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It was a cloudy day today, Ogmios noted as he prowled beside his comrades, and a special day to add to his first viking. This was because his group had decided to catch themselves a Thrall today, and the thrill of it sent shivers up his spine. He was aiming to become a Reaver once this was all over, and with luck, he would get to say he’d helped catch a Thrall to prove himself.

Light coat low to the ground, he tried his best to make as little sound as possible as he crept forward. They had scoped out all the animals nearby. Unfortunately, there weren’t any lionesses nearby, something he was disappointed in, but there were a few other creatures out and about. That said, his captain had decided to go for a better prize than a small bird or rabbit - no, he wanted to go after something that would put up a fight, and Ogmios would be lying if he said the idea didn’t send a rush of excitement through him.

Of course, a good fight would come from a creature more like them, and the closest match to that were a couple of leopards nearby, as well as the strange one among them. Ogmios was fairly certain that the strange one was what the captain had his eyes on, though Og, himself, didn’t much care which.

Said strange one was a hybrid, he’d been told. Someone had lain with a leopard, most likely, and produced this. What a strange choice, Og thought, to willing decide to do that, but then, it did mean that this particular fellow seemed larger, more bulky than all the leopards surrounding him. So perhaps it was intentional to make a stronger leopard. Either way though, the strange one was still smaller than he and his company, and very clearly not lion. So, good Thrall material, pretty much. That said, if they managed to bring home a few more Thralls in the form of these leopards, then all the better. Perhaps he’d even be able to keep one as a pet.

Crawling through the deep grass, Ogmios positioned himself where he was told and waited for the signal.

Emeric, meanwhile, was enjoying the company of these leopards. Sure, he wasn’t a full blooded one, but they seemed pleasant enough. In fact, the female he was currently talking to, Prydet, seemed positively delightful to be around. Coy and bashful, she was cozying up to him and he was quite enjoying the attention.

Of course, for Prydet’s part, she was mostly interested in finding good company to spend the springtime season with. A quick summer fling, as it were, with someone strong and pretty, and she’d always been a fan of flashier fur colors. So it was no surprise that she had her eye on this hybrid stranger. A bit of fun with someone different from the leopards she’d normally surround herself with. If she ended up with cubs or not, she would deal with later down the line. All she wanted was some fun.

Tail curling slyly, Prydet rubbed her head up under his chin, knowing from experience that it would make a male melt, and inwardly mocked the other females around her scowling at having lost their prize. “You know, I wouldn’t mind a companion to travel with, Emeric. You’re so strong and kind,” she practically purred into his ear, “and I’ve had such a rough winter. I’d really like to.. spend more time with you.”

Emeric smirked at those words, wrapping his own tail around her leg to pull her closer, “Well, far be it from me to leave a damsel in distre-” He never finished his sentence though, as that was when they struck.

A deafening roar echoed across the plain, followed by yowling as the leopards around them began scattering. Emeric’s head shot up in attention, quickly forgetting the moment he was just having in the face of danger. Eyes narrowing, he growled and pushed Prydet behind him to protect her as he analyzed the threat.

Lions poured out of the tall grass, surrounding the small group of leopards. Any who tried to flee were quickly stopped, and the field turned into a battleground as they clashed.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of blue and white. Emeric whipped around, shoving Prydet aside as he barreled into the lion that charged at them. “Run, Prydet!”

He didn’t need to say it twice. This was absolutely not the ‘fun’ she was looking for, and she wasn’t about to back up the hybrid, handsome as he was. They had only earlier that day, after all. If he was willing to go to bat for her, then so be it. Turning on her heels, and seeing the opening he’d given her, Prydet tore off into the grass. She could hear a few other leopards behind her, also taking advantage of the situation to flee.

Emeric snarled and bit at the lion, trying to fend off as best he could. His efforts were rewarded in that the majority of the leopards had managed to run, with only a few of the lions going after them. Leopards were fast and agile - he hoped they got away.

The only problem now was his own predicament.

Ogmios hadn’t really intended to take on the hybrid directly. No, he’d actually been going for the leopard next to him, hoping to snag his own Thrall, but his attempt had been thwarted and he instead found himself fighting tooth and nail against the leopon. Cursing inwardly at losing his initial catch, he said turned his fury on Emeric, tossing gashes against his side and face until he backed up.

As the two dove apart, Emeric quickly realized a problem - he was surrounded. In addition to that, he could spy another unfortunate leopard that hadn’t managed to get away, pinned to the ground as she was. Tail lashing, his gaze snapped over to a large male that walked forward, glaring at the smirk on his face.

“We’ve got a wild one this time, don’t we, boys?” The collective chuckle amongst the group was not quite echoed by Ogmios, who was still snarling and angry at the hybrid for the blood now running down his nose. All it took was a look from his captain and a simple nod for him to rush forward once more, this time aiming to subdue. This one had made him lose a catch and drew his blood - oh, he would pay, and unfortunately, despite being part lion, Emeric wasn’t quite as large as a full grown lion.

The two clashed in a ball of angry roars. Far away, high up and hidden within a tree, Prydet was watching as they fought. She was lucky enough to slip up among the foliage without anyone seeing, and now remained, quiet.

She had to give the hybrid this: he gave as good as he got. She’d clearly chosen well, at the time, but she grimaced as he was forced into the ground, head pinned below a heavy paw. Well, that was that. So much for a fun summer. She’d just have to go looking elsewhere. With a flick of her ear, she tucked her head down and waited for the lions to eventually leave.

Ogmios pressed down hard on the leopon’s head, forcing it into the dirt, and only let up slightly when his captain walked up beside him. Said captain muttered a quick, “Good job, newbie,” before turning and barking orders at the rest of his crew to help corral the hybrid.

With a smirk of his own, Og leaned down to whisper into Emeric’s ear, “Welcome to your new life, Thrall.”

Word Count: 1293