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(This is set prior to Dinara joining the N’ezi.)

Dusk had long since fallen across the land as a lone, brown lioness made her way gracefully across it. The area she had found herself in was dry and barren, a stark difference from what she was used to, but for whatever reason, she was more intrigued by it than frightened. With nighttime coming, she knew that she would need to find shelter soon, but she wanted to travel just a bit farther, see what lay just a bit further.

Dinara had come from the Bahari pride but, yearning to see what lay beyond it, she had chosen to leave and strike out on her own. Her family was sad, of course, but she counted herself among the lucky to still have their support. Others would have fought against her decision, but, with a mother who’d had her own experience as a rogue, she was simply encouraged to follow her heart.

Interesting, though, that her heart had pushed her to such a barren place. She was used to warm air, lush foliage and a salty sea. Here, there was no ocean, very little plants and the air had a chill to it that she had never experienced. It left a rush of adrenaline through her, making her push onwards in intrigue.

So far, she hadn’t encountered anyone else, which made her wonder if anyone lived here. Surely there was someone?

Almost as if in answer to her thoughts, a tan colored dot emerged on the horizon. Heart leaping in her throat and excitement along her paws, Dinara trotted faster in the hopes of introducing herself. As she got closer, she realized that it was another feline but… not a lion. Having never encounter a different species beyond her own before, she smiled and decided to find out more about them.

The stranger, meanwhile, had an unsettled look on her face as she watched the lioness approach. Prydet contemplated turning and running away, but after her encounter with the strange bird, she wanted to know how far she was from normalcy. Rogue lions could be good or bad for a leopard like herself, but this one had a friendly look to her. Perhaps she could at least get some decent info out of her.

As the two approached each other, Dinara launched immediately into introducing herself, “Hello, good evening!”

“To you too.” Though, honestly, Prydet felt like it wasn’t so great a day, but she wasn’t about to start this off with that much pessimism. “Traveling through here as well?”

Dinara gave a cheery smile back, “Yes!” She cast a curious look around them, before turning back to her, “Am I to take it then that you don’t live here?”

Prydet grimaced at the thought and shook her head, “Heavens, no. In fact, I’ve had my fill of this place. I’m hoping it’s not too far until the terrain changes?” The end of her sentence was filled with hope and she felt a wave of relief as the lioness nodded. “Oh thank goodness.”

Dinara couldn’t help but giggle at that, “Not your type of prey, I take it?”

“No,” the leopard responded with a flat voice.

“Well,” Dinara hummed, “I think this place is really interesting. I’m hoping to find people who live here. I’d love to see more of this place.”

Prydet’s nose curled at the thought, but, wanting to give back her own information as well, she answered, “I think you might be in luck then. There are some creatures who live here. I’d heard rumors even of a pride of lions.” She decided to omit her strange encounter with the hoopoe though. Hopefully this lioness’ experience would be better than hers. “Just.. be careful of who you trust.”

Dinara’s eyes practically sparkled at the thought of meeting a pride here. Oh, what an interesting bunch they must be! What sort of tales did they have? What was their culture like? She wanted to learn of it, and perhaps, if they permitted her.. she could even try living here. That would certainly be an exciting adventure. Tail curling excitedly, she nodded back, “I’ll have to seek them out then, thank you!”

Not noticing that the leopard seemed to think her insane, she watched as Prydet gave a noncommittal shrug before beginning to walk away, and with a jolt, she realized that she never actually introduced herself by name.

“I’m Dinara, by the way, and uh..” How to ask..? “I couldn’t help but notice that you’re not a lion.”

The statement made Prydet pause before scoffing, “Indeed.” And when she made no other answer back, Dinara cleared her throat and bit the bullet.

“Do you mind me asking.. what you are? I’ve never come across someone so similar yet so different before.”

That got her an incredulous look back. Was this lioness serious? Was she THAT sheltered? She debated not answering for a second there, before deciding that she’d rather teach than leave her ignorant. “I’m a leopard.” She puffed up slightly, “And you had best remember that for the future. We’re not very rare out here.”

A leopard, huh? Dinara cheered inwardly at this new piece of information. “Cool, I hope I get to meet them in the future as well.”

Prydet rolled her eyes, pitying whoever she’d come across next. Deciding she’d had her fill of this conversation, she turned and continued on her way, hoping to cut things off here.

Dinara, realizing that their meeting was being brought to an end, tried to quickly throw out, “Have a safe travel out. Oh, and I don’t think I ever caught your name!”

The leopard paused at that, throwing a look back over her shoulder, and then let out a grunt, “Prydet.” With that said, she went back to walking, determined to make it out even if it took all night.

Dinara watched her walk away for a few moments before turning and walking with purpose towards the way the leopard had come. With luck, she would find the borders of said pride.

Word Count: 1004