User Image The day had been, for lack of a better word, eventful. And long. Filled with pain and regret, fury and absolute savagery. It was an understatement to say that Siyo'Jini was exhausted, and his entire body ached from the various injuries he had incurred, but he had refused to see a healer. There were others in the pride that had suffered injuries as well, and with the Tani'Ajiri's limited resources he preferred that they had been seen to first. He could wait. Upon his return to the pride his nostrils had been filled with the scent of blood, and a lot of it. It hadn't taken him and the brothers, Khanyo and Neze, long to find its source and more than a few excited mercs to fill him in on the details. Apparently, while he had been away at the border, a few members of the Tani'Ajiri had snuffed out more of Kiv'mauti's pursuers and had dispatched them without hesitation. Siyo'Jini felt a profound sense of pride in his little band of mercenaries, and he would need to personally thank those responsible once all was said and done.

For now, though, he stood quietly near Jua's healer's den. He had taken a few moments to speak with Thunzi before sending the leopard and a pair of guarding lionesses off to check on the rest of the pride in his stead. It was something Siyo'Jini himself would have liked to do, but his body was battered from the ambush at the border, and he needed to rest.

He approached the mouth of the den, his emerald eyes lancing through the darkness as he spotted Kiv'mauti quietly sitting in the shadows. His pace quickened to close the gap between them, despite the slight hitch in his step due to injuries, as he did not hesitate to embrace her. One paw draped her shoulders as he gently pulled her into mane and his large head bowed and rested against hers. He could not bring himself to speak of the great relief he felt at seeing her alive and unharmed, and he struggled not to pull her tighter for fear of crushing her frail frame. He closed his eyes against the darkness, simply content to know that she was still there with him.

She had felt more comfortable with Thunzi by her side than she had alone in the darkness. They hadn't talked much, as it was still rather draining for her to do so, but he had briefly caught her up on what was going on in their lives and with their pride. She had been surprised to hear that Thunzi had found himself a mate, and not at all surprised to hear that they hadn't wasted any time in bringing cubs into the world. Still, despite his mirthful tone and light conversation, she could feel a tiredness and a tension in his voice that made her wonder. How much of a toll was leading a pride and starting a family taking on him? It, well, it wasn't her business, but she couldn't help but feel worried for him.

As the day had dragged on, and a pair of lionesses had shown up to quietly guard outside the den, she began to worry about Siyo'Jini. Thunzi hadn't told her but the briefest of explanations as to where he was, and she hadn't the energy to question him further.

After what had seemed like an eternity, and as the sun was already at its highest point in the sky, she finally caught a glimpse of him. She'd tried to stand but had only managed to shakily bring herself up to a sitting position before Thunzi quietly excused himself to meet with Siyo out in the open. She waited, patiently, thankful that he had finally returned. Her eyes lingered on the dark lion as she studied him and the various injuries he now sported. She could only imagine the trouble he had gone through to help her.

After words had been exchanged, Thunzi and the two lionesses left, and Siyo'Jini, her Siyo'Jini returned to her. She watched the hitch in his gate and her ears flicked back slightly in worry, but despite that he had covered the ground between them quickly and embraced her. His touch sincere and gentle, as if he were trying not to break her, but that didn't stop Kiv'mauti from pressing herself further into his mane in a fierce gesture of embrace.

It took all his willpower to not hold her tighter, and even more to eventually pull away so he could look her in the eye. "They're gone, Kiv. You're safe now." After briefly speaking with Thunzi, and learning of the attacks in their territory, and the attempt on her life, Siyo'Jini was thankful he'd had a pride to aid him in keeping her safe.

He pulled away and she steadied herself on uneasy paws, glad that he had come back to her. His words brought out surprising reaction in her that she had not expected. An overwhelming feeling of relief that brought tears to her eyes threatened to nearly topple her over. She had expected to feel joy, and happiness, not tears. "Thank you," she whispered. Had anyone else brought her this news she would have been dubious, but the fact that it was Siyo'Jini himself that told her she was safe, she had no reason not to believe him.

He waited and watched the tears form around her eyes, unsure of how to react, but then she spoke, and he could only smile. "Of course," he replied quietly as he gently pressed his forehead to hers. "What will you do now?" he asked in a hushed tone, carefully guarded so as not to belie the turmoil he felt by asking such a question. He shouldn't expect her to stay with him, that would be too good. Too good for a mercenary like him, who had already endured and steeled his heart against the pain and suffering this life had brought him. Still, he found himself holding his breath, an inkling of hope flickering in the cold darkness.

She was content just to feel the weight of his head against hers, happy to know that he was still with her, and that she had not awoken to some twisted nightmare where she was still being held captive. His question caught her off guard slightly, as she hadn't expected him to ask her that. She pulled back to look him in the eyes, watching the carefully guarded expression he wore while he awaited her answer. He hid it well, but she could see the storm of emotion he held at bay, just past his emerald eyes. Her expression softened and she leaned forward bump her nose lightly against his. "I thought I'd stay here, with you," she told him, a small smile tugging at the corners of her maw. "Maybe even help you boys out with your 'contracts' every once in a while. If I remember correctly, you're both pretty helpless without me," she smirked shyly, tilting her head at him.

The immense joy he felt at hearing those simple words, that she would stay with him, was enough to make him grin a rather boyish grin. For as serious as Siyo'Jini was, Kiv brought out a completely different side of him. One that had nearly been forgotten. "Is that so?" he questioned with a feigned rumble deep in his throat. "You'll have to remind me the next time we spar," he told her playfully as he bumped her gently on the shoulder.

She grinned at him, pleased to have brought out this side of her favorite lion. "I'm a bit rusty," she admitted as she slid down to her belly to rest her paws. "You'll have to teach me again before I can properly kick your butt." For the first time in years it felt as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. To know that she was no longer being hunted, and that she had found her Siyo'Jini, that was a bliss she had never expected to feel or understand.

He waited for her to get comfortable before he carefully lowered his body next to hers, coiling himself around her in a protective embrace. "Get some rest first," he laughed. "There will be plenty of time for butt kicking when you've recovered," he told her.

((Word Count: 1,399))