5 days before the island trip

Deia contacts him and tells him it was handled and gives him a hospital room number for his ex

"What did you do..."

"I handled it. Say thank you and get out."

"The ******** you mean you handled it. You told me he didn't want money so what the ******** did you do?"
( Note: Meph has NEVER been this aggressive with his sister before. He's usually a simpering wimp )

Deia bristles at his tone and the irises in her crimson orbs shoot into long slits. She'd angered by his lack of gratitude and disrespect. She stands slowly from her desk, actually giving him the time of day for once. Normally she barely registers his presence, but now she was fully focused on him and not in a good way. "I did what it took to keep the useless vermin you care about out of danger, so say thank you."

Mephitis winced as he saw his sister's irises immediately turn predatory and her gaze pierced right into his very soul. Those damn eyes... They were just like their father's. Usually, that'd make him back down almost immediately, but it only pissed him off even more. Scales bristling across his face as she insulted his friend. "Don't you talk about her like that. She's my friend." He took a deep breath and asked again, "I'll thank you when you tell me what you did."

Oh, he wanted to be ungrateful did he? Deia regarded him with a cold, emotionless stare. "Very well, have it your way." She returned to the desk where she worked and sank into her chair as calm as ever, her movements simple and direct. The desk phone was picked up and the line to one of her assistants was pressed. When the other person answered, Deia spoke calm and collected but her dragon gaze was still active, proving otherwise. "Clarice, contact Washington hospital and tell them we won't be funding room 227 anymore." Pause. "Yes, that's correct."

Mephitis' eyes shot open as soon as her sister contacted Clarice. It was as if he knew what sister was doing before the words even shot out of her mouth. All of his scales immediately retreating and his eyes returning to normal as he bowed towards her and cried out, "I'm sorry... That was stupid of me, Deia." He took a deep breath as he clenched his fist at his side. "Please keep funding her room. Please accept my apology for even questioning your decision. Whatever you did, it brought the best outcome. So," He didn't want to say it. He didn't want to thank his sister. To him, she was turning into a monster but she had saved them all. "Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done. I swear I'll make it up to you." He had been put in his place... Again. There was nothing he could do.

"Hold that Clarice." Deia’s expression did not shift at all as Mephitis apologized and backed down. "Nevermind Clarice, I'm feeling generous today." She wasn't. She was still furious with her brother for being such an ungrateful, human loving s**t. But he was her only brother. The phone clicked when she placed it back down. "Very well." She returned to the tablet in front of her where she was studying theology. "Have your raven haired friend come in for testing before you go on your school trip."

Mephitis breathed a sigh of relief as he slowly closed his eyes and just thanked whatever gods there were. He couldn't play the same game that his sister or father could. They would commit hellish, amoral crimes without even blinking an eye. Any life but an Isernia's was useless. People kept telling him that there was something worth saving in Deia... He wanted to believe them but he wasn't sure. He just took a deep breath as he slowly stood back up straight and said, "I'm requesting to be present for the tests. I want to also know more about Aella." Yes, there was a curiosity about what she was. However, he also wanted to make sure Deia didn't hurt her.

"Very well." Deia hadn't originally planned on running any tests on his friends, but after his rudeness she wanted him to sweat a little, so she figured she could have someone run her through the basics to remind him how their relationship worked.

"Thank you, Deia. I'll get to work." Scales were already brimming across Mephitis' body again, but it wasn't because of her. It was because of how useless he felt. Deia had handle the Cash problem, not him. Deia had saved his ex, not him. Deia had full control of this entire situation... Not him. He was weak, stupid, and hopeless. He hated it. He swore he wouldn't let it stay this way. He was going to become stronger than her. He was going to become stronger than both of them. However, he wasn't asking the real question. How much had they sacrificed to get where they were? How much was he willing to sacrifice to match them?