((Total: 15 - Lose))

Helle was certainly annoyed that the spar had been called off already, as she had been getting ready to launch a ferocious attack against the two brothers for landing on her. But it seemed that would have to wait until next
time. The lioness yawned and stretched out her jaw as she shook herself. No, she wasn't much of a morning riser, but maybe she could get use to this if she had a good spar to look forward to. These two mercenaries were no slouches when it came to fighting, and she was glad to have tested herself against them. Even if it meant she had ultimately lost the day.

At Neze's offer she inclined her head. "My best friend is a hunter, I'm sure she wouldn't mind us joining in on her hunt," she told them. The two males seemed to perk up at the idea and she snorted in amusement. Males really did think with their stomachs sometimes. "Come on, she's probably already started," she told the two as she turned to lead them to Jord's favorite hunting grounds.