Ashura returned to his home with Genichiro after his hunt that took him back to Ryusei's forest, believing another pure skinwalker had taken up residence in the absence of the black dog. Imagine his surprise when he saw the familiar skinwalker, roaming freely and heavily pregnant. Obviously, his insolent offspring did not do as instructed, and instead defied Ashura in the worst way. Genichiro was meant to kill the skinwalker on his own after it became apparent that she was charmed. Unworthy of Ashura's efforts, he delegated the task of killing the skinwalker to Genichiro, certain that the black kitsune was up to the task. It should not have been immensely challenging.

Genichiro told Ashura that the dog was dead, and returned with little more than a scratch. Apparently, Ashura was a fool to believe the lying wretch.

"Genichiro," he growled, calling for the black kitsune.

Genichiro revealed himself, emerging from their den. Blood dripped from his mouth, and he tilted his head at his father. He squinted at Ashura's furious eyes, then grinned. "What are you mad about this time, Dad?"

His words irritated Ashura further. "Did you kill the black dog?"

Genichiro was silent for a moment, considering his response. "No," he began, his smile broadening. "You saw her again, didn't you?"

Ashura's tails lashed behind him, too enraged to control them. "She's pregnant. The charmed walker is pregnant."


At this point, Ashura was seething. "How dare you mix our genes with that weak, pathetic excuse for a skinwalker."

Genichiro's smile faded as well, replaced by the lifelong rage he had towards his father. "Ah, so you wanna control everything, huh? Even my genes?"

"Those are my genes," he snarled, "and you are not worthy of them."

"Yeah? Then take them." Genichiro lunged at his father, blade at his side and claws extended.

In a way, Ashura realized he was a hypocrite, demanding freedom from those who wished to control him. Yet here he was exerting an extreme amount of control over a skinwalker. He could not direct Genichiro to the life Ashura desired him to live. He would not be the skinwalker Ashura wanted him to be. Now, he was another skinwaker, and Ashura, if nothing else, was an accomplished killer of skinwalkers.

He would see if Genichiro learned anything at all over the years.

Ashura also refrained from drawing his blade to answer Genichiro's initial attack. Instead, he sidestepped the other kitsune, striking him with a paw behind his head as he passed. Genichiro growled, wheeling around, this time his sword drawn.

Ashura eyed his son for a moment, furious both with the black kitsune before him and his own foolishness. He was more like his master, Hojo, than he believed. Although, he was not idiotic to the point of believing that he could change a skinwalker's nature, he still attempted to do the impossible: control a skinwalker. He believed Genichiro would grow into a proper killer, just like Ashura had done. He wanted Genichiro to feel the same desire to break free of his father's hold; the desire to kill his father for the sake of his freedom. That desire was apparent in Genichiro's onslaught; however, the young kitsune lacked the discipline and patience to properly execute that fantasy.

Genichiro was far unlike his father in that regard. He did not have Ashura's foresight, and that doomed him to this fate.

Their fight was longer than either expected. After exchanging several strikes, it appeared that Genichiro was gaining control over the duel. He had the raw strength and speed, as well as the natural technique to contend with Ashura; however, it was not enough.

Ashura parried Genichiro's thrust, and twisted back with a thrust of his own. The blade entered Genichiro's chest and exited through his withers. The breath left the black kitsune's chest, his normally profound vitality rapidly fading.

Ashura withdrew his steel, and Genichiro slowly fell to the ground. Blood streamed out of the wound, and the weak kitsune glowered up at his father.

Ashura watched him with a chilling indifference. He did not speak as he turned and walked away from the fallen kitsune.

Genichiro could not make much of a sound, even though he longed to scream at Ashura. Darkness took him, his last vision of the ghastly white walker fading from view.