, she realized, though this one was unlike any she'd ever had before. Two huge lions were standing in a place she'd never seen before, lions so large they'd make her own father look like a cub beside them. There was a sense of safety there with those two despite their size and the rather intimidating set of horns on the male.

The vision ended gently, easing Hateya back into consciousness even though she was now exhausted from having two visions almost in a row. Her tears slowly stopped as an underlying sense of urgency began to fill her. She had to find them. Had to find those lions. They were going to help her, she was sure of it. But where were they?

She tried to piece together their location based on the surroundings she was able to remember, but the first vision of the destruction of the Suzat kept coming back into her mind. She sniffled and whimpered her way out of the den, peering around to see if there was any sign of the lions or any clues as to where she had to go. It was only when she faced north that something clicked, something felt right. They weren't in the pride, she realized. They were in the rogue lands. She had to leave.

For a moment the young lioness thought about telling her parents where she was going but the urgency within her swelled. No, there was no time for that. She'd have to go now. Hopefully they wouldn't worry...but if they did she'd just have to face the consequences when she returned. Although despair and sadness were still rolling around within her chest, Hateya felt that leaving now truly was the proper course of action. She had to talk to the lions she'd seen in her second vision immediately. Surely they would have some sort of answer for her, some way to stop the horrible things she'd seen.

Leaving the Suzat wasn't something Hateya had done before. She'd only just started to become curious as to what lay beyond their borders, the life of the Fallowhides suddenly interesting to her. Perhaps it was time to venture out herself and see what it was like to be one of the few Hobbits who willingly left their home. Sneaking low to the ground to avoid detection, Hateya slowly made her way from the dens to Northfarthing. It was certainly a dangerous place to be for an adolescent without supervision as the herds could take her as a threat and try to defend themselves as she wasn't one of the known Herders, but it was risk she'd have to take.

Thankfully the way through Northfarthing was uneventful and after a few hours she no longer could smell the familiar scents of home. Hateya lowered her head, her ears flat against her skull as she continued to walk. This was nothing she'd seen before and yet things were starting to become familiar. Finally she spotted two figures in the distance, simply standing side by side as if waiting. She lifted her head, her ears forward now as she paused to sniff the air. Unfortunately the wind wasn't blowing her way so all she could do was move forward.

As she slowly got closer the shapes became easier to distinguish. They were definitely lions and definitely large, and finally the horns atop the head of the male were visible. This was it. She'd come to the right place. These two were going to help her, although she wasn't sure how. They certainly weren't normal lions so perhaps they'd have some insight into leading a pride or the ways to avoid having her homeland overthrown by invaders.

Summoning her courage, Hateya approached the two huge lions slowly but surely, hopeful that she wasn't walking into a trap.