Mr Cheri
Let me know if you want me to change anything. ^^

Dusk crept along the horizon, heralded by the roars and bugling of dragons in lust. Tosk tried to push away the budding headache as a powerful wave of emotion rolled over the Weyr. Staring up at the rush of dragons overhead wasn't comforting either; amongst them he recognised Auriath, and the thought of his brother out there...

Are you sure you don't want to chase?

No. I would not dishonour her or Leoth. It would be wrong. His certainty brooked no counter, and Ussurianth turned away from the distant dragonflight to contemplate his rider. Shall we visit Isteth and His?

Tosk's face contorted for a moment, emotions warring on a nornally blank canvas. Ussurianth concealed a snort behind a rustle of wings, as he stood up in his wallow. I'm sure she appreciates your company as much as you do hers.

"Ussurianth!" Oddly, the name came out half-choked. Tosk turned away from the impertinent bronze, grappling with his inner thoughts and feelings. Bleh. What a mess. Life was just messy.

Come on.

For once, Tosk decided to just go with the flow. Something- maybe the libertain rush now embracing the Weyr- pushed him where he normally might have held back. He slunk low over the bronze's back, enjoying the rush of wind in his face.

Isteth. We have come to visit. Ussurianth announced with absolutely no ceremony whatsoever. He settled nearby, waiting patiently for an invitation he more than believed he deserved. Tosk slid off his back, patting him with his singular, remaining hand.

"Hey R'xa." The blond greeted, lifting his arm. She'd been so kind to him, from their time as candidates to the most recent recovery from Threadfall... Even through her struggles, she had always made time for him. Had he ever thanked her? Did she know how grateful he was, deep down?