User ImageWith the initial buzz of newly settling into her new home and getting her cozy earthen den as she liked, Ruqayqa, with much more free time on her paws, found that wanted to get a better handle on the lay of the land. Since she had stuck pretty close to her den in the earliest days among the Suzat, there were whole swaths of the surrounding farthings that she simply hadn't really ventured into yet. Having settled in the gently rolling foothills of Westfarthing, Ru could say that she at least had a decent idea about her immediate surroundings, but she didn't want to go through loads of trial and error in her navigating.

On this particularly pleasant, sunny afternoon, the lioness had resolved herself to start learning and headed out, passing a couple of her neighbors chatting amongst themselves on her way. They hailed her in greeting, extending the invite for her to join them. Flashing a smile, she politely declined. Ru explained her plan for the afternoon. One neighbor suggested she perhaps find someone to give her a tour. That would probably be easier to learn that way instead of just wandering around on her own, could get on with her day all the quicker and maybe she could join them later if she wasn't too tuckered out from her sightseeing. They did have a point, she had to admit.

Well, if they wanted to chat with her so... "Would you two like to show me around? We could talk on the way," She suggested. There was a few beats of silence before the pair answered with varying degrees of gentle no thank you. Humming thoughtfully, Ru scanned around. "Well, do you know anyone who might be up for showing me around?" She waited patiently while her neighbors conferred amongst themselves before the two refocused their attention on her again. They rattled off a few names and concluded with, "You can always see if Funani's free. He could possibly show you around." Hey, it was a start! She thanked them, bade them farewell, and headed off. Of course, as she headed down the path the creeping realization hit her. New as she was, she was still learning names and didn't know many other hobbits enough to put names to the faces she'd seen. Oh...A sense of self-conscious embarrassment hit the lioness. Her ears pinned back as she sighed at herself. At least, she knew Funani was a male. She could ask around for him. That would be the less embarrassing option than marching back toward home hunting for descriptions from her neighbors. So, off Ruqayqa went to ask around to find a hobbit that she didn't know hopefully somewhere close, but potentially off in some area she wasn't familiar with. Surely, sooner or later, someone would point her where she'd need to go.

Do let me know if I need to add or tweak anything, or if you need more to go off of. c: