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You are no match for the MIGHTY THOR!

As he watched his brother hug his own father, Thor smirked softly at this touching moment. He knew he didn't want to make things awkward as he saw this tender moment though he noticed that Kratos was almost shocked on his face when this happened but tried to hide it. With that, the portal opened as he walked straight into the portal with Stormbreaker relaxing on his shoulder before walking through with Loki. He knew exactly what needed to happen and if everything worked out, he would want to talk with Kratos in the future about everything that had happened and how to make things better....but for now, they must fight for the freedom of the realms.
As the two left, Kratos stood there with his hand tight against Gungnir, the Spear that was once Odin's. He tapped on it softly with his index finger as he looked around the room, seeing the unconscious bodies of vikings scattered around which only made him sigh in annoyance. He knew what needed to be done as he grabbed a few items in need before walking over the sleeping vikings before heading out the caverns where he had been living at for many many years. Wrapping himself with a cloak made of many furs, he walked out into the snow as he headed toward Kattegard, Ready for the worse.

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Marcus Emrys



